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by :FI:Genosse » Sun Jan 03, 2010 10:54 am
:FI:Mikester wrote:Spoke to Greg, he's got it sorted.
you got 2 Windows options when downloading the new client.
Client 32-Bit 3.0.0-beta9 (Windows XP, Vista, Windows 7 32 bit only )
Client 64-Bit 3.0.0-beta9 (Windows XP, Vista, Windows 7 64 bit only )
Just make sure you download the correct one or youl have issues.
Same log-in information will be used as on the TS2 server, folks!
Here ye there!

Nunc est bibendum - Let's start to drink!

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by :FI:Airway » Sun Jan 03, 2010 11:06 am
:FI:Mikester wrote:Gents
Thats the new TS3 server up and running. Still have a few things to sort out but working on it.
Think its the same address
port 5310
So new TS3 client needed before you can connect.