Update :-
Added timeout chat lines to "rcu" file, works fine but need to add a little extra time to allow for startup.
Sorted, a little rooting around the Airwarfare forums and come up with this solution:-
"rcu" file:-
@set fast off
@set echo on
@set alias on
@set history 20
@alias a alias
@a h history
@a s show
@a on fps START SHOW
@a off fps STOP SHOW
@a m file messages.txt
"messages.txt" (create in main Il2 folder) :-
@chat Welcome to Server fisneaky.servegame.org
@timeout 360000 chat ATTENTION ! - unidentified aircraft in Delta 12. Any flights in the area are to locate and identify ALL
@timeout 420000 chat Write your message here ALL
@timeout 480000 chat ~S~ everyone - Well done ALL
It appears the chat will only activate when other players are connected. I tried testing solo in multiplayer and none of the chat appeared. Later on it confused the hell out of a J_O class as I'd forgotten to switch the files back.
............................will there ever be a part 2?
Well it may be possible to rotate DF missions without using a dedicated server.