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Posted: Tue Mar 20, 2007 1:57 pm
by AltarBoy
Hope all these rules don't take the fun out of the sessions. It's just a game. I like accuracy as much as the other bloke but let's not go overboard. In real life I won't make it past the outhouse. :lol:

Posted: Tue Mar 20, 2007 2:40 pm
by :FI:Sneaky_Russian
:FI:AltarBoy wrote:Hope all these rules don't take the fun out of the sessions. It's just a game. I like accuracy as much as the other bloke but let's not go overboard. In real life I won't make it past the outhouse. :lol:
From whats been happening Fridays in HE; I'd say it would add to the fun.

With a full house most Sundays splitting flights in to TS channels and setting key assigns for whispers to Channel family helps a lot.

Better comms = better SA = greater immersion.

Posted: Tue Mar 20, 2007 3:13 pm
by :FI:Nellip
:FI:AltarBoy wrote:Hope all these rules don't take the fun out of the sessions. It's just a game. I like accuracy as much as the other bloke but let's not go overboard. In real life I won't make it past the outhouse. :lol:
If you don't like the rules, don't fly in these Co-ops.

If you want different rules, write and host your own missions.


Posted: Tue Mar 20, 2007 3:24 pm
by :FI:Falcon
Nelli's gettin' all Typa-A on us!


and that's ... okay.

Good rules all, I s'pose. Maybe if takeoff is on a Soviet carrier we can have two restarts?

If you want this sticky, start a new thread and add the radio stuff to the rules. If you can't sticky that, a RoadCrewDude can help.

Fal "I just hope I'M not the 'irritant' " con

Posted: Tue Mar 20, 2007 3:52 pm
by AltarBoy
If you don't like the rules, don't fly in these Co-ops.
Ok, well I guess that says it all. :roll:

AB signing out!

Posted: Tue Mar 20, 2007 4:13 pm
by :FI:Nellip
:FI:Falcon wrote:Nelli's gettin' all Typa-A on us!


and that's ... okay.

Good rules all, I s'pose. Maybe if takeoff is on a Soviet carrier we can have two restarts?

If you want this sticky, start a new thread and add the radio stuff to the rules. If you can't sticky that, a RoadCrewDude can help.

Fal "I just hope I'M not the 'irritant' " con
Must be PMS - the reason why once a month women behave the way men do all the time :lol:

Seriously I am not irritated, or not much, but I do think it's a shame that some people don't enjoy the SCS missions anymore because of some inconsiderate behaviour. Trying to get this squad to do anything is like trying to herd cats - it achieves nothing and irritates the cats :lol: but given some of the comments being expressed I felt we need to do something.

If we fly from any Soviet carriers Stu you can have as many restarts as you like :lol:

I'll post a new thread when I get home from work and have the time to do it properly.

Posted: Tue Mar 20, 2007 4:28 pm
by :FI:Sneaky_Russian
Would having Axis planes (and comms) avilable relieve the pressure?


Posted: Tue Mar 20, 2007 5:01 pm
by :FI:TacticalS!
The problem with pursuing immersion is that it can never truly be obtained. Understand that once you start this journey it will become an ongoing experience. At least that's how it’s been on Friday nights. There are plateaus, small ones anyway, where we have finally achieved something tangible, only to then see new challenges on the horizon. This can become unnerving to some folks. On top of all this there's always new mates joining, so at times we must take a couple steps back in order to regroup.

Seems to me there are a core group of lads seeking greater challenges and higher immersion on Sundays too. Apologize for nothing mate. Just try to design the sessions in a manner that are still accessible to the entire Squadron, including those less interested in immersion. Understand that these folks won't progress much with teamplay, while on the other hand some/most will. It is these guys you must focus your concern and energy. Pair up and join flights with the other pilots that enjoy these challenges.

In the end you can't have fun with teamplay without developing a team. That takes leadership, organization and discipline. If you think you can - well - good luck with that. Teamplay is really difficult but I sense many :FI: are looking for this increased challenge/change after flying together for so long without really being a member of a team.

Furthermore, I believe the skills and experiences being presently pursued will serve the :FI: well in future online wars, especially as we move into the BOB era of flight combat.

In the meantime I think we have and can continue to enjoy this level of gameplay without loosing the spirit of the Fightin' Irish. And for those looking for something less organized there will be such opportunity because the folks interested in other pursuits will see to it.


Posted: Tue Mar 20, 2007 6:10 pm
by AltarBoy
Wouldn't it be much easier to have a chat with these 'few' persons rather than having all these heavy rules placed on everyone? I will probably not join your sessions since I've been down this road before and half the time the fun factor is thrown out the window because some irate member is bawling the crap out of you for an infraction. Sorry just my view and perhaps this may work for you guys. Just not my cup of tea. So, I'll take Nellip's advice and bail out of the sessions.

Posted: Tue Mar 20, 2007 6:47 pm
by :FI:Nellip

Sorry you feel that way - actually none of this is about you. I can only remember you being in one of the Sunday sessions that I wrote the missions for and you were pretty quiet on comms.

I am just trying to reflect what I thought was a ground swell of opinion from some long standing members who have been major contributors to the squad over many years.

Nobody is trying to stifle anyones enjoyment, just take away some of the issues that are easy to address. On Sunday we only got in 2 missions over a 2 1/2 hour period - some of which was my fault due to a crash on take off :lol: , but by tightening up on some things maybe we can get to do more flying in our precious leisure time.

I think Falcon's suggested comms procedures are a good balance between being social and being immersive.

We are a pretty inclusive bunch here and the point I was making a few posts up the thread - and apologies it does look a bit curt in hindsight (blame a long day at work :( ) - was that if the host and the mission builder who are putting in the time to make these events possible for others to enjoy want to set some ground rules, they should be allowed to do so.


Posted: Tue Mar 20, 2007 6:55 pm
by :FI:Rabitski
Ok. here goes nothing.

Firstly someone has to decide to start making these coop's. they then spend a lot of time just trying to think up different missions, one normaly has good idea's for 1 or 2 but then what do you put in the rest. how many do you want to make, what time frame are you covering, what planes are you going to fly and what will the AI fly. All that happens before you even start to make them. then you have to fly each one to sort out any timeing issues weather conditions and flak and all the rest, and you have to do all that for Both the fighters and the bomber's. then you have to test it on-line and get some feedback to see what others think of the whole set up, always keeping in mind that what you as mission builder can do others may not, so you have to find a balance in there somewhere.
this take's months of hard work( I think Vin and I were on Pearl to Japan non-stop for 3mth's) before it ever saw the light of day. So haveing someone show a bit of cop-on and respect during the coop's really isn't all that much to ask.
As to the rules again it's just a matter of cop-on really and I thought they were pritty much understood at this stage of the game. No one is asking to be addressed as Sir around here, just to keep the chat down, and even that's not saying cut it out completly. god know's these guy's spent long eneough listening to me chew gum.
Maybe we could solve the problem by having the yappers go fly with Tactical for a while :D ( thats what you were offering? right Tact).

Posted: Tue Mar 20, 2007 7:07 pm
by :FI:Falcon
Don't worry AB,

The Irish clean up fairly good ...

not reallly good but fairly good.

They won't get all up with salutes and sieg heils and bowin' to the Emperor an' stuff.

Trust in their kind souls and good hearts to keep this fun

but let'em get in their Sunday best from time t'time.


Posted: Tue Mar 20, 2007 7:16 pm
by :FI:Gurberly
2 missions over 150 mins has to be an all time low, thank god I as not there, I would have ended up shouting at someone ;)

Hey we don't mind you chewing gum... it's just the way you pop it :)

Hand crafting coops for the delight of all is a tough one. I have made many a single one in the past, and have a new set of three Norway ones itching to go but I have never gone to the lengths of making a week in week out campaign.

Trying to get the timings right on one mission is bad enough... Its easy to make a mission that is either too easy or too hard, get the balance right can be a bugger.

Remind me to look at those dynamic campaign generators again....


Posted: Tue Mar 20, 2007 7:45 pm
by :FI:TacticalS!
:FI:Rabitski wrote:
Maybe we could solve the problem by having the yappers go fly with Tactical for a while :D ( that’s what you were offering? right Tact).

You promised that if we let Falcon fly with us, you know when the misses allows him to, that our community service would be done? Now more misfits and vagabonds? You know McBiggles flies with us too, right? :lol: ;)


Ok about mission building, and I'm certain you guys must know this (everyone does), but just to be sure - in testing your missions you can play them in Full Mission Builder on accelerated speeds (with externals) to see how they play out. And of course you can see the time flights will intercept as mentioned in the waypoint information - just stretch the waypoints to guarantee contact. Even so, like Rab said, this all takes considerable time.


AltarBoy join us in H.E. sometime. The first thing that should hit you is the friendly atmosphere, and a good dose of humour with plenty of laughs. Our mission planning and team tactics doesn't interfere mate. Hasn't been any yelling (yet ;) ). We have gone to smaller flights (4 or less planes) so if anyone doesn't want to enjoy the teamwork they can enjoy their "own" flight. So far EVERYONE has been game to work together. It's just so much fun!


Btw Mr. Rab you have mentioned here and there at the forums about your new rig, and not just any new rig but an Alienware machine, the Rolls Royce of PCs. So give some juicy details please Sir. [-o< Does the Full-Metal Ferret have yet another competitor? Must be an awesome rig. Can I have the free t-shirt? ;) And finally what bank did you rob? (and do you think the vault has been left open? :-$ )

Tact- "owner of an old Dell" - S!

Posted: Tue Mar 20, 2007 8:10 pm
by :FI:Noter
Maybe we could solve the problem by having the yappers go fly with Tactical for a while Very Happy ( thats what you were offering? right Tact).
He/they'd be welcome most of the time, 8-10 people flying is a good night for us (I think you guys get about 20 on Sundays), we could use a warm body some of the time. We could put the chatter boxes in a separate channel and talk to them on an as needed basis ;) We'll call 'em the "Jabberjaw" wing. They can have the crappy planes. Better yet they can fly the Axis, we can pad our scores with easy kills as they chat it up :badgrin:

Actually I think we've dealt with similar stuff in HE sessions. Oddly I don't think we really did anything, I think the guys just respected each other enough to fly the missions accordingly. May have had someone say once or twice to focus on the mission. I think there's just a repoir with each other. I also think having half of the numbers from Sunday is a plus with the comms, just not enough to talk over each other.

Agree with ya Nellip, if you go through the time and effort to build the mission, you have the right to run it the way you wish. It's a boatload of work, so...your campaign...your rules.
