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Posted: Tue Jun 06, 2006 6:48 pm
by Ege

Chapter 1 - Basics

1. Aerial Basics (Taxiing, Take Off And Landings)
2. Introduction into aircraft controlls (Ailerons, Elevators And Rudder)
3. Advanced control of an aircraft (Engine Management)

Chapter 2 - Training For Advanced Pilots

2. Navigation
/me is interested

And btw, I think I fixed my TS :)))

Posted: Tue Jun 06, 2006 7:36 pm
by :FI:Noter
Sounds like a plan...I see some new ribbons on the horizon ;) Now the hard part for me is coming up with the time to do it, or at least the time to synch up with the European mates for the training times.


Posted: Tue Jun 06, 2006 7:44 pm
by :FI:TacticalS!
Indeed. Can the Euro instructors be forced at gunpoint to provide instruction for North American mates during a convenient time for us? Just asking. I'll borrow Falcon's hand gun just in case. :badgrin:

Genosse you have been joining us for Historic Encounters. Come on man you have seen us fly - we need instruction bad mate. [-o< Besides sleep is overrated my friend. ;)


Posted: Tue Jun 06, 2006 10:32 pm
by :FI:Bluebell
That seems like the best way to go Frank.


Posted: Tue Jun 06, 2006 11:31 pm
by :FI:Falcon
It all sounds very exciting ...

I could teach airport traffic and radio procedures,

"... I'm five miles south-southwest of the airport for a straight-in approach for the north-south runway, full stop ..."

"... left downwind for landing runway 18 left ..."

"... traffic in sight, I'm number two for landing on the active ..."

that sort of thing.

But it's dull, dull, dull, my God it's dull! It's so deadly dull and tedious and stuffy and boring and des-per-ate-ly DULL.

It helps when you are practicing touch and go's, landings and carrier ops though ...

... you'll need to bring your lion-taming hat too.


Posted: Wed Jun 07, 2006 3:01 am
by Nightcat
I'd love to learn the ATC communication to such a degree, you say its dull but no way Mr F!

Rabitski had a point and I've taken onboard what other people have said, its no secret I'm involved with the JO school and currently about to take some novices though Basic Flight School again as a 'almost but not quite instructor' - I may not be the hottest pilot in the sky but I do know the basics and the lil airmen learn alot of good stuff from the provided info.

You really need to learn the basics on everything, things like landings, take offs and such. For the novice pilot they learn about what the flaps do, parasite drag and how to use it effectively, basic radio comms, p-factor and so on and so fourth - alot of it might not be taught directly but people will learn it whether its spoken or not on they're own free will.
Also from this they learn aircraft control, throttle control and just general aircraft handing.

Formation flying is a good thing, it takes control, teaches you how to follow the aircraft close by using yet more aircraft control. Teaches judging speed and thats very useful to do in a dogfight when trying to judge an enemies speed as not to overtake and end up in they're sites. Also if you stay in a tight formation from a distance it looks like one aircraft - if someone sees an aircraft and engages and then see's 4 then the tide will turn pretty sharpish - the scene from top gun with the multiplying bogeys is a classic. Of course there are the downsides to it like what Mikester says but what it teaches is priceless.

Might want to take into account basic wingman tactics, manouvers - can practice 1 vs 2 just to develope it and show how effective it can be and how to change the tide of battles as a team. Great way to learn radio procedure and explaining your situation constructively and shortly. People can take that on board, walk away with the knowledge and change it to suit they're own personal style.

And much much more! great idea, it'll give the :FI: something else to do - once its worked out can always poke the Office of Awards to come up with some trainer, trainee grade awards or something like that.


Posted: Wed Jun 07, 2006 3:37 am
by :FI:Falcon
All that is right NC!

Whatever makes you control the ac teaches you ... uh, control.

In real life there are an endless series of maneuvers that the pilot needs to show great proficiency, down to 25-50', 5 degrees of heading and 5 -10 knots stuff.


When I first got IL2 I designed a lot of scenarios. If I remember correctly, you can program an eye ball/observation point/pov whatever anywhere on the map.

Put me in/ABOVE the tower and I could act as a real-life type Fed!

ground/air traffic control

can be offered to you and you can do as the professionals do it,

if you care about that sorta stuff.

Now, I'm a wee bit rusty, but it might be cool and will cut down on collisions on and around the airport for takeoff and landing practice.


I, for one...

Posted: Wed Jun 07, 2006 5:06 am
by :FI:Heloego willing to offer instruction in some or all of the GA courses.

However it would have to be bi-weekly classes as my work schedule has changed, and most likely held for the North American m8s due to time zones.

I could build courses using the FMB after work, and include all GA aircraft (A-20, SBD, Hurri Mk2c, Il-2, PE-2/3, Ju-87, BF-110, D3A1 Val, and more, as upgrades/patches allow).

Missions could be built during my work week, and courses given over several evenings during my week off.

I can run both 4.04m and 4.05m now, and if my machine won't handle enough m8s I'm hoping someone can host the sessions.



Posted: Sat Jun 10, 2006 12:00 am
by :FI:Heloego
This should add that extra immersion we all wanted, but had trouble defining! :D

Weener's Jagdfliegerschule schedule is a very good start.

I forward the following suggestion, using his format as a starting point:

Chapter 1 - Basics

1. Introduction to Aircraft/Controls/Instruments (Understanding the Aircraft)
2. Inroduction to Aircraft Handling (Taxi, Take-Off, Basic Flight)
3. Basic Navigation

Chapter 2 - Advanced Training

1. Advanced Navigation (Using "Full Real" Settings)
2. Engine Management (Throttle, Prop, and Temperature Control)
3. Formation Flying (Combat, and Non-Combat)
4. Gunnery (Using Guns/Convergence Settings Wisely, Target Practice)
5. Behaviour in Exceptional Situations

Chapter 3 - Specialized Training

1. Ops Planning and Management
2. Ground Assault
... a) Introduction(Basics/Aircraft Familiarization/Ordinance)
... b) Advanced Ground Assault (Methodology)
... c) Tactics and Coordination
3. Level Bombing
... a) Introduction(Basics/Aircraft Familiarization/Ordinance)
... b) Flight Planning
... c) Bombsight Use
4. Fighters
... a) Introduction(Basics/Aircraft Familiarization/Ordinance)
... b) Air Combat Maneuvers/Dogfighting
... c) Tactics and Coordination
5. Air Traffic Control (Zen and the Art of Pilot/Aircraft Management)

There currently are enough qualified members that some of the courses could easily be shared or divided among instructors.

Maps used could be discussed/voted upon by the pertinent instructors.

A "Flight Ops", "Training", or similar name for a Forum could include fixed Threads for the various course instruction/discussions with additional Threads added as approved.

I am currently re-working one map for GA practice and can do others as needed.

I'm sure there are other suggestions for additions/deletions, but this is my $2.89/gal suggestion. ;) The more we hear from others, the better this addition can become. So keep adding your comments, please. :D

Re: Alriiiight!

Posted: Sat Jun 10, 2006 7:58 am
by :FI:Genosse
Good going, Dan! :)
:FI:Heloego wrote:Chapter 1 - Basics

1. Introduction to Aircraft/Controls (Understanding the Aircraft)
2. Introduction to Instruments
3. Inroduction to Aircraft Handling (Taxi, Take-Off, Basic Flight, and Landing, Behaviour in Exceptional Situations)
4. Basic Navigation
In the Jagdfliegerschule every point stands for one exercise session of two hours. Maybe we could sum up point one and two since they contain theory only. BTW, of what aircafts are we talking here? Fighter, fighterbombers or bombers?

Perhaps we should add parts of point three into it and keep Exceptional Situations as a single session. I completely agree with No.4 though ... :)
:FI:Heloego wrote:Chapter 2 - Advanced Training

1. Advanced Navigation (Using "Full Real" Settings)
2. Engine Management (Throttle, Prop, and Temperature Control)
3. Formation Flying (Combat, and Non-Combat)
4. Gunnery (Using Guns/Convergence Settings Wisely, Target Practice)
5. Air Combat Maneuvers
6. Dogfighting
Sound really good to me. I´m especially lloking forward for lesson No.3 (Formation Flying in combat situations). Nothing to add/comment here ... ;)
:FI:Heloego wrote:Chapter 3 - Specialized Training

1. Ops Planning and Management
2. Ground Assault
... a) Introduction(Basics/Aircraft Familiarization/Ordinance)
... b) Advanced Ground Assault (Methodology)
... c) Tactics and Coordination
3. Level Bombing
... a) Flight Planning
... b) Bombsight Use
4. Air Traffic Control (Zen and the Art of Pilot/Aircraft Management)
5. Individual Aircraft Instruction
As you might know I do prefer the bombers and therefore I agree with chapter 3. But I think it´s too lopsided. Maybe we could add some special fighter planes training as well?

What do they other mates think about it? Let us here you voices, folks! :D


Posted: Sun Jun 11, 2006 4:55 am
by :FI:Heloego
Suggestions read, absorbed, and implemented, Frank! Thanks for shaking me back to reality. :oops:

I've edited my previous post to reflect your suggestions. :D

Note that:
... a) Fighters now have their own Point in Chapter 3, like the GA and Level Bombing aircraft.
... b) Behaviour in Exceptional Situations is moved to Chapter 2
... c) Instruments are now included in Chapter 1, Point 1.
... d) Each Aircraft Type in Chapter 3 (GA/Fighter/Level Bomber) includes a separate sub-point for various aircraft Intros.

Posted: Sun Jun 11, 2006 5:42 pm
by :FI:Noter
It's looking great, I love this idea. Sounds like we are nearing an implementaion phase. I think this might be a bit trickier, and we will need to designate instructors and times, what needs to be done to fulfil the required task. Still concerned about getting time in for those of us in the West or do we have separate instuctors for our region? Not sure how to handle all of that.

Must admit, getting stoked about some intense training.


Ah, Yes. The ol' "Time Zone" caveat...

Posted: Mon Jun 12, 2006 8:23 am
by :FI:Heloego

Good point there, Noter.

It certainly couldn't hurt to have instructors from both sides of the pond.

It would ease the workload for the instructors, and as an added bonus allow for different perspectives re training.

So, what about it now?

Posted: Tue Jun 13, 2006 1:07 pm
by :FI:Genosse
:FI:Heloego wrote:Chapter 1 - Basics

1. Introduction to Aircraft/Controls (Understanding the Aircraft, Introduction to Instruments)
2. Inroduction to Aircraft Handling (Taxi, Take-Off, Basic Flight, and Landing)
3. Basic Navigation

Chapter 2 - Advanced Training

1. Advanced Navigation (Using "Full Real" Settings)
2. Engine Management (Throttle, Prop, and Temperature Control)
3. Formation Flying (Combat, and Non-Combat)
4. Behaviour in Exceptional Situations)
5. Gunnery (Using Guns/Convergence Settings Wisely, Target Practice)
6. Air Combat Maneuvers
7. Dogfighting

Chapter 3 - Specialized Training

1. Ops Planning and Management
2. Ground Assault for fighters
... a) Introduction(Basics/Aircraft Familiarization/Ordinance)
... b) Advanced Ground Assault (Methodology)
... c) Tactics and Coordination
3. Ground Assault for bombers
... a) Introduction(Basics/Aircraft Familiarization/Ordinance)
... b) Advanced Ground Assault (Methodology)
... c) Tactics and Coordination
4. Level Bombing
... a) Flight Planning
... b) Bombsight Use
5. Air Traffic Control (Zen and the Art of Pilot/Aircraft Management)
6. Individual Aircraft Instruction includes a separate sub-point for various aircraft Intros.
Am I now right, Dan? :?

One more oint to think about would be the Carrier Operations ... where should we put them into?


Posted: Tue Jun 13, 2006 1:12 pm
by :FI:TacticalS!
Chapter 3 - Specialized Training? Come on Genosse and start this already. You guys discuss things more than me. :shock: :D

Looks great gentleman (I use the term loosely of course). Just make sure the instructors are available for all time zones, please! [-o<