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Posted: Sat Apr 29, 2006 6:23 pm
8) You are right, it´s not a private´s the units...

I have to settel for my trusty H&K G3 for home defence.... :lol:

Posted: Sat Apr 29, 2006 9:17 pm
by Beowolff
Well, for protection/home defense... i've got (besides the weapons shown or spoke of) my trusty AR-15 which is really more M-16 than AR (has a GI lower receiver and parts with commercial upper) ...


and my lil' Mac 11/9mm:


and other assorted ones.

:lol: :lol:


Posted: Sun Apr 30, 2006 2:49 pm
by :FI:Igor
Settle for a G3 for home protection? Geeezus, isn't in the same category as using hand grenades for home defence?
We have our SW 357 Mag for that; I trained my wife...bad guy in da house, put one bullet through the floor....if he's still there...two shots center mass...because da boys either crazy or just plan deaf....

Igor da 'Well armed pacifist'

Posted: Sun Apr 30, 2006 5:44 pm
by Menace
Now I'm thinking Thompson Arms Contender in .223. Can usually get lots of that! Aw heck, I should just find a good quality air pistol. It's just too much of a pain in the ass to own a handgun up north here. You can't leave the house with it, without notifying the RCMP, etc. Like those punks who did a drive-by in Toronto (Killed some poor girl :x ), on boxing day registered thier handguns. :roll:

Posted: Sun Apr 30, 2006 7:38 pm
:lol: lucky me that I live in a sturdy brick house that can take a 7.62x39mm
round. So the neighbours dont have to be cought in the middle ;)

Posted: Sun Apr 30, 2006 8:29 pm
by Beowolff
it had better be a thick BRICK house... lol! else the 7.62 will cut through the brickbats like a hot knife through butter and still light up the neighbor's lives. i've done tests personally and actually shot entirely through a "trashed" car's body---in one side and out the other---with the 7.62 round---which continued on into the gully towards parts unknown "after" exiting the wrecked/shotup auto.

i tried the same thing with the standard .223 (M-16) bullet and was lucky to have sheet metal penetration on just one side of the auto.

as for my own personal protection, i keep several weapons around and ready...mostly some shotguns, one of my little M-1 carbines with softnose bullets and a thirty round mag... and a couple of pistols... a S&W revolver and a Colt .45 auto. any of which could easily discourage a house invader... that is IF they get past my outside dog...old Captain Jack. which ain't too likely. they'd have to kill him to get past him and he would die hard...and loudly...which would completely alert anyone at home to arm themselves asap.

i live wayyyy off the road you see... wayyy out in the sticks... too far for immediate police protection. so long ago, my wife and i thought about such things and have tried to prepare for it...just in case.

Captain Jack is the first line of defense, my two inside dogs are the second... by then, it'd take a squad of heavily armed commandos to go any further. lol!

and even they would surely catch some heat. ;)

some may think it foolish, but we think it being smart.


Posted: Mon May 01, 2006 4:44 pm
by :FI:Igor
Better think that 7.62X39 proof brick wall theory over a bit. I had my SKS at a range years ago and accidently blew holes through almost all the steel knock down targets. They were made from steel all most an inch thick!

Igor da'Well Armed Pacifist'

Posted: Mon May 01, 2006 5:53 pm
by :FI:IceFrog
I did a job that had some judge’s desks on it, we had some bullet “proof” material made into them, had some of this material left over so me and me boys took it out the dessert to test it :D
My 7.62x39 went through at 100 yards

Posted: Mon May 01, 2006 9:24 pm
by Sapper-FIN
Well, for protection/home defense
Some home defence you´ve got :lol:

Posted: Mon May 01, 2006 9:29 pm
:lol: Well you all are absolutely right about the brick wall thing...
Done it loads of times myself, but were talking 1 1/2 fot thick old realy hard brick walls modern "soft" "light" stones here...these are solid hard-burned brick´s that eat drill-heads like I´v never seen before.
Just hate when Ulrika wants something new on the walls :roll:

At least I think they will take a "random" bullet.....

Posted: Mon May 01, 2006 9:43 pm
by Beowolff
well, in that case, Rules... what you should do is a little test. simply find a spot in the house that is not pointed directly towards a neighboring dwelling and empty a full clip into the wall. (make sure you have good rebound protection in case of bouncing rounds! also be sure to wear ear plugs as firing off in-house rounds can be awesomely loud!)


that will surely tell the tale and give both you and your missy complete peace of mind.

:badgrin: :badgrin: :badgrin:

i doubt if the little woman will mind once you explain fully what your intentions are. try it and see.


Posted: Mon May 01, 2006 9:45 pm
by Sapper-FIN
Well, here´s my baby.. Oh course i dont own it, but it´s mine alright..

It´s an RK 95 (calibre 7.62x39mm)

that yellow thing on the barrel is for shooting blanks... and behind that yellow thingy is a laser transmitter for individual soldier´s simulator (KASI)...


Posted: Tue May 02, 2006 11:54 pm
by :FI:WillieOFS
I wanna go to Rule's bar and get pissed!! :badgrin:

I love the interior decorations.. :D

Full auto is over-rated unless somebody else ( with deep pockets) is buyin the ammo.. :lol: ;)

tjeez beo

Posted: Wed May 03, 2006 7:06 am
by :FI:Dutchman
nice pieces of hardware you've got there.

I like the western stuff !!

with that hardware,
you can kick some bare arse without the boot on bare foot

Dutch.., :-({|= =D] :D ;)

Posted: Wed May 03, 2006 11:07 pm
:lol: If you ever come to Sweden I´ll make sure you get to have a few at the Bömb ;) Even thoo I´m retired from acting-service I know all who has something to say about the bar... ;)