OnLine ROF Cherry Busted

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OnLine ROF Cherry Busted

Post by MikeVictor » Thu Jul 07, 2011 5:02 pm

Well, even though I am totally out of control flying in ROF, I logged on online this morning for a bit and joined a "beginner" server session..... All I got to say is there are some bad ass beginners out there... lol Got put in the dirt/lake twice in as many minutes... before I figured out that I need to work on a few things first....

I'd like to borrow an aircraft file containing all the recommend tweaks to the configuration and control assignments. My handling skills are sub par big time at the moment. Have tried the Spad, sopwith camel, and the SE 5a and found the SE much easier to handle and I can see a bit better. The Camel is a bit quirky, not a good ship for an ROF beginner.

The SE 5a seems to be more of a Zoom and boom aircraft as does the Spad to me. The Camel can turn, but it is prone to stalling it seems to me..

At any rate, I've been bloodied on line, so I've passed that important milestone in my ROF development..

How about a section dedicated to ROF flight school due to the unique flying characteristics of the ROF ships?

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Re: OnLine ROF Cherry Busted

Post by :FI:TacticalS! » Thu Jul 07, 2011 5:27 pm

Welcome to the world of Rise of Flight Mike! Actually under the Squadron forum we have a sub forum for this excellent sim. Please check it out mate.

That newbie server is a great way to jump quickly online. Relaxed settings for the newcomer. Now I tend to agree with you, lurking among these newbies seems like some decent (i.e., experienced) pilots. However, most are rather target fixated, and head straight to the fight. I have flown above the furball and managed a few kills, though I have had to do a few emergency landings too. ;) Still fun experience to get your feet wet.

Allied planes are for the most part bnz (except the Sopwith family), and the German rides are the turnfighters this time around. S.E.5a fastest kite in the game and good handling characteristics. Visibility poor in some planes. Do you have TrackIR? If so, don't forget you can peek around in this game.

I have made individual profiles for each plane available in this game. However, I have not yet changed the actual response curves for any of them. Sorry. Sopwith Camel jumps around a bit. I understand less so depending on how much fuel you take, or with customized input response. For now I prefer to fly with the default input for all planes.

Noter and I should be around tomorrow night (Friday, 10:00 p.m. Atlantic time zone) should you wish to join us. We use the Squadron's TeamSpeak services. Hope to see you then. If you can't make it Mike, we try to fly ROF most Friday evenings for a few hours. We are both newcomers to this game too. There have been some other lads with either the Iron Cross edition or the Demo joining these sessions as well.

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Re: OnLine ROF Cherry Busted

Post by MikeVictor » Thu Jul 07, 2011 5:42 pm

Good to hear from you again TS, been a while. Thanks for the input.

I'll see about getting Team Speak up and running for FI and if I am around Friday night, I'll try to log in and catch up a bit with you all.

There is something facinating about WWI planes as well as WWII, I honestly have very little interest in more modern jets. I lean toward classic simulations in flight as well as road racing in they require more knowledge and skill to handle the vehicles.

I'd like to get up to speed with RoF and then get hooked up again with IL2.

I'll look for the RoF area on the FI forums and start reading up on it.

Think I'll stick with the SE 5a for a while, till I get some basic skills down.

I just ordered the CH Pro pedals from amazon. Should help with rudder control as that is critical in RoF I suspect.

Looking for recommended control mapping and config info for the CH Fighterstick.

C you guys later..

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Re: OnLine ROF Cherry Busted

Post by :FI:Rambo » Thu Jul 07, 2011 6:53 pm

I will attempt to join you guys again tommrow, hope to see you then.
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Re: OnLine ROF Cherry Busted

Post by :FI:Dutchman » Sat Jul 09, 2011 10:16 pm

Hi Ts,

I try to be there as a gunner on wednesday again.



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Re: OnLine ROF Cherry Busted

Post by MikeVictor » Sun Jul 10, 2011 3:46 am

Well, I am not connected to the internet, so I have to solve that. I am at my glider club now, not at home where I have ROF installed on my pc.

Once I get it back, I'll participate some.

Later;.. Mike
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