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Mods for Arma2

Posted: Sat Nov 07, 2009 6:37 pm
by :FI:Bluebell
There are a shedload of mods out there for Arma2, some good and some that are downright idiotic. A few of us have been testing them, schools still out on them at the moment. Now the important bit, we will not be running any mods on our Tuesday coop night, all missions are made unmodded. I'm against mods at the best of times, but there are one or two in the offing that will enhance the game, namely the ACE mod. When the time comes we will have to agree if we're going to go down that route.

Now if you want to know how to install any mod, go here and I advise doing it the way they recommend, or better still try an Arma2 launcher here.


Re: Mods for Arma2

Posted: Tue Apr 20, 2010 9:03 pm
by :FI:Sacktime
Been playing around with a mission and a couple of mods. Basically it's a heli insertion with a Chinook using @ONS, @GL4, @isla_duala, @FFAA_Terroristas, and @JTD mods. I've played the mission three times and had three very different results form the AI. The first time they were very aggressive, attempting deep flanking attacks, but they were able to maintain effective suppressive fire on my squad. After drop off the Chinook engaged a MG mounted pickup truck before departing to the waiting area, (my only means of extraction is to call him back when the area is clear). The second time, same thing aggressive nearly suicidal counter attacks form the AI, this time my Chinook missed the truck and the MG mounted pick-up arrived, end result was the loss of half my squad before a grenadier took out the truck. The third time, the Chinook was shot down :shock:. I think I'll have to set up a back up extraction plan.

When I played this mission with stock Arma patched the AI pretty much did what I thought they would, but with a few mods they can become a little unpredictable. Well I might have tweaked a few of the AI's way points, with a more aggressive combat stance, either way, enjoying this game allot.

As you can see from this picture, my ride is down and I've spread out the squad, hoping that there might be survivors. (That MG carrying truck that shot down the Chinook was still out there somewhere).


Re: Mods for Arma2

Posted: Fri Apr 23, 2010 10:16 pm
by :FI:Moog
Ahoy Sacktime,

I installed GL4, Isla Duala, FFAA Terroristas and JTD mods (clear horizons, fat rain, fire and smoke, flies) but couldn't find any reference to ONS, what's that?

Haven't gone into much detail with the GL4 info yet, any tips for tweaking or did you just leave the default options?

Would love to try your mission as multiplayer, haven't played ArmA2 online in weeks.


Re: Mods for Arma2

Posted: Sat Apr 24, 2010 12:20 am
by :FI:Sacktime
:FI:Moog wrote:Ahoy Sacktime,

I installed GL4, Isla Duala, FFAA Terroristas and JTD mods (clear horizons, fat rain, fire and smoke, flies) but couldn't find any reference to ONS, what's that?

Haven't gone into much detail with the GL4 info yet, any tips for tweaking or did you just leave the default options?

Would love to try your mission as multiplayer, haven't played ArmA2 online in weeks.

Hello Moog, the ONS {Operation North Star), can be found at, it is a Canadian content mod. As for the GL4 I am just enjoying the radio chatter you get when you are in a vehicle.