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New part time pilot

Posted: Fri Apr 24, 2009 2:34 pm
by Xazper
Hello everyone

Just coming in here to say hello before i start flying with you. My name is Xazper (sort of.. it's actually Kasper) and i'm pretty new to IL2 but i'm a good teamplayer and fast learner. I'm from denmark and i'm 19 years old. I'm curently in school but i finish this summer and will then have to find something else to do and i'm considering game programming as a carrer path, so i guess technically i can call online gaming "research" for future job oppotunities :lol: I also play Battlefield 2142 and Airsoft.

I'm mostly a fighter pilot, light and nimble but won't say no to bringing a few rockets if i get the chance :p

see ya all in the sky

- Xazper

Re: New part time pilot

Posted: Fri Apr 24, 2009 5:20 pm
by :FI:Conman
Welcome to the forums Kasper, you've come to the right place for a laugh and a good flight if you havent already you'll need to fill in an aplication form to facon (stu) then you need teamspeak and hyperlobby then to be modded to UI 1.1 + a few then you need a fre sunday to fly ;) if anything goes wrong give the boys a shout then we'll get you in the sky :D

Re: New part time pilot

Posted: Fri Apr 24, 2009 6:02 pm
by Wildcat
Hi and welcome to the forums :)

Lots ot things to download to get started, but Conman has given you a decent list. Any problems, please ask and I'm sure we'll be able to resolve them between us.

Re: New part time pilot

Posted: Fri Apr 24, 2009 9:01 pm
by Xazper
I filled the form on your website and got an email response telling me to go here and say hi. I'd love some TS details so i can get properly started, i already have Hyperlobby and have been flying for a few days.. not very different from single player other than these guys shoot back :lol:

Re: New part time pilot

Posted: Fri Apr 24, 2009 10:26 pm
by :FI:Falcon

check PMs


Re: New part time pilot

Posted: Sun Apr 26, 2009 8:50 pm
by Xazper
Well i just sat through about 1 hour 50 minutes of your training sesssion while downloading unified installer and all i can say is i can't wait to actually fly with you guys. I had a bunch of good laughs and what you did sounded really interesting so you'll defenitely see me around sometime soon.

I'll finish downloading the unified installer and i'd kinda like some help setting it all up and learning all those basic things i need to fly with you so if one of you drop me a PM when i can get some training that'd be great. I'm available pretty much every night except tuesday and thursday.

Re: New part time pilot

Posted: Sun Apr 26, 2009 10:02 pm
by :FI:Wardog
OK Mate here is what you need to do. Either use one install (your origional is ok) of 4.08 or make a copy on another drive or partition if you have one.

If you make a copy make sure to name it 1946 Mod or something like that so you can tell the difference.

Download all 8 parts of the unified installer. When done double click on part one and it will start an auto installer. Direct it to your chosen copy of 4.08 and let it install and voila you are modded up.

In the modded verion folder you will find a Mods folder and a switcher exe file. Click on the switcher exe and it allows you to select six different versions of the game. Some have mods and some don't also some use 6DOF which is 6 Degrees of freedom used in conjuction with track IR if you have it. If not I would recomend Track IR but it is not essencial for you to fly with us.

If you have any probs just post a shout here and one of us will get online and give you a hand. We are usually online at the same time wednesdays too so if needbe give us a shout on TS and one of us will talk you through it.

Good luck

Wardog ^:) :beer: :beer:

Re: New part time pilot

Posted: Mon Apr 27, 2009 7:25 am
by Xazper
Thanks i think i get it now... 6dof looks incredible! That's pretty much the coolest thing i've seen in ages! only problem is the price, but i'm gonna keep it in mind for later when i get some money :D

Re: New part time pilot

Posted: Mon Apr 27, 2009 7:56 am
by :FI:Wardog
Check this site out:

Has good instructions on building your own track IR headset and such.

I know sacktime uses it and probably a few others so again if you need any help then just give a shout.

Wardog ^:) :beer: :beer:

Re: New part time pilot

Posted: Tue Apr 28, 2009 9:29 pm
by Xazper
Might just build my own trackIR headset in school as a project.. cheap for me and.. is there any other reason :lol:

I just had a critical windows error last night and basically i've had to format my PC (Did it twice just this weekend for the first time since i got it 2½ years ago) and so i lost the 5 parts of unified installer that i had #-o It might take a few more days than predicted but i'll get airborne sooner or later :badgrin:

Re: New part time pilot

Posted: Wed Apr 29, 2009 12:59 am
by :FI:Sacktime

Welcome to the Forum, I for one am a Free Track user word of caution though, check out their Web Camera compatibilities, here I have a Logitech Quickcam Communicate STX. Picked it up dirt cheap and it works fine.
