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Posted: Mon Mar 23, 2009 5:57 pm
by :FI:Alex
I'm Alexander (aka -doc--),
I looking for squad and after published my message on the ... 3391043437 Falcon recomended me to appear here and talk what I feeling about my life. I haven't a glue what I need to talk... May be somebody ask me some questions for beginning? Do you have any specialist in psychiatry here?
Well, I glad to be here. I realy would like to find out a squad for online flying. I haven't big experience and I need some training in group flight (in formation), radio communication (flight/millitary terms and slang, commands). Also my first language not English and some times I don't understand clearly when people talk very fast and use terms or jargon... I wouldn't to be ignored for this reason in a game/conversation etc. I have little expierence in paragliding - so I know aerodynamycs in general but don't have flight since I've got married, children etc and flying only in computer...
I haven't big free time but can take part in online games on Saturdays, Sundays not sure about Wednesdays. At present time I appear time to time on different servers (by Hyperlobby) my nick -doc-- . My favirite servers are spit_vs_bf109, wingsoverEurope, zeke_vs_wildcat. I have the switcher from AAA - 4.08 mods/ no mods - 4.09 mods/ no mods and teamspeak - all working good. My local time GMT +3.
Falcon said me in our mailg that may be I know some stories about WW2 here... Yes, here (Caucasus, Kuban) was very heave air war between Luftwaffe and Soviet Air forces. I have detailed info about it (including exactly targets, sunk ships, maps etc etc). If it very interesting I will take part in create the scenario with pleasure.
Re: Hello!
Posted: Mon Mar 23, 2009 8:41 pm
by :FI:Wardog
Welcome to the forums Doc
All information on air battles is always welcome here and good to hear you have everything setup for flying.
Hope to see you in the air soon.
Re: Hello!
Posted: Tue Mar 24, 2009 6:49 pm
by Wildcat
Welcome to the forums mate
I've only just started here myself and I can confirm that this bunch are a really friendly group who will help you develop and get the most out of flying in IL-2. Just turn up when you can and have a go - and don't be afraid to ask questions.
Once again, welcome!
Re: Hello!
Posted: Fri Mar 27, 2009 8:11 am
by :FI:Heloego
Re: Hello!
Posted: Fri Mar 27, 2009 6:28 pm
by :FI:Alex
Hi Pilots,
I took part in last event (Wednesday) and yesterday I watched the track. I was suprised that every pilot has his own picture on plane or inscription (like "Falcon"). May be it is not important but very nice!
How you did it? Everyone here can make such pictures?
I realy don't know rules radiotraffic... We used follow rules (in realy flights):
My callign was "shief" and callign of one club's pilot was "father". For example if I want to say or ask I started like that - "father answer to shief", I don't know how exactly to intetpret it from Russian it is close to "father attention". Then that pilot said "father on the line" or it close to "listen you"
. If I didn't recieve this answer I think that pilot not ready to recieve voice command etc. If I have recieved "on the line" I begin speak like
"fly to ... place and landing there..." and I recieve confirmation like "roger that"
. Of course we had different convetsation in radio etc but if in air you hear "father answer to shief" it is like attention please - be ready to recieve official command... all other pilots keep silence and after short "official conversation" again start "free talk" in the air .
Re: Hello!
Posted: Fri Mar 27, 2009 8:54 pm
by :FI:Falcon
Oh Alex,
do we need you in the squadron! A man who appreciates proper radio procedures and ... ahem ... the added benefits of a well-marked aircraft.
When you become a member of the squadron, you can get all sorts of historic and Irish skins from us. You will have a squad number and you pick your own name.
If you'd like a skin of a particular plane now, ask. You might need to wait a week, but I can make some and there are several other skinners available to you here.
If you'd like to start making your own skins, then you need a graphics program like
PaintshopPro or
GIMP*. It's hard, confusing and maddening at first and you're first attempts will probably suck, but it is eventually very rewarding.
Uhh, Alex ... you know we are flying that loooong mission again Sunday. If I were you, I'd get there before all the planes are chosen ... unless you
like flying in Genosse's plane.
* GIMP is a free download.
Re: Hello!
Posted: Sat Mar 28, 2009 8:31 am
by :FI:Alex
:FI:Falcon wrote:Oh Alex,
do we need you in the squadron! A man who appreciates proper radio procedures and ... ahem ... the added benefits of a well-marked aircraft.
Just it is very nice to see here talented people. About radio procedures - I try to adapt faster and it is important for me be sure that other people can undestand me.
:FI:Falcon wrote:
Uhh, Alex ... you know we are flying that loooong mission again Sunday. If I were you, I'd get there before all the planes are chosen ... unless you like flying in Genosse's plane.
Frankly speaking I not sure what I need to do.... Need I say to somebody that I'd like to take part in flight or I need to write somewhere an application?... Or Are there limit of aircrafts? Then people (incl old members) compete to occupy planes a-la who will appear in somewhere first (Hyperlobby/Teamspeak ???)
My IL-2 sometimes doesn't start correctly in first time through HyperLobby especially if wait long time... then I start it again through Hyperlobby or manually input Server's IP and it works good. So I can loose this competition and fly everytime like a tourist with Genosse
Re: Hello!
Posted: Sat Mar 28, 2009 9:24 pm
by :FI:Falcon
HERE. Edit the list or post that you would like to join. We look pretty crowded. There may be some members/guests manning guns Sunday.
Re: Hello!
Posted: Sun Mar 29, 2009 1:12 am
by Enjo
Falcon, non squad members can't access that bit
welcome deyneko!
They're a great bunch!
Re: Hello!
Posted: Sun Mar 29, 2009 2:47 am
by :FI:Falcon
Enjo wrote:Falcon, non squad members can't access that bit ...
We're such bastards!
Oh well, show up Sunday and cross your fingers.
Re: Hello!
Posted: Sun Mar 29, 2009 6:55 am
by :FI:Alex
Enjo wrote:Falcon, non squad members can't access that bit
Hi Enjo!
I knew... I knew... that such list exist!
Re: Hello!
Posted: Sun Mar 29, 2009 3:51 pm
by :FI:Conman
welcome to civilisation youll like it here
Re: Hello!
Posted: Mon Mar 30, 2009 2:50 pm
by :FI:Alex
Hi :FI:Conman,
Do you mean Global civilization or Irish civilization?
Last time I was gunner again but on B-25 and could see mostly to back and up. After long event I felt myself not very comfortable because I had motion sickness and nausea...
Re: Hello!
Posted: Mon Mar 30, 2009 2:56 pm
by :FI:Wardog
Hey Alex
Thanks for being a good sport the last couple of flights and for being a very patient back seater
if your on again this wednesday then I recon you will be in with a chance of your own plane so hopefully no more motion sickness
Re: Hello!
Posted: Tue Mar 31, 2009 6:41 am
by :FI:Alex
:FI:Wardog wrote:
if your on again this wednesday then I recon you will be in with a chance of your own plane so hopefully no more motion sickness
Hi :FI:Wardog,
I'd like it!
Thanx in advance!