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Posted: Sat Jan 17, 2009 2:26 pm
by seanliv
Im Sean, im 28 and hoping to join you guys online sometime. Im new to online flight sims, Im loving this game but not loving the constant parachuting I seem to be doing! hoping for advice/training!
I live in the UK and work as a trainee surgeon, which kind of cuts into my hours but im still able to play online a lot!
on hyperlobby im Kipling, say hi!

Re: Hi

Posted: Sat Jan 17, 2009 10:36 pm
by :FI:Sacktime
Hi seanliv

Welcome to the Fighting Irish forum and also welcome to online flight sim. We here at the Fighting Irish are proud of our skills of parachuting, attracting bullets of all shapes and sizes, unexplained crashing and, that ever popular commonly heard over the head sets “Where are you” “Not sure I think I’m behind you”. And are more than willing to share our skills with all who ask.

But before all that lets get you sorted out.

1. You will need to get Hyperlobby if you don’t already, (you will find us with the =FI= prefix).
2. You will need to get Teamspeak (once you have this come back and will get you set-up with our teamspeak server)
3. We fly IL2 1946 both 4.08m and the modded version. If you have problems getting the modded version or not sure what this is we can help you out.
4. Come and fly with us!

*We fly realistic mode, can be intimidating but the best way is to jump in and do it, and we can help you here too.

Hope to see you!

Re: Hi

Posted: Mon Jan 19, 2009 9:22 am
by :FI:Genosse
Hi Sean!

I second Sacktime in every point. If you like wainscoting and sheeps as well you´ll be at the right place ... :lol: ;)

If you like then we could give you a helping hand getting familiar with the planes and some tactics (if we would really use them ... some of us really so). I´m into (fighter-)bombers so if you like to know something about them then let me know ...

S! ^:)

Re: Hi

Posted: Mon Jan 19, 2009 10:53 am
by :FI:Gadje
Hi Mate, welcome to the FI!

Think you must be our first trainee 'sawbones' visitor 8)

Being sad gits, Mikester and myself fly most often during week evenings. If you see us in hyperlobby page us if you want to fly. We have the =FI= tag.
We fly in Warclouds, Wings over Europe and Spits v 109's mostly and do 2v2 dogfighting matches at times too. When self esteem is low I have been known to slum it in Skies of Valor. The level of shouldershooting, killstealing and teamkilling there makes it feel like home; an average =FI= flying night but with icons. :D :lol:

I'm sure your refering to the writer with your nick but I keep thinking cakes atm.

Re: Hi

Posted: Sun Jan 25, 2009 5:26 am
by :FI:Heloego
Trainee Sturgeon????

Man, I've seen those things up close.....WOW! UGGGGGGLEEEEEEEE!
If this is gonna be anything as good as "The Fly", ya got me glued to my seat!
Send pics to keep us updated with the transformation! OK????

We really are concerned. ;)

Welcome aboard! :)

Re: Hi

Posted: Sun Jan 25, 2009 4:29 pm
by :FI:Sneaky_Russian
Hi and welcome,

Another trainee medic, guess you and Skipper will be on TS discussing body parts .

Re: Hi

Posted: Sun Jan 25, 2009 4:47 pm
by pingu
seanliv wrote:Hi!
Im Sean, im 28 and hoping to join you guys online sometime. Im new to online flight sims, Im loving this game but not loving the constant parachuting I seem to be doing! hoping for advice/training!
I live in the UK and work as a trainee surgeon, which kind of cuts into my hours but im still able to play online a lot!
on hyperlobby im Kipling, say hi!

Hi Sean!

Also new here :D

Hope to se you online soon =D]
