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Moving Objects on DF servers
Posted: Thu Jan 01, 2009 3:39 pm
by :FI:Genosse
Here´s a mirror link to
Moving Objects on DF servers mod. I´ve prepared one of my former DF missions and would like to host it to find out if everybody needs to have this mod or just the host.
Any takers?
Re: Moving Objects on DF servers
Posted: Thu Jan 01, 2009 4:46 pm
by :FI:Airway
If ground targets were movable in dogfight missions that would be great.
Especially if someone crashes early or something else, he can restart and rejoin and there's no need to restart.
Hope that's possible.
Re: Moving Objects on DF servers
Posted: Thu Jan 01, 2009 6:00 pm
by :FI:Falcon
Great stuff!
How about gettin' those carriers to move in DF's? We could take off with bombs and fuel then!
When and where Frank?
Re: Moving Objects on DF servers
Posted: Thu Jan 01, 2009 6:27 pm
by :FI:Genosse
:FI:Falcon wrote:Great stuff!
How about gettin' those carriers to move in DF's? We could take off with bombs and fuel then!
When and where Frank?
Unfortunately that hasn´t worked since now ... we´ve (Rab, Ard and me) just tested the mission and we weren´t able to land on the CV using the arrester hook (maybe the cables didn´t work or I´m a bad pilot) ... on the other side I wasn´t able to assign the CV as a "home base" for the aircrafts.
Since this is just the beta version maybe in the final version it´ll be fixed ... BTW, everybody who joins a mission with this mod needs to call this mod his own ... otherwise you´ll get an mission loading error at 90%.
More to come?
** Edit **
It seems that
I am a bad pilot ...
the cables on the CV´s deck do work! ARGH!
Re: Moving Objects on DF servers
Posted: Sat Jan 03, 2009 8:14 pm
by :FI:Genosse
Here´s a quick report about our test mission we flew yesterday ...
Beside the ships there´s now a possibility to implement AI aircrafts into DF missions. Unfortunately it seems that they just do evasive manoeuvres when the host attacks so apparently they are easy cannon fodder for the other pilots. As you can see here ...
... the modification has some slight problems when it comes to the synchronisation of the ships for all online players but this will hopefully be sorted out in its final version ...
Re: Moving Objects on DF servers
Posted: Sat Jan 03, 2009 9:45 pm
by :FI:Airway
Let't have an eye on it.