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Another hello

Posted: Mon Nov 24, 2008 9:15 pm
by Peeeeet
After having a good look through the various recruiting squadrons about I came upon the fightin' irish... and decided i'd say hello :)

My name is Pete aka 'Peeeeet', im from the uk and i used to play il-2 online a couple of years ago. I'm here because as you mighta already guessed, im looking for a squadron to join and get back into the game with. :D
All my previous experience has been with Uk dedicated servers if you know them. I prefurered to play full real and with teamspeak at all times...i stopped playing due to lack of activity and friends going in their own directions which was a shame. :cry:
I guess im here because im looking for an active community to join, have some fun with and contribute as best i can. :)

But before i get too ahead of my self i have a couple of questions:-

- Looking around I see you run various events through the week often mentioning 7:30 or so as start times, is this GMT ? Obviously being an international squadron times can be an issue.

- While i used to play on full real my ability was questionable, and i'v no idea what im like now as a pilot in all honesty :( I was wondering if some sort training was available if needed.

I'l also admit i'v never tried co-op in my life before but it sounds like alot of fun! I look forward to flying with a few of you on hyperlobby as soon as i sort out my game.... ah yeh reminds me... irishnessss..... i know theres some in me and i am very partial to guiness.... :roll:

edit - I see now that all times are UTC +1.... eyes are amasing things...

Re: Another hello

Posted: Wed Nov 26, 2008 8:08 am
by :FI:Heloego

First off I noticed you question your ability.
No worries...we question our intentions. :)

We haven't flown DF more than maybe a few times in the last century. We found the Coop environment to be a bit more condusive to teamwork, and Ardmore, Genosse, Nellip, and Rabitski have done some remarkable work setting up Missions for Sundays.

You should fit right in re Full Real. We wouldn't have it any other way.

Re: Another hello

Posted: Wed Nov 26, 2008 6:13 pm
by Peeeeet
Aye i doubt my self but i'l guess we shall see, at the end of the day teamwork is the bit i enjoy and play for, kills are just the cherry on top :D Though dont worry im not a total nubbin hehe, anything with ground pounding i can do well enough and im getting back into the ways of shooting smaller faster thingies.
Are your coops mainly fighter based or bomber ?... or happily mixed ?

p.s. Incase there r doubts..... yes... my name is Peeeeet on hyperlobby ;)

Re: Another hello

Posted: Wed Nov 26, 2008 6:24 pm
by :FI:Sacktime

We fly a mix of level and dive bombers with the perpetual fighter escort, although I have never seen a FI do a High level bomb run. If you like ground pounding we should have something for you.

And as Helo mentioned it's full real, we couldn't do it any other way!

Re: Another hello

Posted: Wed Nov 26, 2008 6:38 pm
by Peeeeet
Ah kools, if im honest i enjoy any of the roles as much as eachother. I miss fun high level bombing runs with a decent team and some guys puttin up a good fight... then every1 thinks its fun to try and do formation landing or somint .. which can be quite err interesting.

Re: Another hello

Posted: Wed Nov 26, 2008 7:43 pm
by :FI:Falcon
:FI:Sacktime wrote:... with the perpetual fighter escort ...
Well ... erm ... that's the idea anyway.


Welcome Peeeeet! Hmmm, I thought Peeeeet was spelled with six "e's". You Brits, gotta be different.

Anywho, we fly Wednesday, Friday and Sunday co-ops and you can find us in HyperLobby. Just look for the =FI= or :FI: prefix. Get on our TeamSpeak(TS) freq and join us anytime. We'll be joining a second Thursday co-op in SEOW with the 69thGiap and a few other squadrons soon. Send in an application by going out to the front page and clicking on the SQUADRON button. Read what's there and follow the directions there.

Lookin' forward to meetin' you,


Re: Another hello

Posted: Wed Nov 26, 2008 9:00 pm
by :FI:Heloego

Then, GO there.

BE there.

So THERE! ;)

Re: Another hello

Posted: Wed Nov 26, 2008 10:27 pm
by Peeeeet
Ok sent an 'official application'. I'l get on teamspeak tonight if anyone is on!