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Silent Hunter IV

Posted: Wed Jan 24, 2007 7:30 pm
by :FI:Genosse

I recently saw a brief video of a Silent Hunter IV preview of this month´s issue of German PC Games. The quality of the screen shots is a bit poor but I think it gives you an impression of how the game will look like (in opposition to the offfical UBI screenies).

I hope you#ll like them ... ^:)














S! :D

Posted: Thu Jan 25, 2007 1:10 am
by :FI:Dex
Looks swaa-eet might have to get my hands on a copy of this!

Sláinte Frank!


Posted: Thu Jan 25, 2007 1:41 pm
by :FI:Dutchman
So we will have "The FIF"* not far from now ??

* Fighting Irish Fleet

that means if we all gona do this game than i am in.
is the online gamming changed from Silent Gunter III.
i hope so

and may be we can launce a FIF section

Think Big


Posted: Thu Jan 25, 2007 1:54 pm
by L.F
Looks good. definitly getting this one

Posted: Thu Jan 25, 2007 2:49 pm
by :FI:Rabitski
My first ever sim was SH 1. And much and all as I like flight sim's and all the rest, my true love is still submarines .

A word of warning though with regards to pacific fleet boat's when ye finaly get this game, due to 3 fault's in US torpedo's be ready for a lot of dud's. The avarge amount of war shoot's to hit's for the first 2yrs was 30-1. For every 30 torpedo's fired only 1 exploded. This was mainly due to the following The magnetic exploder did not work, the fish them self's ran about 12ft deeper then they were set, and the firing pins wern't strong eneough, so if your fish hit the target @ 90 degrees the pin would bend before it had time to trigger the torpedo. Know if this will be modled into the game who know's if it is then set your torpedo's to run very shallow, only use contact shoot's and try to shoot @ 20degrees or there about's to the angle of the bow of your target. Or you can always set your game to No Dud's in the game options :) .

Now if only they would use the graphic's engin to make another Subsim but with modern sub's I'd truely be a happy little camper

Posted: Thu Jan 25, 2007 3:11 pm
by L.F
Yeah a modern modern sub-sim would be nice, well Dangerous waters is great but its quite missing in the visual department.

Posted: Thu Jan 25, 2007 3:19 pm
by :FI:Scott
I've recently picked up a copy of SH3 (because it was cheap!!!). I haven't loaded it up yet as it looks pretty complicated and truth is I havent got the time to invest in it at the moment.

I've never played a sub sim so I am looking forward to it and if I get into it SH4 looks good stuff.

Posted: Thu Jan 25, 2007 3:23 pm
by L.F
:FI:Scott wrote:I've recently picked up a copy of SH3 (because it was cheap!!!). I haven't loaded it up yet as it looks pretty complicated and truth is I havent got the time to invest in it at the moment.

You wont be sorry :D

I recomend you download the Grey wolfes mod for SH3

It improoves the game on all levels.

Posted: Sat Feb 03, 2007 12:40 am
by :FI:Macca

When I was a little boy....


together with Charlesss we would play Aces of the Deep, which was a total blast. My first subsim though was Silent Service and then Silent Service II for Amiga. Brilliant games, both set in the PTO. Later I got my PC and played also Silent hunter I and 688(i) Attack Sub. Silent hunter II wasn't that good, but silent hunter III is a FLIPPIN AMAZING WONDERFUL AND SWEET game.. but due to the roots of my subsimming , I prefer the PTO to Atlantic. That is why I'm drooling and shaking when I think of SH IV, my breaks between patrols, spent on Hawaii, Hawaiian lassies...ekhm...

I'm getting this one for sure. But still, modern submarines really interest me alot, too. Damn, you, Tom Clancy.....

And I support what L.F. posted - INSTALL THE GAME AND THE MOD, TOO!!!!!!!

Should Fightin' Irish Flotilla arise - I'm in.



website update

Silent Hunter IV

som,e hands-on reviews:
2005's Silent Hunter III was the most accurate submarine simulation to date. It was pretty much also the last serious submarine simulation. Once a fairly robust genre, the sub genre has dwindled down to Ubisoft's excellent Silent Hunter franchise. So Ubisoft deserves props for keeping the genre alive. Now the company is prepping the next game in the series, Silent Hunter 4: Wolves of the Pacific. As you can probably tell from its name, this one will let you command American submarines during World War II in the campaign against Japan. We got a chance to sink a few merchantmen ourselves while checking it out.

What Silent Hunter III did for Nazi Germany's Kriegsmarine, Silent Hunter 4 will do for the US Navy. Instead of becoming a U-boat captain and prowling the Atlantic for convoys to sink, like you did in the previous game, you'll be able to take charge of a variety of American submarines and patrol the Pacific looking for targets. While the submarine campaign in the Pacific is often overlooked, the fact remains that American submarines played a pivotal role in cutting Japan off from its overseas resources.

There are only two kinds of vessels; there are submarines, and then there are targets.

The game features a campaign that covers the length of the war. You'll be assigned a sub, as well as a randomly generated crew, and set out to sea on patrol. Where you go will be up to you, but you'll most likely want to head to populated shipping lanes. The campaign isn't fully dynamic, in the sense that the rest of the war is being simulated around you, but there will be a logic to the world. This means that if you submerge yourself outside a Japanese port long enough, you might see an enemy battleship returning home. Or if you put yourself in a shipping lane, odds are you'll encounter an enemy convoy. A neat aspect of the campaign is that the better you do, the more likely you'll be sent on challenging and difficult missions by command.

Like its predecessors, Silent Hunter 4 can be a highly realistic game about submarine warfare, but you can adjust the difficulty and realism settings to make it much easier to learn and play. Micromanagers will appreciate that they have much more control over their crew because you can assign officers and sailors to different compartments of the submarine (such as the engine room or torpedo room), designate a compartment leader, and assign men to different watches. But if you don't want to hassle with any of this and just want to sink submarines, you can do that too. Still, if you want to maximize your submarine's performance, you might want to keep an eye on your men. Each sailor has his own set of skills, and these skills can improve over time. So you might want to station a crewman with excellent watch skills to the tower where he can spot enemy ships or aircraft rather than putting him in the engine room where he can't see a thing.

The business of submarines is to sink enemy vessels, and, again, this can be as realistic a process as you want or as simple as point-and-click. Once you encounter an enemy convoy or ship, you can approach the engagement in different ways. Do you stay submerged and try a surprise attack? If there are no escorts, you could surface and use your deck guns. If there are escorts, you might need to maneuver through their protective screen to get at your targets. Or you could simply sink the escort and pick off its flock afterward.

At its most realistic level, computing a firing solution for a torpedo is very authentic. For instance, using the periscope, you must identify the target by consulting the ship identification books that submarines carry. Once you have the ship class, you can calculate the height of the vessel, which helps determine range and speed. This and various other data get fed into the mechanical torpedo computer, and then you can fire a torpedo. If you're a more casual player, this may seem overwhelming. But at the more casual simulation settings, all you have to do is lock on to the target in your periscope, and the game handles the rest. Then you can fire the torpedo, switch to a third-person view, and watch as it impacts your target.

The postprocessing effects really enhance the look of the series.

In addition to the campaign game, Silent Hunter 4 will have the same set of gameplay modes as its predecessor. A battle mode will let you participate in historical battles if you just want to get in and sink ships quickly, while a multiplayer mode will let you play with others online as you sink ships together.

Silent Hunter III was a gorgeous game, and Silent Hunter 4 raises the bar even higher with new features, such as transparent water and postprocessing effects. The latter add a lot of atmosphere and grit to the visuals, and with them turn on it's a big visual leap from Silent Hunter III. The submarines and vessels are also modeled to sharp detail. Watching the waves lap over your periscope while you're locking onto an enemy destroyer is an immersive experience. Battles look even better. We encountered a huge battle between Japanese battleships and American escort carriers in one mission (based on an actual battle during the war) and watched the combat unfold in a cinematic fashion. Silent Hunter 4 looks like a worthy successor to the acclaimed series and is due out in March.

Can't wait....




Silent Günther 3

Posted: Sat Feb 03, 2007 5:58 am
by :FI:Genosse

Actually I reinstalled SH3 yesterday on my rig again (after uninstalling COD/UO - I still don´t have enough space on my HDD ... sorry for this, chaps!). I think I´ll install the GWX mod, too ...

Torpedo los, Herr Kaleun! ^:)

Posted: Sat Feb 03, 2007 10:33 am
by :FI:Macca
Do it, Genkaleun!


and sink'em all!:)


Posted: Sun Feb 04, 2007 2:28 pm
by :FI:Scott
Well, all of the posts in this thread made me think go on, have looksee. I have a b****d of a cold right now so spent most of yeasterday holed up with my PC (without recriminations from 'er indoors)

I thought I would have half an hour tinkering with SH3 and then get down to some IL2. I spent the whole f'ing day on the thing. It is bloody great. i think that it was helped by the fact that one of my venerable 15 yr old desktop speakers died on me last week so I picked up a Creative Inspire 5.1 setup (slight improvement noted !!!!).

My considered opinion.....This game is the mutts nuts.

Posted: Sun Feb 04, 2007 2:32 pm
by :FI:Macca
Yes, it is great. Did you install the Grey Wolves expansion (it's creators call it "expansion", not "mod":) ) I installed it and the latest fix to GW, oh man...And when I think that SHIV is going to be that moddable....oooohhh....


Posted: Sun Feb 04, 2007 2:47 pm
by :FI:Scott
I'm downloading now Macca.

Anyone remember -

Posted: Sun Feb 04, 2007 4:59 pm
by :FI:Sneaky_Russian