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Destruction Level when inserting objects

Posted: Thu Nov 30, 2006 1:08 am
by :FI:Nellip
I have just written another mission for my Stalingrad campaign based around the battle for the tractor factory in October 1942.

I was not happy with using the scenery on the standard map so I "built" my own factory in roughly the right place using ground objects - lots of hangers edge to edge to look like a large factory roof for example.

I then placed a few large aircraft at zero feet to produce some explosions at the start and produce a damaged structure.

The problem I have is that I have the destruction level for the city set to max but where I have inserted the ground objects the city is restored to zero destruction level? It looks like the burning factory is set in a large park in an otherwise destroyed city - not very realistic.

Anyone come across this issue and know a work around?

Posted: Thu Nov 30, 2006 2:17 am
by :FI:Sneaky_Russian
Right click on object
Select "Destroy Object"

Posted: Thu Nov 30, 2006 12:36 pm
by :FI:Nellip
Hi Sneaky

That will work for the stuff I have inserted - but I wanted the smoke for "atmosphere" so I used the crashed planes as the smoke is more visible than the "object smoke" you can place on the map.

My issue is with the scenery which is on the map - buildings and trees - I don't think you can right click to destroy these, you have to use the destruction tool for that but it doesn't seem to work around the inserted buildings?

Thanks anyway


Posted: Thu Nov 30, 2006 2:09 pm
by :FI:Sneaky_Russian
Objects you place on the map have 3 options with the destruction tool window open:
  • unselect
    destroy object/restore object
Map objects e.g.buildings, trees
have 1 option:
  • destroy object/restore object
Make sure you unselect any objects you have placed before destroying map objects.

There doesn't seem to be the option where you can just "paint" destruction
(unless I've forgotten it). On my "Dover" (Fedosia) map I just destroyed things building by building, tree by tree.

Anwer (from Basic manual): "F" key + mouse click will only paint destruction in 2D mode.
So, of map is zoomed right in (3D mode) it won't work.

Posted: Thu Nov 30, 2006 3:37 pm
by :FI:Nellip
Hi Sneaky

I posted this issue on the Mission Builder forum at UBI.

Apparently if you set a target over the area which is "destroy ground" this overrules any work you have done in destroying objects and restores the area to an undestroyed state. Only option is to try and limit or amend the mission parameters to change the ground targets. I think I can do this with a bit of ingenuity.

