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Where's the runway!

Posted: Tue Oct 24, 2006 12:05 pm
by Kitty
I admit. I am spoiled with external views. I have always flown with them because I like to see me flying, I like to see the clouds and the imagery of watching a plane in the sky (rather than being stuck in a cockpit).

I tried a few times with full real and it was err ... I made my own beacons by crashing into stuff to mark the territory. from the smoking plumes I just figured out the rest. Of course it's a rather expensive way of finding your way around the airfield, but really when I'm inside that cockpit I turn blind as a bat.

Now, what settings are important to show a better distinction between the mowed lawn err runway and the wilflife lowgrown grassy field?

Or are all airways setup the same way? Tents behind me, trucks to the right, from trucks turn left, then right go around bingo runway?

Also, could I get some extra shocks installed, because I don't think I would be kangarooing over the runway like that. Some trainingwheels might help too.

Posted: Tue Oct 24, 2006 8:11 pm
by :FI:Sneaky_Russian
You'll like the Zero then, you can open the canopy and raise the seat to get a good look around. (once you assign keys)

Posted: Tue Oct 24, 2006 9:08 pm
by Kitty
Ohhh that's good to know :D

I hadn't tried one yet on land, was rather eager to try and take off from a carrier.

Posted: Tue Oct 24, 2006 9:11 pm
by Ege
Sneaky, how do you alter your seat position in zero? "Toggle seat position", right? Did I take wrong zero or something, because it has no effect :-k

Posted: Tue Oct 24, 2006 10:37 pm
by :FI:Sneaky_Russian
Gunsight must be toggled off.

Posted: Wed Oct 25, 2006 7:07 am
by Ege
Still no effect :?

Posted: Wed Oct 25, 2006 8:14 am
by :FI:Sneaky_Russian

Gunsight toggled off - check
Canopy open - check
toggle seat position - check

Should work - try it on the Corsair or F4F's

Posted: Thu Oct 26, 2006 2:51 am
by :FI:Igor

Hey, it works...but i still like 'external view' on to taxi. I'm with Kitty, i like to see my aerospace platform flying...

Igor da Terrible

Posted: Thu Oct 26, 2006 9:58 am
by Kitty
I'm so glad Im not alone in this *grin*

Of course when I join a mp event I'll go by the rules that are there, but when I'm on my own I'll enjoy flying with my infamous wonder woman view.

I'm not at all a purist when it comes to realism, especially crammed in a cockpit that reduces pretty much the good view(s) I can have.


Posted: Mon Dec 11, 2006 6:45 am
by The Killer
In my expeirence, it is better to learn to do stuff, even if it is rather painful, with full real on.

or maybe thats just because my first posting was a full real squadron

and the first thing i did when i got the game was set it to full real....