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Posted: Fri Oct 06, 2006 2:09 pm
by Badger
Hello Glorious Fightin' Irish!!!

My name is Paul and I fight under the alias of 'The Masked Badger'. I've only been online for about 3 months, but have had a wanton-monkey-sex-like affair with IL2 since it was first released.

I live in Essex, England and am a self-employed buisness analyst. I was born in London but the majority of my family are actually in Arklow, Ireland, where my mumsie comes from. Completed 36hrs flying on my PPL before I had to stop and save for getting married and buying a house, but hope to finish it next year.

Gamewise: In general I like a fair fight and always play by the rules and to be honest I expect others to do the same. Other than that I just love getting up there and giving those flaps a jolly good twanging. I'm usually up and about 3 or 4 times a week with Tuesdays and Sundays being the firm days. (No my wife doesn't dictate anything - I'm my own man and do as I please).

I must say that if your site is anything to go by, this is the best squadron to join by far (crawl, crawl etc.), so.... can I join? Can I? Can I? Can I? Can I? Can I? Can I?

Tally Ho and Pip-Pip!!!

Posted: Fri Oct 06, 2006 2:20 pm
by :FI:Sneaky_Russian
Enter the Badger.

I guess what with badgers and ferrets being closely related ; you stand a pretty good chance of being accepted.

You know how to fly, take-off and land even, that's always a bonus :badgrin:

Posted: Fri Oct 06, 2006 2:45 pm
by :FI:McBiggles
Badgers?! Badgers!! We don't need no stinkin Badgers......what..........oh.....sorry. It's just, you don't get a chance to use that line very often. What? Badges? relly....Badges? You're quite sure? Look I said I was sorry. Yes, yes, does SEEM a decent sort. Fair play and all that. Perhaps some of it will rub off. We've thought that before. Still it would be nice to have someone about who can express himself with more than a few adenoidal grunts. So I say if a chap is willing to be that grovelly who are we to.......hold on a minute....Quiet in there!!!....bloody goldfish...Anyway if this chap knows what's involved, credit check, etc...cavity search, (can't be too careful these days, and it'll give some of the lads something to do) then I say Drinks all round!!! No, no dog no. Don't let him in. I just said Drinks all round!!!.......oh alright. Toodles

Posted: Fri Oct 06, 2006 3:03 pm
by :FI:Snaphoo




It's a Snake!


Welcome to the forums TheMaskedBadger


Posted: Fri Oct 06, 2006 4:45 pm
by :FI:Scott
Thread formally known as 'How to scare off potential recruits'.

Hello Badger, welcome.

As you fly on Sundays why not hook up for a bit- Hyperlobby 7.30- 8.00ish. If you have Teamspeak even better. I wont be there this week so one less target drone but there are always others !.

Posted: Fri Oct 06, 2006 6:32 pm
by Deathsledge

A Badger...

Posted: Fri Oct 06, 2006 10:00 pm
by :FI:COM
....with a "wanton monkey sex life"? you may be your "own man" but I really would'nt tell the Missus about THAT one. You are encouraged to get the TEAMSPEAK software and headphone communications and join up with the mates- Sunday is best, as mentioned. Contact :FI:Falcon as to when and where your ceremonial paddling will commence. ~S~

Posted: Sat Oct 07, 2006 8:17 am
by Sapper-FIN
Welcome aboard MaskedBadger!! ^:)


Posted: Sat Oct 07, 2006 7:12 pm
by :FI:Fenian
You guys are doing it again!

Stop scaring the new meat... erm... members away!

Badgers are good animals! And mutant masked super-hero badgers are even better!

Welcome Badgero!


Posted: Sat Oct 07, 2006 7:25 pm
by :FI:WillieOFS

The last badger I got close to was covered with......

FLEAS!!!! :lol:

He was also kind of dead. :roll:

His hide tanned out pretty though.. :D

Welcome to the uh........ erm......



Posted: Mon Oct 09, 2006 8:45 am
by Badger
Hello Heroic Flyers!!

Well, after installing the version 4.05 of IL2, Hyperlobby, and TeamSpeak I was a blubbing mass of girl-ness yesterday (yes I had the 4.05 installation issues), but the results were absolutely superb. Being only a badger, I'm not sure how the TeamSpeak works so a bit of manual bashing could be the order of the day!!

I did keep an eye out for you guys yesterday, but you were in your mess (Team Room) drinking brandy and smoking your pipes for a while and by the time I skipped out of a mission it was a little too late for me. I will try to catch you tomorrow evening.


Posted: Mon Oct 09, 2006 11:22 pm
by :FI:WillieOFS

Most likely they were swilling beer and breaking wind!! :badgrin:

Posted: Tue Oct 10, 2006 12:52 am
by AltarBoy
Bagders, Ferrets, Sheep. What's next? Cute, cuddly Tasmanian Devils?

BTW I'm pretty peeved at reloading all those patches again and some sites have to have you waiting in line which pisses me off. Anybody knows a site where I can just download them without bloody waiting in line?

Posted: Tue Oct 10, 2006 1:46 am
by :FI:Falcon
Welcome to the forums Badger!



Posted: Wed Oct 11, 2006 9:08 am
by Badger
Tally Ho Chaps

I've been eagerly trying to catch some of you chaps in Hyperlobby but with little success thus far. I did see a couple of FI chaps in one game last night, but it was a free for all with a mix of Allied and Axis aircrraft types, and a lack of marking your plane up with the appropriate insignia. For Pete's sake - I'm only a Badger!! It's hard enough flying without opposable thumbs... So, after thanking the server I flounced off....

Hope to catch one of you guys soon. I'll be up in the clouds Thurs 12 19:30 GMT onwards. I'll keep an eye out for you....

{cue: Herioc Soviet-style Music) \:D/
