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North American Lads Looking at BF2

Posted: Wed Sep 27, 2006 5:16 pm
by :FI:TacticalS!
Beloved members of the Platoon lend us your ears please. ;)

Presently there is some discussion with a few of the :FI: mates in North American to try BF2 in addition to flying in Historic Encounters. I personally enjoyed this game - gee - I guess last summer (time flies!). But haven't kept up with all the BF2 happenings.

Please answer my questions folks:

- Thinking of the group just purchasing BF2 for now. Does the latest patch (1.4) bring the game up to the latest or are there several separate patches needed?

- I forget can we host an unranked training server with and without AI? I think that was possible but can’t remember. The AI thing was some sort of workaround allowing others to join an offline mission of sorts. And I know the AI is retarded in this game, which was built for multiplayer.

- Our group is more interested in a WW2 mod for BF2. I see several out on the Internet. Forgotten Hope 2 looks really nice ( ... ng=english). Is this out and is it any good? Are there better ones available?

- We may eventually get into other BF2 stuff. Exactly how many addons have there been since the original release? And are they necessary for any recommended WW2 mods?

- While time zones may prevent our groups playing online, we would like to know who is playing BF2 and when.


Posted: Thu Sep 28, 2006 1:24 am
by :FI:TacticalS!
Hello? [echo echo]

Posted: Thu Sep 28, 2006 7:09 am
by :FI:Dutchman

TacticalS wrote !!

Please answer my questions folks:

- Thinking of the group just purchasing BF2 for now. Does the latest patch (1.4) bring the game up to the latest or are there several separate patches needed?

- I forget can we host an unranked training server with and without AI? I think that was possible but can’t remember. The AI thing was some sort of workaround allowing others to join an offline mission of sorts. And I know the AI is retarded in this game, which was built for multiplayer.

- Our group is more interested in a WW2 mod for BF2. I see several out on the Internet. Forgotten Hope 2 looks really nice ( ... ng=english" onclick=";return false;). Is this out and is it any good? Are there better ones available?

- We may eventually get into other BF2 stuff. Exactly how many addons have there been since the original release? And are they necessary for any recommended WW2 mods?

- While time zones may prevent our groups playing online, we would like to know who is playing BF2 and when.

echo finally heard in the Lowlands of Europe

- patch 1.4 is the latest .

- yes if ya want you can get an unranked server online and in the new version there is also a coop possible but I do not know the workaround still works.

- there is no ww II mod finished yet i believe but the one you mentioned is the one we are all waiting for i suppose.

- first there was BF2 the game itself
then came a add-on Special forces on disk and as a payable download

after that the Euro forces as a payable download only

and the latest is Amoured Fury also as a payable download only

all add-ons are not necessary but nice to have i must say
no recommended mods yet !

- I am in time zone gmt +1 and mostly online between 19:00 h. 23:30 h. my time and during the weekends it depends but sometimes from 16:00 h. on saturdays and from 12:00 h on sundays.

I hope this covers the questions !!

and i hope to see ya all online soon you Yanks !! you all !!

in the stressed killing fields in the world of Battlefield.


Posted: Thu Sep 28, 2006 12:58 pm
by :FI:TacticalS!
Thanks Dutch!

Last night I took some time to look at Forgotten Hope 2 and realized it has not been released yet. It does look very good however. Folks are suggesting it may not be released until around/after Christmas. Just talk of course. I think that would be alright since the vanilla game could easily keep us busy until then. It may be a commercial download, right? I know Forgotten Hope for BF1942 was really well done.

You mentioned COOP play now in BF2! Is this only available with Amoured Fury? I will need to check into this development, sounds like a perfect way to assist in our initial training.

Thanks for the response and we will keep your gaming schedule in mind. If/when we get started I will probably ask what servers and what not you guys frequent.

Btw I remember that EA finally made a prefix option so folks like me could add their clan (Squad) designation to their original gamer tag (had an existing one - TacticalSkirmish). Unfortunately one couldn't use colons (:FI:). Has anything changed? Do you guys use a particular format (i.e., -FI-, _FI_, FI, etc). Might be nice to be consistent, unless you guys have a bad rep in the BF2 community of course! :lol:


BF2 answers

Posted: Thu Sep 28, 2006 4:26 pm
by :FI:Dutchman

tactS wrote

-- you mentioned COOP play now in BF2! Is this only available with Amoured Fury? I will need to check into this development, sounds like a perfect way to assist in our initial training.


-- Do you guys use a particular format (i.e., -FI-, _FI_, FI, etc). Might be nice to be consistent, unless you guys have a bad rep in the BF2 community of course! Laughing
-- the coop is a new game feature that came with patch 1.3 I guess and is not only for BF2- AF

I use FI _Dutchman and created that account and I do not use the prefix

if i you do that prefix with a fixed name your nick looks like e.g. :fi:FI_Dutchman.

so if you create an account you stick with that if you want to make a career, and if you are intrested in your stats wich you will get on ranked servers, however you can create more accounts but your online global score starts with zero then.

but in no time with this game you want to get better results, higher scores ribbons, medals, unlocks, so in general you will be a point hoar (written wrong i think) in no time and swearing like a stinking redneck caught with his balls in a beaver trap !!

oops soorry for my f..cking french


Posted: Thu Sep 28, 2006 4:42 pm
by :FI:TacticalS!
Ok but I have never really been interested in awards, medals, ribbons and such. :^o

All sounds great! Thanks for the intel.


Posted: Thu Sep 28, 2006 6:50 pm
by :FI:Macca
There are a few maps of on which MEC invade US. Maybe it will mobilize the Yanks:)

TactS, there is one great mod for BF2, it is called Point of Existance 2.

very nice - go here.



Posted: Fri Sep 29, 2006 9:24 am
by :FI:Dutchman

TactS sprayed;

"Ok but I have never really been interested in awards, medals, ribbons and such."
yeah right,
in fact you don't like gaming at all, hmm

but you will my friend you will, mark my lips read my words ha ha
you will be a point hoar in no time


Posted: Fri Sep 29, 2006 1:18 pm
by :FI:Rabitski
If ye do go for it Tact. You should go whole hog or at least aim to in the end. Each add on does add to the game in some way's it gives you more option's and would enable everyone to play together. The SF mod for some reason I find the best. I have no idea why but you seem to get better result's in this game, then the normal version. Euro farce can be ok. But as with all online game the server's seem to be one sided, not due the server but because all the high rankers seem to gather on the winning side be it by skill or switching team's half way through the match leaving all the dope's on the other as cannon fodder. When you have all these noob's rapeing you spawn piont's in chopper's that can take a hit from a 120mm cannon, or 2 stinger's it get to be a pain. I know your not into award's I hear only the Greman's are that way inclined :D.

about some WWII M.O.D. 's

Posted: Tue Oct 03, 2006 11:02 am
by :FI:Dutchman
One M.O.D.
(can not say the word, have to spell it or Rabitsky goes out of his mind)

one I follow in particular is the battlegroep Frontlines,( we know this on from BF1942)
here is da link


Posted: Wed Oct 04, 2006 4:34 pm
by :FI:Rabitski
Ah conrad your such a W.A.N.K.E.R :D

Posted: Fri Oct 13, 2006 5:59 pm
by :FI:TacticalS!
I have been messing around with BF2 for the last week or so. I still need to explore the Special Forces expansion, and probably will eventually pick up the other downloadable add-ons.

Anyway, there sure are lots of interesting mods. Forgotten Hope 2 is still my main interest, but for fellow flyboys another one called Dawn Patrol here may appeal to you. It will be an airplane only mod. It looks like they will have WWI (almost done?), WW2 and even a Star Wars fantasy one.

Of course the modelling is pretty rough for planes (jets) in BF2, still interesting for those who have configured their joysticks in this game to mess around with.