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Review of the CH Fighterstick, Pro Throttle and Pro Pedals

Posted: Tue Jun 20, 2006 2:17 pm
by :FI:TacticalS!
I have been asked by several mates about my recent switch to CH Products. Below is a PM I recently sent to McBiggles that I thought some might also be interested in reading.

You can see a picture of my current setup here.


OK so here's my initial review of the CH stuff.

Very amazed at the amount of buttons offered by the hotas. While at first I was at a lost how to actually map the buttons, I finally clued in and Saturday, Sunday and last night have finally (I think :D ) mapped my setup exactly to my liking. This includes TS, TIR, toe brake, and even a mouse (on throttle) to view the map.

Basically, there is nothing for me to touch on the keyboard for fighters to twin engine birds except Wing Fold, which I worried about accidentally hitting so it remains "W" on my keyboard. I hesitated putting my Ignition and Bail on the Fighterstick, but ended up putting them on the "high" red button at the top, which is a little difficult to hit, and in order to bail you need to hit the pinky (Shift) button and this red one so very unlikely to hit it by accident. Anyway, spent most of my time working out the controls. Very powerful software, including a niffy little print utility so you can study the key assignments.

OK enough about the keys, eh? My reaction to the Fighterstick was, "Gee not as heavy as my Sidewinder." Also I do miss my Force Feedback though I am surprised I'm not stalling all over the place. :lol: However, it feels very solid, and when combined with the Throttle just an amazing, though still overwhelming, experience! If it was a little heavier and had FF I would be very satisfied.

Something I did do was to buy from a department store some vinyl covering (similar to the stuff used in cupboards) to ensure the stick, throttle and pedals don't move. This may not be necessary for everyone, but my desk is often pledged making the surface really slippery (and the units did move a little during my initial flight). The pedals haven't but thought it a good idea as it is seating on a plastic floor covering.

OK enough, what about the actual performance, right? Well keep in mind that I have NEVER used pedals, my first session (Saturday) was really overwhelming in the immersion department, but I really (and I mean really) sucked. :shock: Felt like I was completely NEW to IL-2. Talk about getting your money's worth out of the game. :D

Seriously, as one who only used a joystick and keyboard for the last three years, having to use both hands and feet (plus your head for TIR of course) is a real workout. First take-off featured my plane flying off the runway sideways as I initially forgot to use my feet, then only to press the wrong pedal. :roll: Once up in the air I felt my turn and burn days were over, as I became very mechanical in my movements. This was due to my lack of rudder usage. Landing, well that was a blast of glory.

Second session went much better for me on Sunday evening. Was now landing (still needs practice), and able to shoot down an enemy (Average) Bf-109 F-2 with my Spitfire Mk. Vb. I am starting to learn to use all the devices, and those silly pedals a lot more. I am confident that in a few weeks things should be back to normal.

Actually, I already get the sense better than normal for several reasons: the obvious one that my hands don't leave my CH stuff, the precision of the equipment, including no tiring forces (everything's got a lighter feel which I like), but also I can better separate my rudder usage from elevator and aileron, allowing me to fly losing less E.

Definitely glad I spoiled myself with this long-awaited purchase. It will be a great investment to what I hope to be many more years of enjoying flight simulations.


Re: Review of the CH Fighterstick, Pro Throttle and Pro Peda

Posted: Tue Jun 20, 2006 3:50 pm
by :FI:Gurberly
:FI:TacticalS! wrote: .... but my desk is often pledged making the surface really slippery....
I think that's what my desk needs (as well as the rest of the house). Care to send Mrs TacticalS! over with a duster?

I would comment on the rest of the post, but unfortunately I dozed off at the beginning of chapter II



Posted: Tue Jun 20, 2006 3:58 pm
by :FI:TacticalS!
I'll send you the Executive Summary, it's only four pages! :lol:

Posted: Tue Jun 20, 2006 4:40 pm
by :FI:Gurberly

Very shiny desk!!

Flowers are a nice finishing touch :D

What's the bunny doing around the back ?


Posted: Tue Jun 20, 2006 5:02 pm
by :FI:Rabitski
looks like he's about to pull the power cord :D

Posted: Tue Jun 20, 2006 5:03 pm
by :FI:TacticalS!
Bunny? She has more bunnies than that in the livingroom. I just pretend they're Germans in disguise :badgrin: (sorry Gen! ;) ).

Posted: Tue Jun 20, 2006 5:08 pm
by :FI:TacticalS!
:FI:Rabitski wrote:looks like he's about to pull the power cord :D
Bad bunny! [-X
