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PLANES O' FAME, Chino, CA. Airshow

Posted: Sun Jun 18, 2006 3:26 pm
by :FI:COM
Just want to meet David Hasselhoff, really. Don't, uh, really care about warbirds at all.... Any Westcoasterz gonna go to this show?(Icefrog, 90210?) The wife(dragged) and I will be there Sat., July 1st. Photos are obviously pending." onclick=";return false;

Posted: Sun Jun 18, 2006 4:42 pm
by :FI:McBiggles
It was originally called Planes of Fame and Cars of the Stars. It opened in Buena Park, Cal. in 1970. I was twelve years old. We used to ride our bikes the few miles to the place. You could get in for a buck or something. Great model shop in the lobby. We'd spend hours in there on the weekends. Model building contests, some guys uncle or grandad would talk about "the war", old airplanes...this went on for years. Got to know some of the old guys who worked on restoring these old crates. a Spit, 51's, a Zero, if it was slow they'd let us sit in any them. Before they gave a shit about liability insurance, "Hey, yeah, Frank, Tom at the museum, Good, good, lissen I think your kid just busted his arm falling out of the '25'..." Anyway, the place closes, after ten years or something, they move the operation to Chino Airport. A friend and I, this is a good few years later, I might be twenty four, or five. A friend and are in Chino, I can't remember why, but if you've ever been to Chino, you know we had a damn good reason. We drive past the airport and see, yes, Planes of Fame. We go in, we have no choice. Inside is the same dusty old airplanes some of the old displays, it was cool. So we get to poking around, and in the hanger out back they're working on a Mig-15. We get to talking, I tell them about growing up around the old place, etc...After a while my friend Jeff asks if they have any old bits for sale. My highest hope was him to say,"Yeah for twenty five bucks I got this old Spitfire gun sight under a glass bell." That didn't happen. What did, was he sent us "out back", I thought we were already, but out back , under a tarp on a pallet were a pile of propeller blades, stacked like cord wood. We fished through them and picked out three or four that had the reduction gears threaded to the bottom of the blades. We got them all for seventy five dollars or something. 'Curtis Electric, variable pitch, right hand turn, air screw, one.' I've got one of them here leaning up against a bookcase. So, where was I, right, another twenty years go by. The wife and I are driving home from California, and we decide to go see the Grand Canyon, which if you haven't seen, you should. Anyway, on the road to the canyon in Valle, Az. I drive right past the place. Screw the canyon, any fool can see a hole in the ground. Besides, where is it going? In my life these bastards have vanished twice! I drag the Mrs. in. It was great. They'd dusted, and some were even shiny. It's a nice museum. Only managed a t-shirt this last time...July 1st eh? Road trip!! Be there in seven hours. Besides, it's very close to VEGAS BABY!!! Helo? Ice? Saddle up muchachos! We ride!

Posted: Sun Jun 18, 2006 4:57 pm
by :FI:Falcon
Great find Com!

McBiggles, excellent story!

Thanks mates!

Fal "1200 miles away" con

You heard the...

Posted: Sun Jun 18, 2006 10:26 pm
by :FI:COM
McMAAAAAN- we are riiiding!!!! Not to make a strange addendum, but it's also home to the last flyable, real-able, AM56 ZERO.....flown by Lindberg himself, apparently. see ya there, McBigglesman!

Posted: Sun Jun 18, 2006 11:32 pm
by Nightcat
The wife and I are driving home from California, and we decide to go see the Grand Canyon, which if you haven't seen, you should.
Greg said it was very hot and at night the rocks held all the heat so it never cooled down and like he had to sleep outside because it was so damn hot and risked being taken down by snakes! yeah dude, Grand Canyon is so not on my agenda now...

I so hate snakes since the time my friends 16 royal python that had never biten anyone ever before decided to sample me, like the time the scorpion who had never stung anyone who decided the same thing.. I'm no doctor dolittle, I can't talk to the animals but as soon as somebody says 'they've never.....' I'm outta there lol

Oh yeah, the pythons mate chased me around the house, everywhere I went it followed.. course, at a much slower pace.. gah, I'll never sleep now thinking about any of that. My friends thought it was highly amusing, they said I was just paranoid - dude I'm in the toilet and the snakes right outside.. I can hear it trying to open the door!

Posted: Mon Jun 19, 2006 5:47 pm
by :FI:IceFrog
Wow, this last Friday I was over in our sister company’s office when I was talking to one of their engineers when he told me that the night before he and his wife was taking a walk when a P51 flew over, I said oh cool but then he started in telling all about he can tell the difference between the planes that flew over his house, Zero, P38, Hellcats and so on and so on. I thought oh they must be left over from a show. That’s when he looked at me like I had just fallen off a turnip truck. All this time I didn’t know that Chino has an Air Museum, much less one like that. He found a web site for it and was showing me the different planes there, and he also told me that a some of the planes they can and well for price take you up in them. He’s been up in a Corsair, now wait I said, that’s only a one seater, well they have taken all the radio equipment out from behind the pilot and stuck a seat there, if you look at the web picture you can see the colored glass there. Now I know where my next outing will be, he said one can walk around there all day and not see it all. This only about 20 minutes from my house. :D
i was going to post about this today but you beat me to it :D" onclick=";return false; ... G_8904.JPG" onclick=";return false; ... G_1768.JPG" onclick=";return false;

Posted: Wed Jun 21, 2006 10:32 pm
by fighter_bomber
Duxford Flying Legends Airshow > Planes of Fame!