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:FI: Room 101

Posted: Fri Jun 16, 2006 6:57 pm
by Nightcat
Had a bit of time on my hands, I downloaded a demo of "Steel Tide" - if you like simulations which I suspect most of you do stay well clear and save yourself some money or downloading time. It's terribly terrbibly dull and I'm partial to action style games once in a while.

I'm sure there are alot of games, albums, films & books etc etc we've played / bought that are totally pants or really good so why not save each other some time and let everybody know !

Scoring System...

1 :adolf: = bad, 5 :adolf: = terribly bad

1 :nferret: = good, 5 :nferret: = awesome!

Steel Tide = :adolf: :adolf:

Posted: Fri Jun 16, 2006 7:00 pm
by Sapper-FIN
Sid Meier´s Pirates (the new version)

:nferret: 5 :nferret:


Posted: Fri Jun 16, 2006 7:02 pm
by Skipper
:FI:Sapper-FIN wrote:Sid Meier´s Pirates (the new version)

:nferret: 5 :nferret:

A class game I agree! :D

One hell of a swash-buckling adventure!


Posted: Fri Jun 16, 2006 7:07 pm
by Ege
Sid Meier's Civilization IV is something wonderful.
:nferret: :nferret: :nferret: :nferret: :nferret:

Does anyone play it?

Posted: Fri Jun 16, 2006 7:13 pm
by Skipper
I do Ege!

Great game....but it can eat up alot of your time ;)

Best to play it when you don't need to get up the next morning or having nothing important to do :)

I always get snared by the "Just one more turn.."


Posted: Fri Jun 16, 2006 7:22 pm
by Ege
:FI:Skipper wrote:
Best to play it when you don't need to get up the next morning or having nothing important to do :)
Yep, even as I rarely play to the end. Until renaissance everything goes well, but then AI tends to gain some uber-points^2-boost and there is nothing you can do about it.

Posted: Fri Jun 16, 2006 9:07 pm
by :FI:Falcon
Just ... one ... more ... turn!


Yeah, I have Civ I thru IV.

IV is a good game. I've played several games to the modern period, but the same thing ALWAYS happens. You bring all your UBER units from your vast empire and attack a city of a mediun-sized country and it takes three hundred years to conquer it!

THEN, the game starts cheating very badly. Tanks sprout up from the corn fields, fighters blossum from the apple ochards, destroyers spawn from the fisheries and they take their flippin' city back!



But it's a good game.



Posted: Sat Jun 17, 2006 6:05 am
by Menace
Do not download Galactic Civ 2 if you are a fan of Master of Orion 2. Once you get by the campy humor (The manual states, about a class 3 planet, "THIS, IS CETI ALPHA SIX!"), you get sucked into designing your own ships, watching them blast away at each other in the battle cinematics.

One of those "one more turn" games. EG- Holy crap it's 5am!

The demo does not give it full justice.

And the AI is smart enough to recognize your massive fleets ready to bound arcross the border and nab planets, they really don't like that.

Posted: Sun Jun 18, 2006 11:53 pm
by Nightcat
Spellforce - The breath of winter (EP)
Spellforce - The shadow of the phoenix (EP)

The above are fairly cheap these days with the arrival of Spellforce 2 but if you like a bit of army building mixed with rpg then its a good time to cash in on it, if you can find a version with all the ep's included it wouldn't be a waste of money and probably have you disapeared from society for a good 100+

:nferret: :nferret: :nferret: :nferret: :nferret:

Spellforce 2 - Shadow Wars

Its apparently new and improved, to me it looks the same with a few minor tweaks keeping the original winning features. It's consumed me since I got it a couple weeks ago and I think I'm about half way though it.

:nferret: :nferret: :nferret: :nferret: :nferret: