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4.05m What is it and where do I get it?

Posted: Mon Jun 12, 2006 4:38 pm
by :FI:Dr_Strangelove
So I would like to hook up with you guys online but I know not what this version 4.05m is or even how I go about getting it. There are no downloads from what I can tell so what gives? Is this some sort of top secret patch or what?

Any advice would be appreciated.

Posted: Mon Jun 12, 2006 4:43 pm
by Skipper
Unfortunately you have to buy the Pe-2 addon from Ubi for £10(dunno what its is for US customers-$20?)

You then ahve the joy of it downloading and probably not working until after several reinstalls.But go ahead and get it....its fine once you get it working ;)


Posted: Mon Jun 12, 2006 4:52 pm
by :FI:Scott
Hi Strangelove,

As Skipper says its a pay for add on through Ubi. There are loads of threads both on the FI forums and on the Pacific Fighters forums on downloading, installing, fixing, swearing at it and kicking the cat 'cos it doesn't work etc,etc.

It is do-able if you follow the advice so see you soon

Posted: Mon Jun 12, 2006 5:39 pm
by :FI:TacticalS!
I installed it over the weekend. The download was fast. It was only $9.99 in pounds (that's $2,300.00 Canadian I think ;)). You can follow all the threads or just do the following:

(a) Make a backup copy of your il2.exe and il2fb.exe and files.sfs files. Rename files.sfs to files_404.sfs.

(b) Purchase, Download and Install (I did a manual install - you need to unselect the auto install option in the Boontybox program while downloading).

(c) Replace the il2.exe and il2fb.exe files with your backup copies from the first step. Verify it works, and archive download for future re-installation.

(d) An optional step (though presently necessary to join Historic Encounters if interested) is to make a copy of the files.sfs and name it files_405.sfs. With your original file (now named files_404.sfs in the game directory) you can switch between version 4.04 to 4.05 whenever by replacing the files.sfs with either of these (just always have these three files present - I recommend you backup files_404.sfs and files_405.sfs somewhere safe).

(e) Using XP's program uninstall utility, get rid of Boontybox and delete any leftover directories and menu references. Jump into the registry and delete any keys referencing Boontybox, and if you have one cleanup with a registry cleaner scan.

Ok a little more to it than I thought. Of course you don't need to remove Boontybox, but it will run in the background. Unfortunately this will all need to be done again for the next add-on.

P.S. There's also two files that need to be renamed and moved into their appropriate mission directories. OK I lied - this isn't so straightforward. :? PM me if you need any help.


Posted: Mon Jun 12, 2006 6:00 pm
by :FI:Dr_Strangelove
Holy Hell,

What kind of assbackwards system is this? I have to install some P.O.S. third party application just to get this damn thing? I guess I will look around and see if there is some alternative way to do this...maybe install on a different machine. My gaming rig is a finely tuned system that does not need any B.S. running on it. Hell, i don't even do e-mail or anything else from it.

Thanks for the info though, I will look into all this crap when I get home tonight and see if I can make it happen.

Posted: Tue Jun 13, 2006 3:36 am
by :FI:Dr_Strangelove
Alright I made it! Got the 4.05m add-on and was able to completly remove that stupid Boonty service as well!

Thanks for all the help guys!

Batch files for switching versions

Posted: Tue Jun 13, 2006 2:52 pm
by :FI:Sneaky_Russian
If youve got the "files.sfs" from
4.04m saved as files.404
and from
4.05 saved as files.405

then copy the .bat files in the quote boxes below

copy to notepad and save in IL2 folder as
DEL files.SFS
COPY files.404 files.sfs
copy to notepad and save in IL2 folder as
DEL files.SFS
COPY files.405 files.sfs

Then just place shortcuts on desktop (with your icon of choice)

Posted: Tue Jun 13, 2006 3:49 pm
by :FI:Dr_Strangelove
Ah shoot! No one told me to do anything with multiple versions? I just updated the program as normal without regard for any previous files. The only things I backed up were the original il2 and il2fb.exes.

Is there a reason why I need to run two versions? I thought we were running on 4.05m?

Posted: Tue Jun 13, 2006 3:55 pm
by :FI:Sneaky_Russian
:FI:TacticalS! wrote: (a) Make a backup copy of your il2.exe and il2fb.exe and files.sfs files. Rename files.sfs to files_404.sfs.

(c) Replace the il2.exe and il2fb.exe files with your backup copies from the first step. Verify it works, and archive download for future re-installation.

(d) An optional step (though presently necessary to join Historic Encounters if interested) is to make a copy of the files.sfs and name it files_405.sfs. With your original file (now named files_404.sfs in the game directory) you can switch between version 4.04 to 4.05 whenever by replacing the files.sfs with either of these (just always have these three files present - I recommend you backup files_404.sfs and files_405.sfs somewhere safe).

P.S. There's also two files that need to be renamed and moved into their appropriate mission directories. OK I lied - this isn't so straightforward. :? PM me if you need any help.


Have backup copies , if you need them contact on msn or yahoo messenger

Posted: Tue Jun 13, 2006 4:58 pm
by :FI:Falcon

Man, sounds like you did a good job last night installing 4.05!

No cursing, hair pulling, multiple posts explaining what you're going to do if you ever meet the guy who invented Boontywhatever, no requests for links to French translation sites ...

I don't know how many of the mates are using 4.04, 4.05 or switching between the two but the move is finally and definitely toward only 4.05. So if you want to hold on to what you have, that should be just fine.



Posted: Tue Jun 13, 2006 5:05 pm
by :FI:Dr_Strangelove
Doh, so I guess someone did tell me, but I just chose to ignore it.

I will contact you on MSN and get the backups sometime this week.

Posted: Tue Jun 13, 2006 5:08 pm
by :FI:Dr_Strangelove
:FI:Falcon wrote:Dr.

Man, sounds like you did a good job last night installing 4.05!

No cursing, hair pulling, multiple posts explaining what you're going to do if you ever meet the guy who invented Boontywhatever, no requests for links to French translation sites ...

I don't know how many of the mates are using 4.04, 4.05 or switching between the two but the move is finally and definitely toward only 4.05. So if you want to hold on to what you have, that should be just fine.



Yes, it actually went pretty smoothly for me. I did not even have to re-install anything for it to work. It worked the first time out of the gate.

If people are still using 4.04 then I guess I will have to get the files from Tactical, otherwise 4.05 here I come.

I am going to fly a few missions on my own and should be able to join up with you guys this weekend for some stick time. Now, to just get all my controls and buttons set up again the way I like them.