For the latter, you'd could be facing a very public online firing squad
I am able to access it.
I have in the past had problems with NTL and their transparent server cache...also a couple of issues with their DNS servers going a bit doo lally.
Chances are, unless you have been fiddling, it's them not you.
I keep an old dial up modem on standby. Then if there are issues accessing a site I can try using least it can help isolate if it is an ISP issue or a local PC issue.
if you can get to a command promt and ping i.e.
c:\ping" onclick=";return false;
and get a response without a timeout it means you command is getting to the server OK and it's probably a caching problem
if you again get to a command prompt and try
C:\nslookup" onclick=";return false;
it should return the IP address. If it doesn't, it suggests that their DNS server is unable to resolve names to IP addresses.
or somefink like that anyway.
By the way you have 3692 points