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63rd Anniversary of the Dam Busters

Posted: Tue May 16, 2006 4:43 pm
by Skipper
Title says it all really.Today is 63 years on from when the flew out to attack the dams.On this very night in 1943 , 19 specially modified Lancasters of 617 Squadron set off from Scampton to attack the Mohne , Eder and Sorpe dams.Each was equipped with the specially desgined weapon of "Upkeep" better know as the bouncing bomb.Worked on by Barnes Wallis for years , he succeeded in convincing the sceptics at the air ministry that his design was feasible.

All in all it was a pretty tremendous feat with all the combined skill and courage coming together to cause a tremendous result.The leader of the attack , Wing Commander Guy Penrose Gibson VC DSO and Bar DFC and Bar , was awarded the Victoria Cross for the courage he displayed throughout the mission.A tremendous man who unfortunately did not live to see the end of the war like many of original 617 squadron.

There has been much dispute over the years to the actual impact on Germany.It is true that much of the damage to the surrounding industry was minimal but the propaganda effects were huge.The raid came at a time when Churchill needed to convince our American allies that Britain was fighting back against Germany and this was the perfect example.The news of the breaking of the dams was reported all over the world and Gibson became what could perhaps be classed as a celebrity.

I think it best to close by not only honouring the memory of those who took part in the raid but the innocent German civillians and foreign workers who were killed by the subsequent flooding of the river valleys.



Posted: Wed May 17, 2006 11:04 am
by :FI:Scott
Peter Jackson (ala King Kong) has apparantly bought the rights to the film and is planning a re-make, big budget, all out special effects etc etc.

Could be good ?.