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what's your vector

Posted: Mon Apr 10, 2006 8:30 pm
by :FI:IceFrog
OK question time
Yesterday I was flying online with me m8’s, no map icons, I was trying to fly back to the airbase after tangling with the bad guys, i didn’t know if I had gone up too far north or down too far south, just new I needed to head east. After a while I knew I didn’t know which way the base was, when one the :FI: asked me my status, told I was looking for home. He asked me which base I took off from then told me to ask for a vector, which I did, home gave me a vector and me m8 (COM or Grecian) immediately said “head south”, I did and I found home.
:?: Now for the question, what’s the formula for working the “vector” if I remember right the vector from the ground control was 240 but I fly south to get home :?:
I’ve heard so many thoughts on this but how does it work

Posted: Tue Apr 11, 2006 12:36 am
by Grecian
You don't need to work out the vector M8, in the on-line wars you have a take-off airfield, and almost always a different one to land at.

When you ask for vector to base, its automatically giving, the vector to your landing airfield, so you just follow the course the controller gives you.

In your case yesterday vector 180 (or thereabouts) is South.

Not sure if the vector it gave you was "240", I thought it was someting like "190".


Posted: Tue Apr 11, 2006 3:43 am
by :FI:IceFrog
thanks sir
i have been in other online battles where i've asked for a vector, and i thought the number called out should be the heading for it, but usually when I took that vector as the heading it didn’t take me back, I guess that’s why I was a little cornfused,,, thanks