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Luftwaffe veteran's thoughts on the sim's 109 and 190

Posted: Tue Mar 07, 2006 2:31 am
by :FI:Moog
I found a copy on the SimHQ forums but here is a link to the original Ubi post: ... 084814/p/1" onclick=";return false;

This should probably be taken on board with a grain of salt but regardless it makes for a compelling read.

Posted: Tue Mar 07, 2006 5:51 am
by Beowolff
you're right, Moog... a compelling read... and no doubt, needs to be taken with a grain of salt.

as does most things written at UBI-Zoo...and even Sim HQ, these days.

it's a good read, as you noted, mind you... however, some things just don't ring true to me. and, i've heard it all before too. you see, ever so often, some poster somewhere comes up with a brain storm to get a REAL WW2 vet pilot (usually German but sometimes British or American) to TEST out their flight sim...usually IL2 (but i've seen similiar posts about CFS1 and CFS2 sims.)

well, as luck would have it, they just happen to know/bump into/was at an airshow with/related to/friend of their father/etc... said WW2 vet pilot...and usually after much begging, they get them to try out their sim. it goes about as usual. after some initial "learning" on how to use the computer and then the feeling out of the game, the said ww2 vet proceeds to put the game's virtual aircraft through their paces, making many informative comments along the way, of course.

as usual, he finds some things "not" quite right about the flight models... but normally not "too" many. and then he usually finds (surprisingly) several things that the game maker got "just" about right---or close enough for government work, anyway.

all in all, he usually conceeds that the game maker got it pretty close to the real deal...excluding those few "certain" things (like stiffness of rudder movement, height of cockpit vision, feel of the stick..etc...) that he pointed out in the beginning of the test.

now who knows in the case you mentioned (i read the thing too several days ago) it might be on the complete up and up... but to me, it had a phooey smell to it. it's just TOO similiar to a dozen other similiar ww2 vet deals that i've ran into in the past....and that all turned out to be hokey as hell.

pretty much like the guys you keep running into (especially in UBI-ZOO) that either have/know/or fly WW2 warbirds on a regular basis. jeesh! there's more REAL LIFE pilots flying IL2 at the UBI ZOO than the FAA have registered and on their files!

:lol: :lol: :lol:
