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Did a rat dissection today....

Posted: Thu Jan 12, 2006 7:27 pm
by Skipper
and I have to say it was by far the worst smell I have veer smelt in my life!I thought it would be a little unpleasant but crikey!I work at a hospital part time and get some odd smells there but nothing like this!I want to be a doctor so hopefully humans dont smell so bad :?

On the plus side it was very interesting though but it was very differebnt from the textbook like you'd expect.Have any of you got any simliar experiences of odd things you've dissected through the years etc etc or is it just me?



Posted: Thu Jan 12, 2006 7:34 pm
by :FI:Noter
Had a black pig in high school, teacher said it would have died after birth, because when we got to the brain, and the teacher was going over all the stuff that we should be seeing what to do, we couldn't the brain was just a mush of white blob goo. Smell was odd, but not awful. Wife's a nurse and says the worst smell is burnt flesh, hope to never know that for sure.


It depends on how long they are dead...

Posted: Thu Jan 12, 2006 8:11 pm
by :FI:Fenian
Where's :FI:Pike when you need to know such things?


I interviewed a surgeon-teacher at the Royal college of Surgeons in Dublin once, back in the early 90s and he took me on a tour of bits and pieces trying to gross me out....

I'm a beeretarian... so it didn't put me off my pint....

Didn't smell too good though....

I remember 'donor' cadavers in the freezer.... buckets of ears and hands and feet and... well.. you know... heads and stuff...

What a funny job to have....

But then... people are strange....


Posted: Thu Jan 12, 2006 8:23 pm
by :FI:Falcon
I got lost cutting through the Biology building at LSU one day. I opened the class door and there were fifty cats all opened up and students pulling stuff out of them.


I think some kinna gasping squeek came out of my mouth and I turned and just barely succeded in leaving without chuckin' me innards.

Worst smell, Li'l Omelet, my poor frog I HAD to dissect for Biology I.


Posted: Thu Jan 12, 2006 8:26 pm
by Nightcat
Use to work as a Medical Laboratory Officer (wonderful title no?) and the most memorable smell was formuline in which organs of people arrived in which we would slice up and make into slides or disect to see what is wrong or why somebody died. A good example is people who have cancer, mysterious deaths or viral infections etc etc (When I say 'we' I mean the consultants, I'd just made notes, labelled things or simply pass the scapel)

The pathology building was awesome in the summer as it was old and had no air conditioning, the winter was the opposite as it had no heating.

Memorable moments? Slicing open some old mans testicals to check for cancer, my first bowel content exposure and the manager dying of some flesh eating disorder in 24 hours flat after picking up the bug from a organ! I was payed peanuts and thought, no way and left after a years service.

Another time I was getting some work experience (with a view to becoming a full time copper) with the Devon & Cornwall Constabulary and on one occasion had to pull some bodies out of a small aircraft, there was no disecting going on but I did get a good look at my first human brain through a cracked open head.. where were the picture phones back then?


At the tender age of 6 Years...

Posted: Fri Jan 13, 2006 5:55 am
by :FI:Heloego
...I dissected (and re-animated) my mother's toaster. :)

The smell of all those burnt crumbs was something awful! ;)

Posted: Fri Jan 13, 2006 12:27 pm
by :FI:Moog
:FI:Nightcat wrote:and on one occasion had to pull some bodies out of a small aircraft, there was no disecting going on but I did get a good look at my first human brain through a cracked open head.
Jeez, that guy's in no condition to fly an aeroplane.

Here in Ireland they have more rigorous cranial requirements for anybody wishing to operate a flying machine. Having a full and complete skull is a must, unless one has a written exemption from one's doctor.

Posted: Fri Jan 13, 2006 10:38 pm
by :FI:Nellip
You've awoken a few memories I would rather have left sleeping.

I did a few disections at school and the the two worst were

the dogfish - not so bad the first week, but by the time we got to week 3 it was pretty rank, even with it pickled in formalin.

the cockroach - the formalin had not got through to the insides so when I opened mine up it had rotted away inside even though the outside looked OK - and the smell was something else

..............aah the memories..................

Posted: Sat Jan 14, 2006 4:11 am
by Deadly107
When I was in collage I had to dissect a fetal pig. It really wasn’t all that bad but they didn’t just give these little rascals out. The pigs had to be signed out to the lab because the ears kept ending up in a salad bar at a local restaurant. :D

VFA-107 Sea Dragons

Posted: Sat Jan 14, 2006 2:07 pm
by :FI:Igor
Geeez, i disected a frog in high school biology. The teacher kept saying 'there's the .... just like in a human.' There isn't anything in a frog similar to a human. And yes, burnt human flesh doesn't smell very pleasent; i know, i've smelt my own burnt flesh twice; once during a minor surgery, and one time at work; i actually smelt the burnt flesh before i felt the pain.
