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Dear Unkle Fenster,

Posted: Wed Dec 07, 2005 5:12 am
by :FI:Heloego
During a recent trip to the doctor it was noted that when using an otoscope to check my ear a bright dot of light appeared on the wall on the other side of my head.
The spot of light had rather ragged edges due to the wax build-up in my ear canals.

I guess my question is should I clean my ears more often so the edges of the spot are "cleaner", leave them alone and let the hairs balance the effect, or trim the ear hairs to keep the status quo?

Before you check, I've been unable to find any reference to this in either the PF or CoD config.ini files.

Posted: Wed Dec 07, 2005 5:39 am
by :FI:Falcon
Check the Community Help forum at Ubi. This sort of problem occurs often if the patient is suffering from either direct or indirect female menopause, but ...

what do I know,

I'm not Unka Fenster.

Aunt Falcy

Posted: Wed Dec 07, 2005 6:12 am
by :FI:Macca
Onka Heeelooo

Wait until new generation patch with new wax modelling is ready. 2 weeks, be sure.

Nephew Fenster

Posted: Wed Dec 07, 2005 10:25 am
by Nightcat
Has it occured to you that perhaps light has jagged edges and your suffering from a bad case of paranoia? I'm sure Unkie Fen will know for sure :D


Posted: Wed Dec 07, 2005 2:09 pm
by Guest
otoscope, eh?

they should have used a "LASER"!

which leads me to a very interesting topic, COMPLETE

oh,here's my pills!

now, that`s better.

I think you just have to many dirty thoughts in your brain.
Imagine something very clean (hills, rivers, meadows, sheep)
and everything will be fine again.

Well, maybe you should think about trees instead of sheep.


Posted: Wed Dec 07, 2005 2:28 pm
by :FI:Macca
what kind of trees?


Posted: Wed Dec 07, 2005 8:03 pm
by :FI:Fenian
I recommend reading The Importance of Being Earnest by Oscar Wilde and drinking several pints of Guinness a day for six months.

This excercise will help you to grow a... will stop the light from making its way through.

This is a common complaint amongst Americans, but the above remedy works wonders.

Good luck!

Unka Fen

Posted: Wed Dec 07, 2005 8:09 pm
by :FI:Macca
Can we exercise the therapy while not suffering from such problems as unkle Helo?

Mac(guinness is good for you)ca

Indeed Macca!

Posted: Wed Dec 07, 2005 8:17 pm
by :FI:Fenian
Polish people respond particuarly well to this therapy.

There are 100,000 Poles living in Dublin at present and the therapy apears to be paying off ;)



Posted: Wed Dec 07, 2005 9:31 pm
by :FI:Macca
Actualy I can see the reason for Unkle Helo's health problems. When he was in Dublin everything was ok as we exercised the therapy as prevention therapy. We had enough guinness to keep him ok for several months but now it seems he needs another visit to Temple Bar .He needs it badly!!!!

We must help him!!!

Let's make the Guinnes Brewery send Helo a barrel opf Guinness and make the EU pay the costs....and a barrel for each of us,too......



It's getting worse!

Posted: Thu Dec 08, 2005 5:41 am
by :FI:Heloego
If I look to the left, the light moves up.

If I look to the right, the light moves down.

If I cross my eyes...

...wel, I'd rather not say. :oops: