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Rome Total War...A heroic last stand defence...

Posted: Sat Oct 29, 2005 5:46 pm
by Skipper
Well I know some of you play RTW and I just had a really good afternoon on it so I thought I may aswell share waht happend! :)

I started the Imperial campaign again and was playing as the Julli and, instead pof expanding north into Europe against the Gauls , I decided to try my luck in Africa against those dreaded elephants! :?

All went well and after many battles , Carthage is on its knees and one of my Generals has become a National hero for his deeds on the battlefield with the comment:

"Many Roman women mutter his name and sigh" :lol:

Anyway....I signed an alliance with the Gauls and thought I'd try to keep on the right side of them until I was ready to drive north.Unfortunately they decided to pre empt me with a drive south and lay siege to one of my villages.My garrison was reasonably small and although I had two family members there (one of them a reasonably skilled general who hadnt fought for years and the father of the National hero) , the Gauls still out numbered us by nearly 2:1 and they had brought there king and two heirs along for the ride.

I was now thinking of the film "Zulu" starring Michael Caine and portraying the British last stand at Rourke's Drift.It just so happend I had the song "Men of Harlech" on a CD next to me so I slipped it on before the battle to get me suitably prepared ;)

As soon as the battle started , I charged my cavalry out of the fort and attacked the men brining the rams forward inflicting a few losses but it was insignificant and they began to breach at my walls in FIVE :shock: places!I called all my foot soldiers to the gate and began a desperate fight to keep the majority of the enemy cavalry breakuing through and held that for about 5 minutes while stemming the invading rush of trrops from other breaches.

I was holding my own , but the numbers were beginning to take effect and my trrops morale was flagging.I began to think it was all over, when two things happend at once.First of to reserve cavlary reinforcements had arrived and that bolster the troops somewhat and raised there morale.The second event was far more significant.The foot soldiers had managed to pull the king from his horse and kill him.I looked around and all the Gaul banners began to flash white and although they still out numbered me comfortably , they began to rout! :shock: :D

I chased them down ofcourse and inflicted hevy casualties.The final figures were:

Flavius Julius-369 men deployed...580 kills...227 men remaining
Brennus-607 men deployed...161 kills...27 men remaining

I release that they are barbarians and the reason they broke was beause they were ill disciplined and I probably would have had a harder fight against an actaul civilisation like the Egyptians.But hey , I'm very happy with the result :D

The father bexame a local hero to join his sons national hero status so my family is going strong! \:D/

Ave mates! ;)

Skipper ^:)

Posted: Sat Oct 29, 2005 5:57 pm
by :FI:TacticalS!
Great post Skip! Do you have the expansion also?

And I get a lot of that too - "Many Roman women mutter his name and sigh." :D

Maybe we can play online sometime. Macca might be interested too. I assume several folks can engage in a battle. I have only played 2 battles online, as I much prefer the campaign. Someday hopefully we can play the campaigns online!

Tact - "strength and honour - NOT! - down with those Roman dogs! :badgrin:" - S!

Posted: Sat Oct 29, 2005 7:13 pm
by Skipper
I havent got it yet but I'm considering it as I hadnt played RTW for a while and had forgotten how much I enjoy it.The only problem is whether my PC wopuld be able to handle it (especially those night battles =P~ ) as its fairly old(about 3 years)

I've played online once or twice and I have to say it is great fun!I was once in a game with 20,000+ and the lag was unbelieveable.Even this guy who had just bought a com-puter had his slow to a crawl but yeah , i'd be up for some RTW campaigns and stuff when I get it a good buy would you say?Worth my denari... as I have settlement rebuilding to do too :D ;) ?


Posted: Sat Oct 29, 2005 8:17 pm
by :FI:Falcon
Good story Skip, thanks!


Posted: Mon Oct 31, 2005 5:57 pm
by :FI:Nellip
Great story Skipper - sounds like we need a Fighting Irish Cohort to add to the Squadron and Platoon? :)

Any interest in an online ladder for RTW?

And what exactly do those

Posted: Mon Oct 31, 2005 7:33 pm
by :FI:Fenian
Roman women sigh?

"Awww bloody 'ell... not HIM again....'


Posted: Mon Oct 31, 2005 7:38 pm
by :FI:TacticalS!
Finished my Huns campaign yesterday (H/H). Lots of fun! Going to start another one later this week. The immersion is just incredible with surround sound and high field of depth so you can see distant mountains and what not. Going to put the restrictive camera back on and might remove the banners again. Certainly an amazing game for strategy lovers.


Posted: Tue Nov 01, 2005 7:21 pm
by :FI:TacticalS!
Ok couldn't wait. Now playing as the Saxons with my eye on Britain. Watch out Gurb, hide the kids and wifey the Saxons are coming, the Saxons are coming! :D

Man what did they put in this game? Completely addicted. :-s