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Posted: Fri Oct 21, 2005 7:00 pm
by Nightcat
CQ cq d x erm hello! Ok I have been messin with the bombers in the IL2 series for quite some time (couple years I reckon), got this thing for big aircraft and crash landing them - or trying to fly them like fighters and wonder why I get cut to shreds.. I'm not to good I'm afraid but I soooo enjoy it ! So one day, I was thinking I should probably play with real people and enhance the fun of crash landing lol

I live in Devon, I have that lovely sexy accent as all devonians do which probably rules out team speak "Whats that noob saying?" anyway, it says to discuss life and flying.. so, as requested.

Life: Life is... life is.. hmmm... not really got alot to say about life, you see me and life had this big fall out a long time ago and we really have it in for each other.

Flying, yep thats what the other pilots do after they take off - I kinda reach the end of the runway and bounce along a bit more, over trees and sooner or later kinda tag behind them hoping not to be shot down after all my hard work from taking off. I dream of being able to fly in formation without learning that planes don't have bumpers like cars in the car park.

Yep, thats about it I think - was rather alot wasn't it.. very essayesque!


Posted: Fri Oct 21, 2005 7:04 pm
by :FI:Moog
Hi and welcome Nightcat,

This is the off-topics forum for the Fightin' Irish Platoon. We play Call of Duty. I think you're looking for the off-topics forum of the Fightin' Irish Squadron - the flyboys...

If you have a copy of CoD or can get your hands on one then feel free to connect to our server... otherwise, I'll see you in the virtual skies soon mate (don't forget to patch up to 4.03). All the info you need to connect is elsewhere on the forums.



Jeez Moog!

Posted: Fri Oct 21, 2005 7:12 pm
by :FI:Fenian
He just said he sapent half his flying time on the ground... may as well hand him a gun ;)

Welcome to our wee hole in the wall Wayne.

There are a number of malcontents here too.

We are a diverse bunch of sheep-lovers. As Sir Moog of the Tinkled Ivories so rightly pronounced, this is the Mudmovers foxhole.

And as any right-thinking citizen will acknowledge, it's always the flyboys that get the girls.

So, if you are a Bomber pilot, wathc out of Heloego - he has a great site on how to blow things to smithereens and get home in one piece called Goat Skies (don't ask).

As for Call of Duty? It's great fun. But you just can't help thinking how much MORE fun it would be shooting at these guys from the cokcpit of a P51D :D

Once again Welcome Sir Wayne of Devon!

Posted: Fri Oct 21, 2005 7:38 pm
by Nightcat
Ok I'll go buy CoD sometime very soon then! lol - well if it has like 'groups' and sheep lovers then it would seem I am like missing out on something. Oddly I was only thinking that I have a serious lack of ground based shooting genres, was looking at 'sniper elite' thinking hmmmm - kinda appealing, but I'll get both - no worries!


I'll go copy and paste my hello into the other off topic forum and pretend like this never happened, move along.. nothing to see here lol

Nightcat proclaimed...

Posted: Sat Oct 22, 2005 2:43 am
by :FI:Heloego
thinking that I have a serious lack of ground based shooting genres,...
(Well, without the dots, anyway. The dots represent...What, Fen? *slaps Fen* They most certainly do not!)

Anyway, have you seriously considered a "Ground Shooting Base genre"?

Sort of like Cricket (the game, not my wife!), but with a 50 to 1000kg advantage? :D

Posted: Sat Oct 22, 2005 8:43 pm
by :FI:Moog
I wrote:(don't forget to patch up to 4.03)
Whoops, I meant to say 4.02

4.03's not due out for another two weeks.


S'okay, Moog!

Posted: Sun Oct 23, 2005 5:05 am
by :FI:Heloego
We were kind and said nothing.

We understand.


Posted: Sun Oct 23, 2005 11:51 am
by Nightcat
With Call of Duty 2 being out, is there much play left in Call of Duty? I just wonder before I rush out and buy it


Posted: Mon Oct 24, 2005 11:54 am
by :FI:Dutchman
Hi nightcat,

First Hi and welcome, but e did you already sign op for the platoon did I miss that ??
2nd i should save your money and buy COD 2 if you want to play this game.

it's still a month to go and then i expect that the gameplay on the FIP server will shift more and more to COD 2 day by day when COD 2 hit the shells, it will be availible for some time on the FIP server but that's how it went with the original COD and COD UO.
i expect, that when most of the platoon members have got the sequel then the COD UO will slowly have the same end that the dinosours had yester-longago I guess.


Posted: Tue Nov 08, 2005 6:07 pm
by Guest
Nope didn't actually sign up for the platoon, going to get COD2 and apply via here - I'll be screaming in these forums around that time of purchase ^_^


Posted: Thu Nov 10, 2005 8:13 am
by :FI:Dutchman
Hi Nightcat ,

you can sign up if you want via our application form on the Rogues, or Platoon button on the platoon homepage.

see you soon on the FIP COD2 SERVER.


Posted: Thu Nov 10, 2005 1:30 pm
by :FI:Macca
Yellow mellow!

do as our great Godfather of the Platoon says and you will be in your new army shoes soon. Now you have this wooden rifle - somebody has stolen all the mmetal ones. So shall you face an enemy - bash him or throw the piece of wood at him.

cya in the trenches, under barbed wires, in the mud, snow and sand , rain, wind, pub on the corner and the evening news*


* - please underline correct thingy