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I won the CONSULTATION prize!!!

Posted: Thu Aug 18, 2005 2:09 am
by :FI:WillieOFS

And the message came from HEADQUATERS!!!! :roll:


Ref: BTL/491OXI/04
Batch: 12/25/0304
17th August 2005

Dear Consultation Prize Winner,


We happily announce to you the draw of the British Lottery
International programs held on the 16th of August 2005 in London.
Your e-mail address attached to ticket number: 564 75600545 188 with
Serial number 5388/02 drew the lucky numbers: 31-6-26-13-35-7, which
subsequently won you the lottery in the 2nd category.
You are therefore, been approved to claim a total sum of
usd$2,500,000.00 (Two million, five hundred thousand, United States Dollars) in cash credited to file PC/9080118308/02.

This is from a total cash prize of US $125 Million dollars, shared
amongst the first Fifty (50) lucky winners in this category.

This year Lottery Program Jackpot is the largest ever for British
Lottery. The estimated $125 million jackpot would be the sixth-biggest in
U.K. history. The biggest was the $363 million jackpot that went to two
winners in a May 2000 drawing of The Big Game, Mega Millions

Please note that your lucky winning number falls within our European
booklet representative office in Europe as indicated in our play
coupon. In view of this, your US$2,500,000.00 (Two million, five hundred thousand, United States Dollars) would be released to you by our affiliate bank in London.

Our agent will immediately commence the process to facilitate the
release of your funds to you as soon as you make contact with him.
All participants were selected randomly from World Wide Web site
through computer draw system and extracted from over 100,000 companies.

This promotion takes place annually.
For security reasons, you are advised to keep your winning! Information confidential till your claims is processed and your money remitted to you in whatever manner you deem fit to claim your prize.

This is a part of our precautionary measure to avoid double claiming
and unwarranted abuse of this program by some unscrupulous elements.

Please be warned. To file for your claim, please contact our fiduciary agent with the below details for processing of your claims.

NAME OF AGENT: Mrs.Judith Mark

TEL: +447031944988
TEL: +447031944981

To avoid unnecessary delays and complications, please
quote you,re Reference/Batch Numbers

Congratulations once more from all members and staffs of this program.
Thank you for being part of our promotional lottery program.

Yours Sincerely,
Mrs.Florah mark
Zonal Coordinators

__________ NOD32 1.1132 (20050607) Information __________

This message was checked by NOD32 antivirus system." onclick=";return false;

Can't wait for the check!!
:roll: :badgrin: :p

DO you think Judith and Flora are sisters, or mother and daughter, or Mr and Mrs?? :oops: :badgrin:

Posted: Thu Aug 18, 2005 12:14 pm
by Sapper-FIN
For security reasons, you are advised to keep your winning! Information confidential

Right, just you did Willie :lol:

Sounds like a hoax to me... :?:

Re: I won the CONSULTATION prize!!!

Posted: Thu Aug 18, 2005 12:50 pm
by :FI:Genosse
:FI:WillieOFS wrote: We happily announce to you the draw of the British Lottery International programs held on the 16th of August 2005 in London.
Your e-mail address attached to ticket number: 564 75600545 188 with
Serial number 5388/02 drew the lucky numbers: 31-6-26-13-35-7, which
subsequently won you the lottery in the 2nd category.
You are therefore, been approved to claim a total sum of
usd$2,500,000.00 (Two million, five hundred thousand, United States Dollars) in cash credited to file PC/9080118308/02.

This is from a total cash prize of US $125 Million dollars, shared
amongst the first Fifty (50) lucky winners in this category.

This year Lottery Program Jackpot is the largest ever for British
Lottery. The estimated $125 million jackpot would be the sixth-biggest in
U.K. history. The biggest was the $363 million jackpot that went to two
winners in a May 2000 drawing of The Big Game, Mega Millions
I´ve always known that the States and the UK are close friends ... but not that close that the British currency is already the US-$!!! I can´t read any approximately, is equal to or roughly ... can you? :shock: :shock: :shock:

Maybe someone has to tell this Mrs.Florah mark with the recommandation to re-take a lesson in "international" geography!!! :badgrin: :p :lol: ;)

But anyhow ... congrats, Willie! You still know that I call you my friend??? =P~ =P~ =P~ =P~ =P~ =P~ =P~ =P~ =P~ =P~ =P~ =P~ =P~ :-k

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Re: I won the CONSULTATION prize!!!

Posted: Thu Aug 18, 2005 1:05 pm
by :FI:Spitsfire
Mrs.Florah mark wrote:...Information confidential till your claims....


Posted: Thu Aug 18, 2005 6:25 pm
by :FI:Fenian
have a pint of Genius Padre Willie!


I get similar letters...

Posted: Wed Aug 24, 2005 3:42 am
by :FI:Heloego
...about once/month.

There's a guy in the U.S. that deliberately responds to some of these scam letters! he says their greed makes them do some really stupid things in the effort to steal your $$$/info.

He feeds them a sob story explaining why he can't accomodate them, and has actually received $$$ from the idiots doing the scamming! :lol:

BTW, a major portion of these are originating from Nigeria.

Posted: Wed Aug 24, 2005 3:02 pm
by :FI:Igor
They didn't mention the 'processing' fee. Wait for Ed McMann to deliver the cash (no we don't accept checks) personnally.


Posted: Sat Aug 27, 2005 12:27 am
by :FI:WillieOFS
FFS!!! I WIN AGAIN!!! :lol:

I'm not just a handsome old bastage, I'm LUCKY too!! ROTF!!

BTW, I get several of these of a week. :roll: ANd I know they are nothing but an attempted scam.

I got tired of aggravating the poor distraught Nigerians with ALL the money in the world locked up for various reasons and able to be redeemed ONLY by me. LMAO!!
UNITED KINGDOM. 61-70 Southampton Row,
Bloomsbury, London, United Kingdom, WC1B 4AR
PHONE #:+44 7031844897

REF NO: MSW-L/200-26937
BATCH: 2005MJL-01


We are pleased to inform you of the announcement of winners of the MSW MEGA JACKPOT LOTTO WINNINGS PROGRAMS held on 24th, AUGUST 2005. Your company or your personal e-mail address, is attached to winning number 20-16AUGUST-2005-02MSW, With serial number S/N-00168 drew the lucky numbers 887-13-865-37-10-83, and consequently won in the first lottery category.

You have therefore been approved for lump sums pay out of GBP 5,500,000.00 POUNDS in cash Credited to file REF NO: MSW-L/200-26937 this is from total prize money of GBP 27,500,000.00 POUNDS, shared among the Twenty Five (25) international winners in this category.

All participants were selected through our Microsoft computer ballot system drawn form 21,000 Names, 3,000 names from each continent, as part of International "E-MAIL" Promotions Program, Which is conducted annually for our prominent MS WORD user all over the world, and for the Continues use of E-mail. We are sorry to let you know that our site is still under construction, As we are updating our site. See attachment for your winning certificate to clear all doubts.

Your fund (certified cheque) has been insured with your REF NO: MSW-L/200-26937. Your E-mail address should be used in all correspondence with your claims officer, Please note that, you are to contact your claims officer via email as we Are promoting the use of E-mail, any communications with this office should be by mail, you have the right to call the the director to confirm your winnings that is all, as we will provide you with the necessary details on how to claim Your prize. You are to keep your ref. number and batch number from the public, until you have Been processed and your prize money delivered or transfered to you.

This is part of our security protocol to avoid double claiming and the act of scamming people of Their ref number and prizes. We hope you will help promote the use of Microsoft Office.

To claim your winning prize, you must first contact the claims department by email for Processing and remittance of your prize money to you. The claims officer contact email is:CLAIMS OFFICER
Name : Mr. Julian Phillip.
E-mails :
Phone # : +44 7031913969

1. FULL NAMES: _______________________________________________________
2.NATIONALITY: _______________________________________________________
3. DATE OF BIRTH ________________________________________
4. SEX: _________________________
5. MARITAL STATUS: _____________________________________
6. CONTACT ADDRESS: _____________________________________________
7. TELEPHONE NUMBER: ___________________
8. OCCUPATION: _________________________________
9. WINNING E-MAIL ADDRESS:________________________________
10.REF/ BATCH NUMBERS:_________________________________________
11.TOTAL AMOUNT WON:_________________________________________

Upon reciept of the duly requested data,i`ll send you the contact information of the payment office so you can proceed with effecting the release of your claim in anyway you deem fit, summit back immediately

Remember, all prize money must be claimed not later than the 20th SEPTEMBER, 2005. All funds not Claimed on or before the fixed date will be penalized accordingly. Do email the above email addresses.

NOTE: In order to avoid unnecessary delays and complications, please remember to quote your reference and batch numbers in all correspondences with your claims officer. Do not reply any other mails like this on net as they are alot of scam artist out there pretending to be us. You may see mails like this do not reply. Do contact your claims officer MR. Julian Phillip at once by email. You will be asked to provide some details to enable us proceed file keeping. PLEASE KEEP THIS CONFIDENTIAL.

Mrs. Jennifer Wright.
Secretary Ms-word lottery.

Any winner below the age of 18years is automatically disqualified

NOTE: Do not reply this mail. You are to contact your claims officer immediately by email. Or call the promotion director Mr. Gabriel Martin on +44 7031943199 or +44 7040101161 to confirm your winnings.


Gesendet mit b1gMail5 -" onclick=";return false;

__________ NOD32 1.1132 (20050607) Information __________

This message was checked by NOD32 antivirus system." onclick=";return false;

Posted: Sat Aug 27, 2005 7:54 am
by :FI:Genosse
Gesendet mit b1gMail5 -" onclick=";return false;
What´s this? An email from the UK (this time: total prize money of GBP 27,500,000.00 POUNDS!!!) with German words in it (Sent with b1gMail5)?

It´s getting really weird now ... :shock: :roll:

Posted: Sat Aug 27, 2005 9:06 am
by :FI:Mefisto
so you guys suggest that those "you are the winner" e-mails i got are not true? :shock: #-o and those "horned" girls even do no like me a bit? :doubt: :lol: :lol: :lol:

maybe they will at least send me those laptops for testing [-o< :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: