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signing on

Posted: Sun Jun 12, 2005 7:08 pm
by McBiggles
Greetings from Santa Fe, New Mexico. I'd read with intrest the suggested three steps to join,( not twelve ? or is that somthing else?)
anyway the thing is, I've been flying this sim in all of its incarnations since it first came out. I have updated to 3.4m and talked the long suffering Mrs. into high speed internet. The same long suffering but strangely indulgent Mrs, got me Track IR for my birthday, no idea why she just showed up with it. So equipment wise I think I'm ready. But we all know that it is the man not the gear. However, thr right gear never hurts. Having said that, up until now online combat was this not possible for a variety of reasons, my own lack of confidance probobly the greatest of these, and some hardware issues, but now I'm starting to feel like I need to see how it is real-time.
On a personal note: Since I was a kid, I was born in Carrickfergus, in the northern part of Ireland fortyseven years ago. From the time I was a
kid I've been fascinated by aviation, and the Battle of Britain in particular.This may have been started by uncle who, family legend has it spent some time filling in bomb craters at Biggen Hill. Anyway, he filled my head with stories of Mannock, Kilmartin, Paddy Finucane, and Beamish, and other Irish Pilots. Billy could take you back in time.
Anyway lads, it didn't take me long to know that if I was going to join anywhere it would be with you lot. If you'll have me, I'd honored . I'll be looking forward to seeing you online as soon as I can.


Posted: Sun Jun 12, 2005 7:48 pm
by Skipper
Hi there my good Sir,
I wouldn't worry about flying online too much , not when you've got us aces to protect you! :D I fly online but I'm normally dead before I even see the other plane :? ! I am really interested in Battle of Britain too so I look forward to flying online with you some time soon.Just one problem you have though. You will need the newly leaked patch 4.0 and I'm sure one of the lads or I can dig you out a link to a download site. ;)

I'll see you in the sky!

^:) Skipper

Posted: Sun Jun 12, 2005 7:54 pm
by Skipper
Here's the link to 4.0m (You have to have PF+AEP+IL2 in a merged install)

Hope this is OK Gurb and hope this helps McBiggles!


I'm an idiot!

Posted: Sun Jun 12, 2005 7:56 pm
by Skipper
It appears in my waffling I forgot to post the link :? :o so here it is:

Da Link*


* edited by :FI:Genosse ... due to avoiding unnecessary download traffic on the server please PM him for the link! - Thank you for your understanding :)

Posted: Mon Jun 13, 2005 3:00 pm
by Skipper
Sorry Sir Gen! :oops:

I won't do it again :)


Posted: Mon Jun 13, 2005 3:17 pm
by :FI:TacticalS!
Nice intro McBiggles. Sadly we have another mate down your way (New Mexico), but we can entertain having two from down there I suppose. ;)

Fan of Battle of Britain too. With regards to gaming, I do believe the equipment is invaluable (TIR, good stick, high fps, good resolution, etc). Without it even a good aviation gamer will be limited. Sounds like you have a good combination of experience and now equipment. You should make out fine online mate.

Start adding :FI: names whenever you jump onto HyperLobby (you have HL right?). If not grab it from here -

Our Squad is mostly European with an increasing number of American/Canadian folks. Time zones can be a problem during the week. As a group we fly Sundays (your afternoon), though you should see some of us during the week (especially Wednesday evenings).

Interested in an online campaign series? I plan on starting them up again in a couple of weeks. Here's the webpage - ... ncounters/. If you join we also have a thread about the matter in our Member area on the forum.


Welcome Mr. B

Posted: Mon Jun 13, 2005 8:25 pm
by :FI:Fenian
Paddy Finucane and Victor Beamish were great lads indeed.

I have a book by Crecy Publishing in the UK about Beamish, and found this link to an RTE radio documentary about Paddy, that you can listen to online



Posted: Mon Jun 13, 2005 8:31 pm
by L.F
welcome :beer:

Posted: Tue Jun 14, 2005 12:01 am
by MikeVictor
Welcome McBiggles, 8)

I, like you, am a newbie to this lot. We can share our experiences if you like as we learn stuff in this game.

Also, I lived in Albuquerque, NM as a kid for a few years and later during my final years in the Army, 81 to 84. I knew a wonderful lady who lived in Santa Fe and spent some time there kicking about long ago. Went skiing at the ski resort nearby. My eyes grow misty at the thought.......

OK get a grip....well at any rate, Santa Fe is a cool place to live. I really miss the mountains and climate there.

Welcome again sir, this is a way cool bunch of guys for sure, lots of laughs,

Mike :wink2:

Welcome, McB!.....

Posted: Tue Jun 14, 2005 5:14 am
by :FI:Heloego
...Well, alrighty now!

Are we soon to be 2 new Mexican Irish?

I live in Grants, but don't hold it against me, ok? ;)
Moved from Montana via Louisiana, Maui, Oregon, and Georgia, and finally got here last year. (My arms are really tired!)

Welcome aboard, and enjoy your stay. Beer's in the cooler. Just leave one for me!

Posted: Wed Jun 15, 2005 4:24 am
by Sixxpak
cheers :beer: ^:)

and welcome m8 ;)

Posted: Wed Jun 15, 2005 4:12 pm
by MikeVictor
And here's a toast to the memory of gentlemen pilots Mannock, Kilmartin, Finucane & Beamish and to McBiggles for bringing our attention to them.

Well done gentlemen, thank you very much

Mike ^:) :beer: