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it's quiz time again!!!! :)))

Posted: Mon Apr 25, 2005 1:12 pm
by Buster82
ok let's see who knows his/hers aviation history :D

in what year was the last P-40 taken out of active duty?

Posted: Mon Apr 25, 2005 1:33 pm
by L.F

Posted: Mon Apr 25, 2005 1:35 pm
by Buster82
try again 8)

Posted: Mon Apr 25, 2005 1:45 pm
by L.F


Posted: Mon Apr 25, 2005 1:53 pm
by Buster82
1964 is the closest so far

Posted: Mon Apr 25, 2005 3:23 pm
by Grecian
Seem to remember, reading somewhere were used in a South American conflict, following a dipute over a football match :? Think Honduras was involved sometime in the 1980's. Am I close :?:

Posted: Mon Apr 25, 2005 5:24 pm
by :FI:ZekeMan
Good question! I must say, all I can do is guess, and that wouldn't be an educated one. I suppose I can't "cheat" and look it up, huh?


I'll take a stab...

Posted: Mon Apr 25, 2005 6:14 pm
by :FI:Snaphoo
and say 1973...

Posted: Mon Apr 25, 2005 6:27 pm
by Buster82
nope all wrong
1964 is still the closest one so far

i'll give a hint. it's before '64 but after '45

Posted: Mon Apr 25, 2005 6:53 pm
by L.F
i might have a clue!

63? :lol:

Posted: Mon Apr 25, 2005 11:02 pm
by Beowolff
you guys might as well just sit down, for I'VE got the answer.

answer: NEVER! nope, they never were taken out of service. after all, i fly one regularly in the USAAF... in fact, almost every day. er, in IL2. so there.



The lad's a bit...

Posted: Tue Apr 26, 2005 2:29 am
by :FI:Heloego

Cheeky! Aint' he? :D

Posted: Tue Apr 26, 2005 5:01 am
by Beowolff

Posted: Tue Apr 26, 2005 9:34 pm
by :FI:ZekeMan
Okay, I will take a stab. I figure some obscure Botswanian air force still had them in service until, say, 1955? Perhaps they took part in some pygmy uprising or whatever.


Posted: Wed Apr 27, 2005 12:38 am
by Buster82
closest one so far is by zeke.
very very close zeke.

since nobody seem to get it right i'll give another hint.
they've been used till after '55 but taken out of active duty before '60

ow btw zeke the Botswanian AF never used the P-40 :p

Air Forces that did use the P-40 were:

Dutch East Indies
New Zealand

If you want i can also tell you which versions they've received and how many of them. 8)