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Posted: Wed Apr 06, 2005 7:34 am
by weasel
hi guys,nice shootin'yesterday,i'm new and not familiar with the new maps,give me some time.
Ihave a question to you all,the maps i have downloaded from this site are working(piece of cake to install them)but the problem is,the origianal maps from cod and uo,won't load when i'm connected to the server,or when the server is changing the map,strange isn't it?i got an error,is there a patch or a piece of software i forgot to download and to install?
I was playing yesterday,but after an half an hour the server loaded a new map and i was gone,the strangest thing is that the new maps are working,and the old one's not....
Help me......
Posted: Wed Apr 06, 2005 1:55 pm
by :FI:Moog
Hi Weasel,
If you were able to play on Dutchman's server at all then you don't need any patches. He runs the latest patch and if you didn't have it, it would be impossible for you to connect.
The precautionary advice I would give you is to go into your multiplayer options from the game's main menu and turn on 'Allow Downloading' if it's not already on. Sometimes there are tiny mods associated with maps or weapons which must be auto-downloaded from the server itself immediately after connecting, otherwise that map won't work.
Make sure you keep all of your custom maps and mods in one folder (Call of Duty:United Offensive\UO) and keep track of which ones you have installed - often there are newer versions released and these will clash with the older ones which you must then delete. Sometimes two totally separate custom maps or mods will simply cause problems for no reason other than they're in the same directory. If you start getting major problems then delete ALL custom content and only reinstall it one map or mod at a time, testing each one online, to identify where the root of the problem is.
You said that it was just the original maps that didn't work though. That *is* weird.
You said that you received an error message... what did this say exactly? 'File Not Found', 'File Corrupt' etc?? I'll be better able to help you if you can provide this information.
Hi Weasel
Posted: Wed Apr 06, 2005 1:58 pm
by :FI:Dutchman
Hi Weasel,
Good performance yesterday.
i had fun too.
your problem is strange if you have followed Moog's advices you can also check this ..
Downloaded the UO mappack ??
and did you install all maps in your MAIN/UO folder
if not try this first
if this has no effect than first save your downloaded maps, your patch and the UO mappack, delete the wole game and check if all folders are gone in program files and then re-install COD and OU
do the patches and replace the downloded maps in the MAIN/UO folder.
this should work.
It's not a very nice solution but, you know you did the right steps in one move
Good Luck ,
Posted: Thu Apr 07, 2005 9:04 am
by wease
Posted: Thu Apr 07, 2005 9:14 am
by weasel
reinstall,that's not the niceste solution,and moog,the error message is simple:error_ can't load map:name of the map.that's it.
ill reinstall and ill get back to you.
However i'm pretty sure everything is done in the right way.
ill try again.....
thanx guys
Posted: Thu Apr 07, 2005 2:37 pm
by :FI:Moog
Yes weasel that *is* a simple error message but it tells you exactly what's wrong.
Either you can do a full reinstall (including manually deleting the game directory after running the uninstaller - this will solve your problem if you do it right) or you can put in a bit of effort and closely examine the game's \main and \uo folders.
Make a note of which maps don't work as well as which error messages you get, and then SCRUTINISE every file in those two directories that is even remotely close to the name given as the map name during the error message. For instance the game might say "Can't load UO_Viking_Omaha", so you would look in each of the two folders and might find multiple files such as "zz_viking_omaha1", "zz-VIKING-omaha_BETA", "zzz_viking_UO_omaha" "OMAHA_vikings" etc. etc.
Ensure that you delete all of the related files except for just the one that is needed (it just requires a little common sense and judgement). If you do not know exactly which file it is, you can either take a guess that it is the latest version according to the file's date, or you can delete them ALL, then connect to the server and allow the map to Auto Download.
"Can't load" means that the file is present but, as you may have guessed, cannot be loaded. This is because other files are causing problems. "Can't find" means, well, you're a bright lad, I'll let you figure that one out for yourself
Hope to see you on Dutchman's server soon mate!
PS: If you decide to perform a full reinstall, be sure and make backup copies of the 'main' and 'uo' folders, and keep them somewhere you won't forget about them. This way if you get problems again you can just restore the original folders without having to fully reinstall the game and patch it up, etc.
PPS: I only know these things because I've f***** my own copy of the game up more times than I care to remember
Posted: Fri Apr 08, 2005 8:28 am
by weasel
i have made back up file's
So the problem is that there are multiple file's from the same map,ill reinstall and wil check it out.
i delete all,exept the latest version
ok,ill try
thanx guys
Posted: Fri Apr 08, 2005 9:43 am
by weasel
is it an option to install those map file's in the main directory?
or do i have to install them in the uo directory?
they look the same to me,or is cod using the main dir en uo the uo dir?
Posted: Fri Apr 08, 2005 1:05 pm
by :FI:Moog
The original CoD as well as some core UO content is in the \main folder and the bulk of United Offensive stuff is in \UO.
Personally I put ALL my custom content in \UO and keep track of what goes in.
The game reads both directories depending on which map you're running, which server you're connected to, but basically if you do some good housekeeping and monitor everything that you put in \UO you won't have any major problems.
When you mix and match custom files between \main and \UO you're bound to run into trouble sooner or later.
Posted: Sat Apr 09, 2005 11:12 pm
by Weasel
Posted: Sat Apr 09, 2005 11:14 pm
by Weasel
Posted: Sun Apr 10, 2005 9:29 pm
by Weasel
i have played most of the day,no problems....
gr :FI:Weasel
Posted: Mon Apr 11, 2005 1:10 pm
by :FI:Dutchman
Hi weasel
contact me asap by e-mail or phone and i arrange your FI settings
and so, thabn you do not have to log in as a guest but as a :FI:Member
see/hear ya soon
Posted: Tue Apr 12, 2005 2:43 pm
by Weasel