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Just My Luck...No Irish

Posted: Sat Mar 19, 2005 8:00 pm
by :FI:ZekeMan
Isn't it just my luck that every time I've gone into HL since I've had my puter up and running I haven't been able to find any of the Irish on! I pager messaged Guberly one day, but he and three or four other of the lads were involved in a COOP and I had to go to work. :( Are there any special events you guys are planning that may coincide when I get off work? I am on USA Pacific Coast Time, and I am usaually home from work just before 11 pm. I beleive there is 8 hours difference between myself and London. Is it Falcon who is in Texas? Only and hour or two diff there. How many Irish would be required by the squadron by-laws to give me an "official" try out?


Posted: Sat Mar 19, 2005 8:05 pm
by :FI:Spitsfire
sundays are good for catching us, and wensdays
keep trying :lol: The 'finding the squad' test is prooving alittle difficult guys, maybe we should change all our names back ;)


Posted: Sun Mar 20, 2005 12:28 am
by :FI:Fenian
No Blacks, no Dogs... no Irish...

These signs were visible into the 1950s :)

Now what????


Posted: Mon Mar 21, 2005 7:05 pm
by :FI:ZekeMan
I consider myself fortunate to at least get a bunch of the Fighting Irish members on my Freinds' List in HL yesterday (Sunday) and was able to at least partake in a mission with several on the Virtual Pilots server. It was a Gulf of Finland map, and man, to someone new to the server it was a tough one. There were no navigation aids on the mini-map for one, so one has to set a course and hold to it. I managed to hook up with Genosse, Buster, and a couple of other Irish flying A-20s in this manner and escorted them to target. Nice gaggle of bombers. They plastered the target and made their turn home, myself not being far from Buster's wing the whole time. Then things went to hell. Because there were only freindly aircraft icons, and these at fairly close range, I could not ID several Bf-109s until it was too late. I picked a LaGG-3, which was a big mistake, because it was not fast enough to close the distance when the 109s attacked. I saw Buster go down right away (my apologies), and someone else not long after. I nailed one of the Messers and damaged another one, but then realized I was lost, and out of ammo. I flew to an island that lay on a compass heading of 180 away from the battle area, turned out to be an enemy held area. Doh!

Well, I had to sign off and go to work before I could land. Should have picked the La-5. Sorry boys.



Posted: Mon Mar 21, 2005 8:31 pm
by :FI:Genosse
First of all: nice flying with you, Zeke! Although I´ve to admit that I didn´t see you flying because I was pretty busy to keep an eye on my fellow A-20 in order to catch up with them ... :oops:

But I agree with you ... it´s necessary to have an skilled eye for the navigation on this huge map ... it´s easy to get lost on it especially if you don´t know it well ... all the information about our position I gave to you during the flight to our target were senseless, I suppose. Who did you find us at all? :-s :-k

Anyway, this bombing run turned to be a good one although we lost our leading aircraft flown by Rules who got hit by naval fire! ^:|
Some of us saw the friendly ground and some of us lost their lives (including myself who was killed with eyes on red landing strip ... buggers!). :(

Anyhow, ... it´s good to know that there´s a ZekeMan out there who can give you cover when it´s needed!


Posted: Mon Mar 21, 2005 9:39 pm
by :FI:ZekeMan
Thanks for the kind words, Sir Genosse, I just wish I could have gotten to those Messers earlier. As for my nav, it was pretty much guess work. I knew you took off from the east base so I just followed a 30 degree course NE to try and intercept your formation. Except for Buster I only saw your formation as dots! The LaGG-3 lacked oomph to catch up.


Posted: Mon Mar 21, 2005 9:57 pm
by :FI:Spitsfire

Posted: Tue Mar 22, 2005 8:45 am
by :FI:ZekeMan
Navibeer. :beer: