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Posted: Wed Mar 09, 2005 3:46 am
by Der Hammer Schlag
Where to being,

Hello is good for starters.

My inquiry into a good lobby to fly in stemmed from all the cheating that is going on in the hosted sites. I was surprised just how much cheating is going on. Nothing more frustrating then trying to shoot Buggs Bunny airplanes jumping around (and it’s not lag), or worse, being shot down by an invisible aircraft (yes, I’m getting older, but I’m not blind, at least not yet). No one likes to loose, but cheating is never an option. So, I put my feelers out in a general IL-2 FB/AEP forum and received good recommendations on HyperFigther lobby. Reading through the groups listed on the site it was easy to find you guys. Good fun, don’t take yourselves too seriously and part take in adult beverages (my instincts tells me that I maybe throwing my lot in with a bunch of winged pirates).

I guess I’ve always wanted to fly but never found the time, business, wife, kids, but then flight simulations came along in the early 80’s and I was hooked (hook, line and sinker). Over the years I’ve must of spent a small fortune on flight simulation games and equipment (with IL-2 being the bench mark now), I’m sure all of you did the same. My Dad had his influence on me as well. He flew Curtis SOC3s from the heavy cruiser Augusta in 1938, which is a fabric bi-winger observation aircraft catapulted off a rail amidships using a cannon shell. The Gs, what a rush. The stories he told are pretty incredible, however, I suspect (being Irish) he may have embellished those stories only slightly.

Anyway, I’m over 50. I’m a commercial artist and have a small design firm in Dallas ( I’ve had a great time designing/illustrating the skin for my 109 and my son’s friend’s plane as well, (who by the way is very good virtual pilot) and is currently working on his pilot license. My family and I are very active scuba divers and have been for the past 20 years. The sensation of free flight at depth is incredible, but I refuse to sky dive and jump out of a perfectly good airplane, unless pushed (my daughter loves it though). My business doesn’t always allow me the time to get online during the week, but come Friday night, Saturday and Sunday I’m there. I view myself as a pretty good pilot, with room to improve my marksmanship. However, I feel confident none of you will hesitate to tell me otherwise.

That’s pretty much it in a nut shell, unless you guys would like to know my cholesterol and blood pressure levels. And, by the way, I do part take in adult beverages when I fly.

FYI: If it’ll help convince any of you guys that I’m real aviation enthusiast, I have done eight (8) black and white pencil illustrations, three of which are on permanent display at the Colorado Air Force Academy in Colorado Springs, and have wholesaled my prints to the Smithsonian and the CAF. You can download the low resolution jpg files from my ftp site by “single” click (do not double click on the link or the files when you access my ftp site, your system will attempt to open them and will either time out or lock up) on the link below from your e-mail program, or paste the link into your web browser URL address window. (Note: If you are using PC or MAC equipment make sure your firewall and security settings are set to allow access to my ftp site. Check "options" in your web browser for "trusted" sites). Once you access my ftp site just “single” click on the file while holding down your mouse button and drag it either onto your desktop or into a directory/folder. From there you can view them with any Windows program, or from your web browser under “file” and “open” then from the directory/folder you placed them in (it’s a safe/secure site, all my clients access it to upload and download files 24/7). I hope you’ll enjoy the commission pieces I did for, and of Burt Avedon and his F4U-4 Corsair who flow with VF-6 in the Marinas during 1944-45. Or the B-26 Marauder, “Son of Satan” I did for the 386th Bombardment Group. Some of you may recognize the work if you’ve gone to some of the CAF air shows or visited the Air Force Academy (by the way, if I did these illustrations for a living I would have starved to death long ago, I do them just for the enjoyment and the love of the aircraft). I’m not a big jet fan, but I did work for General Dynamics in Fort Worth for a short period of time in their marketing department promoting the F-16 Falcon prior to going into business for myself in 1985 (pretty airplane, the air intake has to be the most sensual thing I’ve ever seen, made of sheet metal, of course). Incredible to watch them they put her through her paces for potential buyers at Carswell AFB next door. Wow! Stories to tell.

The link to my ftp site:


If you have any difficulty downloading the files please let me know.

I do have a couple questions though. Is there some cosmic significance to the “Penguin” or is that just a new delicacy served with Haggis? Also, I would be very interested to know if you have the ability/software program to communicate using headset and mic within the lobby. My son who plays Counter Strike online has that capability and it’s great. It would be very helpful because my typing skills are not the best, especially when someone is trying to light up my backside.

I have to tell you, I’m looking forward to getting together and flying with you guys.

If accepted, can I have the “!” or the “&” you listed along with the numbers in your e-mail to me?? If not, I’ll settle for 55. Now, I can only imagine the initiations rights I’ll have to endure.

Talk with you soon,

(Der Hammer Schlag)

Posted: Wed Mar 09, 2005 4:15 am
by :FI:Falcon

what penguin?


Posted: Wed Mar 09, 2005 4:20 am
by Beowolff
and i thought some of my posts were lengthy....


just kiddin'. packed a lot of information in there for sure.


Re: Introduction

Posted: Wed Mar 09, 2005 8:01 am
by :FI:Genosse
Der Hammer Schlag wrote:The link to my ftp site:


If you have any difficulty downloading the files please let me know.

I do have a couple questions though. Is there some cosmic significance to the “Penguin” or is that just a new delicacy served with Haggis? Also, I would be very interested to know if you have the ability/software program to communicate using headset and mic within the lobby. My son who plays Counter Strike online has that capability and it’s great. It would be very helpful because my typing skills are not the best, especially when someone is trying to light up my backside.
Welcome to the boards, Mike!

Before I go on I´d recommend you to register yourself on this BB as a user ... it´s a more convenient way to use it. Moreover, it´d be fine if you´ll a close look onto the postings to know who we are and what we think ... although I guess that you already did that ... nice description for us: bunch of winged pirates ... that suits me fine! :D

Anyhow, try to find us on Hyperlobby on Sunday afternoon and Wednesday evening your time (Texas time, right?) when we usually meet each other regularly. But you´ll find some of our folks also during the rest of the week flying online ... just look out for the chaps with the :FI: prefix ...

Unfortunately, I suppose you´ll also have problems with cheating while flying on Hyperlobby ... it doesn´t make any difference if you fly via or Hyperlobby ... IMO in the first place it´s the IL-2/FB/AEP/PF software itself that makes some kind of "cheating" possible . :(

Now to your questions, Mike!

Firstly I dunno what "new delicacy served with Haggis" might be (I´m from old Europe, you have to know) but a “Penguin” is a cosmic significance for sure! :lol:

Secondly, most of our pilots use a head set and the Teamspeak software to communicate with each other ... :wink2:

And finally, your link doesn´t work for me although I tried to follow your desciption how to enter the FTP side step by step ... man, me wants to see your piccies!

Mike, enjoy your time on the boards! Already looking forward to fly with you ...

S! ^:)

BTW, why did you choose this fierceful sounding German nick name?

Re: Introduction

Posted: Wed Mar 09, 2005 8:33 am
by :FI:Gurberly

.. and I must say, excellant drawings =P~ Oh to be so talented :beg:

I too had a bit of a problem accessing through the browser, but no problems using a proper FTP client.

(I hope you don't mind, but I took the liberty of downloading them and temporarily hosting them so that the other squaddies could admire your work - If you would rather I remove them, please let me know)

I do particulary like your Bf109


The rest of them are here. ... mer_schlag" onclick=";return false;

Gen has given you the links to Hyperlobby and Teamspeak (the online comms package we use). If you have not already done so, drop Falcon a line using the application form on the main page - though from the confusing ...
Der Hammer Schlag wrote: If accepted, can I have the “!” or the “&” you listed along with the numbers in your e-mail to me?? If not, I’ll settle for 55. Now, I can only imagine the initiations rights I’ll have to endure.
... I suspect you already have :)


Posted: Wed Mar 09, 2005 2:22 pm
by :FI:WillieOFS

I won't hold it again ya that you chose DallASS for a spot to roost. ;)

I'm over in Cowtown on the slighlty less than fashionable west side. :lol:

WInged pirates? OF COURSE? :badgrin:

Shoot Herr Falcon the mighty E and follow the steps to sainthood.... er Piracy, ya that's it!!

You're artwork is AWESOME!!


Posted: Wed Mar 09, 2005 3:20 pm
by :FI:Falcon

Great pics!

When I went back to school, for the third or fourth time for my masters in architecture

and later in an a&e firm

I probably rendered a million buildings

well, twenty maybe ...

I still have ink under my nails,

but never anything as neat and spiffy-keen as this!

I am eager to see your IL2 skins!

I am a member of the toughest scuba club in New Orleans

the "Helldivers"

and understand well the extasy of gliding over the sea floor,

bringing home a 9 foot baracuda for lunch.

(although I kinna lost my willin' fer th' killen' a few years back.)

I have let many people jump out of my plane

and like you do not understand WHY someone would want to.

The last time I checked, the a/c was perfectly safe.

Your daughter jumps?!?!


Mine wants to!


she's 17 and I keep her locked up in a steamer trunk under her bed

but that doesn't seem to work very well.

An excellent post

let's meet more in the forums and soon in the air,

but too bad we have nothing in common.



Posted: Wed Mar 09, 2005 4:20 pm
by :FI:Snaphoo
:shock: :shock: :shock:

I look at one... and my face ends up like this


I click the next, knowing that the first was very good and my face ends up like this


This goes on until I've looked at all of them and all I can do is this


I just wish someone would tell me how to get the yellow out of my face...

Welcome to the forums... your drawings were very good... (read completely awesome)...


Posted: Wed Mar 09, 2005 5:46 pm
by :FI:Spitsfire
Absolutly stunning drawings!
How long do they take?
Nice opener there, hope to see you in the skies soon :)


Posted: Wed Mar 09, 2005 6:36 pm
by :FI:Fenian
Drug and bag him boys before he gets away....


You think I'm joking, don't you????


Welcome to the fray Mick!

Your Daddy was right!

And your daughter must've gotten some of his genetic material... I reckon you should try to convince her of the benefit of winged flight ;)

Herr Falcon will try to make your life difficult for the next week by asking you to do *funny* things - but let me tell you... Penguin rolling and ferret tumbling are completely acceptable pastimes for him....

Just don't mention the buffalo prod and never comfuse a ferret and a penguin. I'm sure someone will provide an illustration for your benefit....

The pics... what can I say? Can you do a Hurricane with me in the cockpit??? :)



Re: Hmmm..

Posted: Wed Mar 09, 2005 7:03 pm
by :FI:Falcon
:FI:Fenian wrote:Drug and bag him boys before he gets away...
don't worry Fen, we'll catch him with the same net we use on you every Saturday night

:FI:Fenian wrote: ... Can you do a Hurricane with me in the cockpit??? ...

... in five minutes on corkboard with prune juice while standing on your head?


Posted: Wed Mar 09, 2005 7:39 pm
by :FI:Fenian
the challenge has been set!

By the way, the net they use on me is rather efficient, so if I were you I'd grease myself up a bit with old whale blubber extract and washing up liquid and just plain avoid them on Saturday nights...

Why the whale blubber and washing up liquid I hear you ask?


Next question....


Posted: Wed Mar 09, 2005 7:46 pm
by :FI:Spitsfire
Fen thats only on the second saturday of the monthand you know it... :roll:
... oo would you look what week it is


Posted: Thu Mar 10, 2005 5:45 am
by :FI:Heloego
...don't forget your ARMPITS! Lot's and lot's of ARMPITS! The more ARMPITS the better, ok? One just can't have enough ARMPITS!

Split Pea soup, anyone? :)

Stop it Dan!

Posted: Thu Mar 10, 2005 7:42 pm
by :FI:Fenian
You're arousing the Swedish and Finnish military boys this fine Thursday evening with your split pea soup!!!

