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alien infested?

Posted: Thu Jan 27, 2005 1:53 pm
by Beowolff
could i be alien infested somehow?

last night, sitting here working on the computer, a spot on the back of my neck started itching a bit. i naturally scratched at the spot---and felt what i thought was a small scab. it sort of came loose as i scratched but didn't come free---and at that point, seemed to be sticking me slightly. growling, i got up to go look in the bathroom mirror, to see what that was all about, but when i got in there and turned the light on and turned around so i could see over my shoulder---i gasped! (no joke here) there was a bit (about a quarter inch) of wire-like thingy sticking out of my neck at that spot!

WHAT THE HELL, i thought!

i called my wife to come and pull it out, and she did so (not a pussy but it did hurt a bit cause it was in the skin pretty deep and sort of laying in there sideways right under the skin.) we examined the slightly bloody thing and that's what it was, a bit of wire-like material. roughly the size of a light bulb filament.

a wire-like micro-chip for controlling me? (it was at the base of my skull so to speak!)

the antenna for a larger unit (say a radio transceiver) buried in my neck?

part of my internal plumbing? (saying i'm a mechanical and don't know it and that was part of my wiring poking through.)

a bit of tag from an old T-shirt that somehow worked its way under my skin at some point in my life? (during a savage drunk, no doubt)


questions, questions... no answers.

perhaps you bright lads can help me out here.

*this really is a true about finding that bit of metal in my neck. :)


PS, i don't recall passing out and being abducted, either by green men or MIB agents. though i suppose it "could" have happened at some point. or maybe i've been programmed to forget it. LOL!

Posted: Thu Jan 27, 2005 2:34 pm
by Sapper-FIN
I´ve had an alien encounter also....

One time, when i was walking home from bar, totally drunk, i suddenly passed out, for some obscure reason (it must have been somekind of alien stun-beam). Next thing i remember, is that i saw this blue-white space ship, with flashing blue lights. 2 figures in blue overalls stepped out from the space ship and carried me in to the back of that ship. Then they used that stun-beam again. When i woke up, i was in a small room, with bars in the windows... that must have been their mother ship. Again, they used stun-beam.... in order to make somekind of experiments for me, i think.

When i woke up again, those two aliens in blue overalls came, and took me back to that smaller space ship. it´s weird that i understood everything they were saying, but they didn´t understand me... They flew me to my home, and that´s when they used that stun-beam again.

Next morning i woke up, and had a terrible headache... i think it had something to do with all those experiments they did for me, when i had lost consciousness....

Creepy...... 8-[

i did some research on ufo related web pages and found this picture, taken by amateur bird photographer. It´s a same kind of space ship, i saw! :shock:


Posted: Thu Jan 27, 2005 3:44 pm
by Deathsledge

Posted: Sun Jan 30, 2005 11:52 am
by Ianus

Posted: Sun Jan 30, 2005 4:39 pm
by :FI:Falcon


a tiny wire crammed into the back of your neck, hmmm?


are all of your wife's "very personal" appliances working properly?


how often does she use a taser on you?


Posted: Sun Jan 30, 2005 7:10 pm
by :FI:Fenian
I'll bet it was the taser....

I'm always finding those bits of wire in me... erm... nether regions....


Posted: Mon Jan 31, 2005 9:39 pm
by Crazy
I think it's quite obvious what happened here. You were kidnapped by the infamous..... Dark Helmet!!!


Posted: Tue Feb 01, 2005 2:15 pm
by Beowolff
all, thanks for the possible answers on the wire thingy....

i really have no idea, but do wonder if it could be part of the wagon wheel that ran over me head as a small child. squashed it like a melon, it did.



Posted: Tue Feb 01, 2005 3:25 pm
by :FI:Falcon
Beowolff wrote:all, thanks for the possible answers on the wire thingy....

i really have no idea, but do wonder if it could be part of the wagon wheel that ran over me head as a small child. squashed it like a melon, it did.



Yes ... yes ...

he is conforming to the matrix once again comrades ...

step down from "Condition Red",

but monitor him closely.


Fal "Smith" con

Posted: Wed Feb 02, 2005 1:13 am
by Beowolff

