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Santa's been here!

Posted: Sat Dec 25, 2004 7:22 pm
by :FI:Falcon
Sanni Claus brung'd me CofD

I guess he'll send along COD:UO in two weeks when he gets paid again.


I installed the game and went thru bootcamp

and started the first mission.

Looks nice,

but multi-player with the mates seems like it will be fun.


may I sign up for a hitch in the FIP?

How's a guy get INTO this chicken outfit?

Fal "Boomboom" con


Posted: Sat Dec 25, 2004 7:52 pm
by :FI:Genosse
Falcon as a member of the FIP? - Where can I sign out then? :lol: ;)

Welcome on this board, mate! You´ll enter a complete new world of online gaming ... I promise you. You´re even allowed to sware like me when a FF* shoots ye down! If that ain´t nothing ...

Today I´ve watched the director´s cut of "Das Boot" ... after watching it I remembered a game that a mate pointed once ago: Silent Hunter III ... well, I´m currently quite interested to know if I could get my sub through the Straits of Gibraltar ...

... maybe you can call me "Den Alten" the next time ... :lol:

Anyway, use the application form on this site, pls:" onclick=";return false;

Cheers, mate! :beer:

Posted: Sat Dec 25, 2004 8:06 pm
by :FI:Moog
I've had a (Das)bootleg copy since my mother got back from China over the summer but I still haven't watched it! I got a DVD called 'D-Day to Berlin' for Christmas, it's a compendium of private colour footage shot by George Stevens who was pretty much in charge of all the filming that took place on the ground in the ETO. There's some footage of two Me-262s captured when their base was overrun.

Gen are you talking about Silent Hunter II? I bought that for €15 last month but I'm yet to get stuck in to it; it looks like the kind of game that requires heavy intellectual and temporal investment, and I gots the capacity for neither at the moment.

That said, I have been keeping track of Silent Hunter III. Check out the videos on THIS site and have a napkin ready to mop up the drool =P~

Oh and I almost forgot - Welcome to the mud, Falcon! I look forward to providing you with covering fire (or merely covering you in fire) sometime very soon! :)

Play It Yule


Posted: Tue Dec 28, 2004 2:46 am
by :FI:Snoop Baron
Hi Falcon,

I only have COD but I'm also planing on getting UO. I'd be happy to play online with you :D


Posted: Tue Dec 28, 2004 3:58 am
by :FI:Falcon





Posted: Tue Dec 28, 2004 12:42 pm
by :FI:Dutchman
Good news,


Now get your new orleans arse into that bootcamp and get skilled.

now you will know how it is to be a ferret !! Gah

keep your head down and nose in the dirt.

and fight crawl and fight again.

see you soon m8

appriciate it ..


I notice...

Posted: Wed Jan 05, 2005 4:06 am
by :FI:Heloego
...that Falcon has been on the TS "Default" channel for well over 9 hours.

I tuned in, but didn't hear any "C'mon, honey! PLEASE can I have the computer back?" :D :lol:

Since the Easter bunny is just around the corner...

How about springing for a Dell for the wife, dude? :lol: :lol: :lol:

Posted: Wed Jan 05, 2005 4:17 am
by :FI:Falcon
Eileen's laptop is ten times faster and bigger than my desktop!

(she's a techie)

so why she can't play with her OWN dern 'puter I don't know!


oh, and Dan?

... Eileen said she wouldn't have a Dell.


Neither would I!

Posted: Wed Jan 05, 2005 4:20 am
by :FI:Heloego
I perforce use one at work and it sucks! :O~

Posted: Sat Jan 08, 2005 3:19 am
by :FI:Snoop Baron
I've ordered UO so soon I'll be kicking you and your honeys arses :D :lol: ;)

Posted: Wed Mar 15, 2006 10:08 pm
by Stovies_
can we ban napkins please

Posted: Wed Mar 15, 2006 10:12 pm
by :FI:Genosse
:FI:Stovies wrote:can we ban napkins please
Rgrt! I´ll do so ...


Napkins ? Spam again?

Posted: Thu Mar 16, 2006 11:35 am
by :FI:Sneaky_Russian
Another '04 post resurrected.......

.....................boy theyre doing CoD on your mobile now !

wouldn't fancy playing IL2 on me Sagem tho'