Posted: Sat Oct 23, 2004 8:04 am
Some of you like to know the meaning of the German word "Schnitzelgruben" ... so I´d like to give you an explanation:
schnitzeln -> to shred
die Grube -> the pit
Well, all together it´s a "shred pit" or "a pit filled with shredded material" ...
But you don´t know where and when this word mixture is used???? Well, to be honest I had also to take a look in the net because "Schnitzelgruben" maybe a German word but not a very often used one ... so I found following description:
My translation ...
schnitzeln -> to shred
die Grube -> the pit
Well, all together it´s a "shred pit" or "a pit filled with shredded material" ...
But you don´t know where and when this word mixture is used???? Well, to be honest I had also to take a look in the net because "Schnitzelgruben" maybe a German word but not a very often used one ... so I found following description:
source:" onclick=";return false;Das sind mit Schaumstoff„schnitzeln“ gefüllte reichlich 2 Meter tiefe Gruben im Hallenboden, über denn die Geräte angebracht sind. Auch bei Stürzen während der Lernphase neuer Elemente landet man in der Schnitzelgrube butterweich - gefahrlos und sicher.
My translation ...
As you can see the German gymnastics love their Schnitzerlgruben!These are two meter deep pits in the gym hall floor filled up with shredded foamed material where gymnastical devices have been mounted over. In cases of falls while learning new gymnastical elements you can land softly, risklessly and securely in the "Schnitzelgruben".