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Where y'at dawlin'?

Posted: Sun Dec 21, 2003 2:31 am
by :FI:Falcon
A Lexicon of New Orleans
Terminology and Speech

or ...

are you a Yat?

Uptown New Orleanians are collectively called "Yats".
Many tawk like no one else in da woild dere!


ANYWAYS - And, then; and, so.

AWRITE - The appropriate response to the greeting "Where y'at?"
Also, a greeting in and of itself: "Awrite, Ed!"

AX - Ask.

BANQUETTE - The sidewalk. Pronounced <BANK-it>.

BAT' TROOM - where ya go poop

BERL - To cook by surrounding something in hot, bubbling 212°F liquid

BOO - A term of endearment, frequently used by parents and grandparents for small children, even small children who happen to be 40 years old ... Believed to be Cajun in origin.

BRA - A form of address for men, "Say, Bra!" : hello

CATLICK - The predominant religion in New Orleans. And, according to some Baptists, all Hell-bound.

CHARMER - The quintessential female Yat. Pronounced <CHAW-muh>.

DA - The.

DAT - That.

DAWLIN' - A universal form of address. Women use it to refer to both sexes, men use it toward women.

DEM - Them.

DERE - There.

DESE, DOSE - These, those.

DIS - This

EARL - oil

ERNGE, URNGE - An orange-colored citrus fruit.
As in, "You wanna ernge drank wid dem fries, hun?"


F'SURE! - A statement of agreement. See YEAH YOU RITE.

F'TRUE - "Is that so?" or "Ya kiddin'!!" or "Nuh uh, I ain't lyin' ta ya ..."

GAWD - A supernatural deity, worshipped by most New Orleanians.

GO CUP - A paper or plastic cup for consumption of alcoholic beverages out on the street, as open glass containers (and cans too, I think) are illegal.

GRIS-GRIS - Pronounced <GREE-GREE>. Noun, A (voodoo) spell. "I put da gris-gris on his azz, yeah."

Well, it just gets worse, I mean woise, dawlin'. Wanna hear mo, yeah?


Chelsea's* (one of my dear daughters) additions:

gottah hala: received a phone call
f'real?: are you serious?
humbra: I agree
shorties: hot girls
wazzup: how are you
aight: allright
N T Waize: anyway

*Chelsea is not a yat, tank Gawd!

Posted: Sun Dec 21, 2003 4:27 am
by :FI:WillieOFS
Gimme a hamburger, DAWLIN. Cut the rice, AIGHT?? :lol:

Posted: Fri Dec 26, 2003 5:08 pm
by :FI:Falcon
Close Willie, very close!

unfortunately it's more like ...

Gimme a hamboigah, dawlin an' cut dah rice, yeah.

dah falcun

Posted: Fri Dec 26, 2003 6:02 pm
by Deathsledge
is Jerry Clawer, did i spell that right? does he still live down there Fal? i remember as a kid getting his comedy tapes. man that guy was hilarious. he definately had the lingo going on :lol:

Posted: Fri Dec 26, 2003 6:38 pm
by :FI:Falcon
Yep, er nope ...

Jerry Clower was born in Liberty, Mississippi

and died in '98, I think

He WAS a blast

his jokes usually revolved around Yazoo, Miss.

He had a strong southern Miss. accent.

Justin Wilson ...

'member him?

He was a hoot too.

now he had a Cajin' accent

which is very different,

but "Yat" is influenced to a large part by the Cajuns.

"Yat" is also strongly influenced by Irish New Yorkers

who stayed in New York

juuuuust long enough to pick up bits of the "New York accent"

and then moved down to New Orleans.

Other influences are from German imigrants.

Yats say all of their "str's" as "sh".

"Hey, dawl, wad shreed you live on, hun?"

"Yeah you right, my baby is shrong, yeah!"


Her's some more...

Posted: Sun Dec 28, 2003 8:37 pm
by :FI:Heloego
Come see!: Come this way!, Come here!, Look at this.

All Patch: Area off-shore primarily used for oil exploration/production.

Cajun Microwave: Large closeable box lined with sheet metal, heated with wood or charcoal, and used to cook whole pig.

Cher: Darlin', or love (n)

Bebe (pronounced "baybay"): baby

Posted: Fri Feb 20, 2004 2:25 pm
by :FI:WillieOFS
Ft Worth/Dallas JIVE talk

Ah'm gone gets ma EL D' and go toinin some cawnahs. (go for a ride in the El Dorado caddy)

Whisht I still hads ma Bruick. I misses dat ting.
(Buick grew and R for some unknown reason)

Les see was happnin out on da skreet.
(I have NO idea why street grew a K)

welfare collar
(neck support)

yard boid

Posted: Fri Feb 20, 2004 3:18 pm
by :FI:Falcon
there's something called Dallas jive???


Posted: Fri Feb 20, 2004 3:54 pm
by :FI:WillieOFS
Pretty neat HUH............. :roll:

I'm doin a treatise on the LAKE COMO dialect as we speak..

O'tay?? :lol:

Ah'll be on the skreet wif um and axin q's as soon as AH finds ma flak jacket.. :lol:

Posted: Tue May 18, 2004 10:28 pm
by Kasdeya
Nawlins huh. Nice ta meetcha. I live Thirty miles west of Lafayette.
Been down to da nawlins mardi gras an dat wuz sum gud time passin yea.

Posted: Tue May 18, 2004 11:33 pm
by :FI:Falcon


dats like ...

Cajun central!

Posted: Wed May 19, 2004 12:11 am
by :FI:WillieOFS
:roll: Oh De-ah..
Close look!!

Anudder won!! :lol:

Mudbugs beware!! :roll:

Posted: Wed May 19, 2004 2:42 pm
by Kasdeya
dem dere mudbugs not worrin no mo wit dis rane we gettin.

not pure 'd' cajun cuz my mom is half cajun half scottish. an she mean too. :D

I dont not see many peeple from Louisiana playing FB and what not so I just wanted to say Hi.

Posted: Wed May 19, 2004 6:17 pm
by :FI:Falcon
Kasdeya wrote: ... I dont not see many peeple from Louisiana playing FB ....
yep, I know,

FB an' all that computer stuff is like ...

high tech an' all?

an' Louisiana is,

well ...






Posted: Wed May 19, 2004 6:44 pm
by :FI:Fenian
it sounds very much like Dublin slang some of dat dere stuff youse is going on with...

And a lot of Dublin slang came from English soldiers (a lot of cockneys) - so cockney rhyming slang is still used a bit (well, some phrases anyway) in the Dub.

Such as

"Ahh... not feeling the Mae West (best).... me plates (plates of meat=feet) are killing me...

The dat dere and d'udder are VERY Irish d'oh :)

Welcome to our new Mudbug :) Or crawfeesh... you know you guys sell dem dere mudbugs in large number to the Swedes, who only eat them on one day of every year. And the Swedes send some back to Minnesota in boxes marked with the Swedish crowns and the ex-pat Swedes living up there thinkthey are pure Swedish buggies :lol:

Strange but completely true!!!!

Nah dere's sumting ya didnae no!
