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Blurry edges

Posted: Mon Dec 16, 2019 7:42 am
by :FI:Genosse

since the first release of BoX I've always had the problem that around all aircraft there were blurry edges visible. I've always been a Radeon graphics card user and I hoped that this minor issue would be gone after upgrading my hardware. Yet it's still been there.


With the latest update on BoX (4.002) its developers promised to improve the visibilty of aircraft in front of the clouds but unfortunately that didn't seem to count for me. So I searched the IL-2 BoX forum and foumd a solution to my problem that I'd like to present to you, folks. :D ;)

First of all I changed following ingame GfX settings:

  • Distant landscape detail: normal
  • Horizon draw distance: 40 km
  • Landscape filter: sharp
  • Sharpen: unckecked
In my Radeon settings I changed my Antialiasing Method from Multisampling to Adaptive Multisampling. That's it, folks!


It's still not perfect though but the improvement is visible, init? :? :)

Gen "So glad it worked" osse ^:)

Re: Blurry edges

Posted: Mon Dec 16, 2019 3:27 pm
by :FI:Bluebell
Thanks Frank, a definite difference visible now. We all have these graphic problems from time to time, glad you have resolved this one. I find tinkering with settings does nothing to improve my 'perceived' graphic problem, just me being the problem is at the root of it all. If it ain't broke don't fix it being the key here.
