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Annual Holiday Sale: BOK/M/S, COD BLITZ, ROF

Posted: Fri Dec 22, 2017 1:35 am
by :FI:Blue2
A great opportunity here to save if you want to pick up anything for your flying pleasure. Pass the word! :D

Note: If you already bought COD (at any time in the past), then BLITZ is free for you & can already be found in your online store.

From Jason:
Dear Pilots,

Our Holiday Sale has started on our website and on Steam! The sale runs from December 21st until January 4th.

- 50% OFF Fw-190 A-3 and La-5 (series 8)
- 40% OFF Ju-52, Yak-1B, P-40E and Mc.202
- 50% OFF BOM and BOS
- 50% OFF 10 Days of Autumn Campaign
- 33% OFF Blazing Steppe Campaign
- 66% OFF all ROF Content

....and don't forget Cliffs of Dover BLITZ is also on sale for 25% Off at just $18.75.

We would like to wish you Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year! Enjoy a happy and safe holidays! ... -21-jan-4/