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Coconuts server

Posted: Tue Nov 14, 2017 12:58 pm
by :FI:Bluebell
I see a Swedish chap going by the name of Coconut has two servers up, one normal settings and the other expert, checked his thread on the il2 forums and it seems like a decent place to fly (expert), no massive ego's on display as you get on TAW and other "Experten" servers, plus there seems to be plenty of targets for all tastes, even has his own stats site (for those who look at these things :-"), at present its the Kuban theatre with ships to attack \:D/, think I'll give this a bash even if it does have AI in it, as TAW is having an adverse reaction on me.
For anyone curious here is the link to his thread.


Re: Coconuts server

Posted: Wed Nov 15, 2017 10:08 pm
by :FI:Genosse
Hi there, Vin!

I've played several missions already on Coconut's server and I've to say that I quite enjoyed them. As you said there're plenty of targets and not on the ground only: sometimes you meet some AI flown aircraft, too. :)

Didn't know that he's also offering a stats site though. I hope to get some time again to fly BOS more often ...

Cheers for the info, Vin!

Gen "Crash pilot" osse ^:)

Re: Coconuts server

Posted: Thu Nov 16, 2017 2:47 pm
by :FI:Bluebell
Hi Frank, it's a decent enough server and gives me the chance to fly without feeling pressured into contributing to the online war stuff.
I take it your still wandering around in the ghost recon thing for now, had a look at it and felt it was to involving for me at present, still get my foot slogging stuff from Arma3, not online, just jumping into the editor and making up small scale skirmishes and either getting involved or watching how it plays out.
