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Posted: Fri Mar 31, 2006 7:06 pm
by :FI:Macca
:FI:TacticalS! wrote:Never put off till tomorrow what you can do today, especially if you have credit. ;)

or Septims :)

Posted: Fri Mar 31, 2006 8:32 pm
by :FI:Falcon
:FI:Skipper wrote:... my processor is only 1.33






Migrant working!

Get a new flippin' 'puter now!


Video review

Posted: Sat Apr 01, 2006 9:21 am
by :FI:Sneaky_Russian
Oblivion video,

spotted this review online.

Posted: Sat Apr 01, 2006 9:11 pm
by :FI:Snoop Baron
I shouldn't have watched that =P~

Posted: Sun Apr 02, 2006 12:36 am
by :FI:Moog
New Distant Landscape high LOD mod just relased: ... pic=328524" onclick=";return false;

The host site is way too busy so hopefully someone will mirror it soon. Check out the later posts for additional info. This looks tasty...

Posted: Sun Apr 02, 2006 4:16 pm
by :FI:Moog
And a great post containing all the best mods, seems to be updated constantly: ... pic=324335" onclick=";return false;


Posted: Tue Apr 04, 2006 2:50 am
by Menace
Finally got some "Quality Time" with Oblivion. Wrote an astro-nav course for my STCW95 Certification. It's ONII but it'll give me an unrestricted watchkeepers ticket.

I have a couple of problems with the character class system and leveling. Has anybody noticed that the AI gets scaled to your level? This creates a problem with me, when I see a bandit holding me up for 100 gold and he has Daedric weapons and glass armour!! In Oblivion, I can understand, but I think that there should be a bit of a cap.

Interestingly, I adopted another completely different strategy to my character to counter this.... I took a mage and played it like a fighter. Sure, the first couple of levels were really tough, but I always had excellent restorative magics and fireballs to finish stuff off with.

What a difference. Now all my secondary skills are pretty much on par with my Magical abilities. I can actually beat the crap out of people, repair my armour, have the magjica to heal fully in seconds, and poison the crap out of them.

What character is Sean Bean anyway? I think he's Martin, but I'm not sure.

I found me a Ghost Ship ARH! Awesome quest. Don't forget to find all the wayshrines Kids! And that pre-trip stop at the Cathedral is key. Anybody activate a daedric shrine yet?

BTW this method pretty much garuantees that you can cast soul trap on stuff to get those juicy souls to power that High explosive dammage bow.

Blasted a swarm of lvl 1-3 goblins with a 40+pt fireball arrow. Makes it really hard to find the shields and armour when they fly 10-20ft into the air. :badgrin: This game is full of treats. Hand to hand-advantage;drains target fatigue, cost little fatigue, better chance to knock down an opponent disadvatage-cant block weapons until jouneyman in block!!, blowy dammage. Fun though! Bounus- the standing mastery power attack (first one you get at apprentice) IS THE CAPT. KIRK DOUBLE HAND SMASH!!! AWESOME!! FEAR THE POWER OF SHATNER!!!

Posted: Tue Apr 04, 2006 5:01 am
by :FI:Falcon
Dear Gurb's FTP isn't working now. I'll post some nice pics when I can. There are a dozen or more mods that fix the leveling issue. <jab-jab> Now I have highwaymen wearing ordinary armor and flailing steel weapons.

The ghost ship? If it's the one I explored then whoa! It was a toughy. Actually, it was the first time I died. I was cocky and waded into the ghouls and they just waded back into me in all sorts of offensive ways. I got serious, re-entered and threw my best at them. Awfully perilous but I handled them.

My specialty is the bow. The telescopic thingy is a hoot. With a good surprise shot I have missed out on much loot watching my target fly back over a cliff. Cooooool.

I haven't done any soul trapping yet; too big a soul and too small a gem usually. Anyway, my gear is good enough not to worry about it.

I'm completely rebuilding the back wall of my (real) home; termite damage and water and wind have made it necessary for a total makeover.

That's why I wasn't wiff me mates Sunday and it's eating into my Oblivion time as well.

I've closed down about eight gates and I won't hazard any spoilers here. Rest assured that there are many surprises.


Posted: Tue Apr 04, 2006 1:09 pm
by :FI:TacticalS!
You have only died ONCE?! :shock: Ok, me too. :^o But I'm new to RPGs and ran out of cannon shells far too early in the game. :oops: My son laughs at me for all the saving I do, not to mention how cautious I play. Notwithstanding, I have died probably about -what?- 4-5 times. Presently up to Level 7 (I know not too hot).

Haven't played it in a couple days, which should be encouraging to all those Oblivion addicts out there. :D Hoping to continue my quest rounding up forces to protect Burma tonight after a public meeting at work.

I agree Menace that while I don't mind the NPCs in the main quest advancing in strength, I was hoping to have some easy kills in the other areas of the game.

The other thing I wished, but it is cool, is that one could delete new found quests. They just keep adding up in my quest list and it is stressing me out. :D

Happy closing gates my mates!


Posted: Tue Apr 04, 2006 5:05 pm
by :FI:Falcon
uh ... there's a mod that allows you to manage/delete old/unwanted quests or quests that are completed but aren't moving into the completed list.

Okay, I'll stop. ;)

Early on, when I was learning the game, I did die two? times, but since I have been surviving. Running away works really good.

Don't freak ... I think I'm about level 25 or something. With the leveling mod I still get to fight low-level skeletons and stuff. Kinna neat, you don't know if you're up against a leveled creature or a stronger or weaker one. "Gah! I just wasted that uber arrow on something I could have swatted easily to the side!"

Gotta go, the wiff thinks it's time for me to start working.


Posted: Tue Apr 04, 2006 5:37 pm
by :FI:TacticalS!
I really haven't used the bow much, as I personally find there's not enough time to react before the bad person comes running up to me. Pretty crazy though how you can retrieve the arrows out of the dead corpse later. :lol:

Must get to level 25.


Posted: Wed Apr 05, 2006 6:47 am
by :FI:Falcon
Just a few more teasers for them what's not got'em yet ...

The "Ghost Ship" where I met my first demise.


Here's a moon shot for Helo.


No two Oblivion gates are alike.


After a tough fight with a fidow and a big lizard and then it got really hairy.



Posted: Wed Apr 05, 2006 12:55 pm
by :FI:TacticalS!

Progress Update & Horse Armour

Posted: Wed Apr 05, 2006 2:47 pm
by :FI:TacticalS!
OK finally had time last night to enjoy some more of Oblivion for the first time this week. Joined the Fighter's Guild (I know slow on the draw ;) ). I obtained some more recruits for the impeding attack on Burma. Did some trading, checked out some of the sights (man these cities/towns are pretty), and left it where I must enter another Gate (where I will then gain more recruits for my Burma quest).


Anyway there apparently is coming a little optional add-on for horse armour for the Xbox 360. It will be made available for a certain amount of Microsoft points in the Marketplace (@$2.50). Some folks like me are disappointed that they will not provide such things free, especially since we pay about $20 more for the game compared to our PC counterparts (sit down Falcon [-X :D ).

Now some are saying that this horse armour will also cost the PC folks. Is that true Falcon? Of course I realize if so it will soon find its way on a lot of machines without such payment. :-$

Some argue that they would rather pay small amounts for little things now, than wait months for a more significant add-on costing much more (and without the option of picking what items one wants). Some truth to this argument. However, at least in the Xbox world, I perceive that the Marketplace will become such a lucrative venture for companies all former "freebies" will become a thing of the past. Heck could even game patches become a victim of the almighty dollar?! :shock:

As for PC gaming, how all this translates on the console, I believe, will in time certainly affect PC gamers too. It does make me appreciate the free content we have received in IL-2. Well if it wasn't for all the Oleg hero-worshipping anyway. ;)

Words to ponder as we hold our wallets a wee bit tighter.


Re: Progress Update & Horse Armour

Posted: Thu Apr 06, 2006 3:46 pm
by :FI:Falcon
:FI:TacticalS! wrote:(sit down Falcon [-X :D ).
Hey, I din' say noddin'!

... but you heard me thinkin', huh?
:FI:TacticalS! wrote:Now some are saying that this horse armour will also cost the PC folks. Is that true Falcon? Of course I realize if so it will soon find its way on a lot of machines without such payment. :-$
There is news of several different sets of horse armor coming. The only mod I have seen that is done is this one.

It be free.

Daedric horse armor ...
