Stop Reading MarkShot's STK/EAW SnoopBaron!
Been thinking about our engagement on Wednesday Snoop, when you flew with the German AI and picked on poor Tactical
Of course assuming your plane was piloted by an AI I gave up a lot of energy for an angle shot. You, on the other hand, climbed, then faked BnZ me several times to get me turning and losing more E Then did you proceed with a high yo-yo then turn as prescribed in pp.69-70, or did you get a shot (can't remember - under therapy at the moment ).
Should have side stepped your fake BnZs, climbed, built E, and possibly got you to commit to a turnfight - P39/40 slightly better then German plane, right?
You were flying a P51 and I was flying a FWD9. I think these planes are pretty even and even similar (both high speed inlines). I prefer the P51 simply because I've flown it so much more but the D9 is atleast as good.
I wouldn't say that the P39/40 are slightly better than the German planes. They are both good planes but there are German planes that I think are superior to both those models especialy the P40. To do a real comparison you have to pick some specific German plane models (usualy each plane will have atleast one thing that it is better at than the oponent plane).
I did a combination of high and low yo yos to keep you in front of my wingline while building up an energy advantage. I also took some snap shots to try and keep you turning more than you had to
What would you have done in my situation, besides claiming to be from the Red Cross a mean (I think only Helo bought that line anyhow)?
Seriously, I would have extended a bit more using the excellent cockpit visibility to keep the D9 in sight. Then worked on an energy advantage before cashing it in for a kill
I would also think about what advantages my plane (P51D) had over the D9. The D9 with boost is faster than the P51 at most alts. But it's close enough that if you have better engine management than the enemy you might be able to get more speed out of your plane. Bellow ~320kph the P51 has a nice turn advantage with combat flaps on. Bellow ~370kph the P51 and D9 are pretty even. Above 370 the D9 has the advantage. The P51 has a climb advantage. The D9 has a roll advantage, but the P51s roll rate is not bad at all and doesn't get crappy at high speeds). This is all according to IL2 compare so take it with a grain of salt. Obviously you can't bring up IL2 compare in a middle of a fight. But it's a good idea to spend some time comparing planes with it and comparing it to what you notice flying them and fighting them online.
So assuming this is true. You should be able to out climb your opponent given equal energy state. So you could try and win the fight by more effectively storing your E as alt. Or if that doesn't seem to work you could try and take the fight to lower speeds for more of a turn fight. The first approach is safer so I would try that first. Getting slow can be very dangerous especialy if there is a chance of additional enemy planes showing up. Normaly I'm not to scared of slowing up a bit if I have to in a p51 if I have enough altitude to dive for speed. But the D9 can keep up with the P51.
I will be picking up Robert Shaw's book from our local library in a couple of days. If I like it I'll probably order a copy from Chapters. I understand it to be well illustrated.
This post should have gone under Tactics School thread, feel free to quote this and respond there Snoop. By the way, is Energy Fighting a natural progression of most pilots or are there folks who remain angle fighters but become better with that approach?
Great, I think you should get your own copy
. At first I didn't like it very much but I really just wasn't ready for it but after I got some experience and started reading the book I was quite pleased with it
Energy Fighting does not exclude angle fighting, but it goes beyond just angle fighting. There is no doubt that if you want to get better you have to be an energy fighter. If all you know how to do is angle fight you will be at a disadvantage to some one who knows how to angle fight as part of his larger energy fighting tactics. The same applies to someone who only knows how to boom and zoom.
Don't think of energy fighting as just trying to have more energy than your oponent but as away to make tactical decisions as to how best to use your energy state and potential and that of the enemy to win a fight.
Now don't get me wrong there is more to fighter tactics than just energy fighting, for example team tactics. But energy fighting should be a part of every fighter pilots fighting skills.