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Posted: Fri Mar 31, 2006 2:27 am
by Beowolff
okay, guys... just out, a NEW Bristol Brisfit two seat fighter/bomber/recon plane. though it really isn't made by the OFF team, its sort of "semi" sanctioned by them as a great addition to the game. this is a wonderful, manuverable, good weapons.

also has a good self installer proggy to put it right into your OFF folder for you.

get it here: ... e-aircraft" onclick=";return false;


Posted: Sat Apr 01, 2006 2:49 pm
by Beowolff
here's a pic of the new (third party) Bristol Brisfit. a VERY nice plane.



Posted: Mon Apr 03, 2006 9:29 am
by :FI:Scott
I never knew Chitty Chitty Bang Bang fought in WWI.

Missed last nights flying as Mrs S and I have had to retreat to the bedroom next door to my study (road works started outside house, temp traffic lights 24/7 on a portable gennerator, workers left permenantly it seems). She says my joystick creaks (no comments necessary thanks).

Hope everyone had a good time

Posted: Mon Apr 03, 2006 1:31 pm
by Beowolff
i couldn't get on last night at all. we had the storm of the century move through here... 75 to 90 MPH winds, hail, lightning like the Gods of War having at it, thunder blasting... POUNDING rain! jeesh!

up the road a few miles, several people were actually killed by the wind and lightning.

it got so bad, my poor ole pooch, Bugsy, actually crawled into the bathtub and lay in there shivering and panting for hours... actually, i sorta wanted to crawl in there with him.



Posted: Wed Apr 05, 2006 2:04 pm
by Beowolff
joined up with 60 squadron guys last night... good mission in the new Bristol fighter bomber. flew through some merciless flak and dropped my egg on an ammo dump... ka-blooie! nice fires and smoke. then nailed a Zep... those gas bags make a nice fireworks display! lol!

tried to strafe up an airfield but those pesky german machinegun nests kept hammering me so i took off for no man's land and crossed it in heavy flak, eventually finding my airdrome and touching down safely.

all in all, a nice mission.

then, just for the heck of it and to get in some ground action, fired up Day Of Defeat and dropped into a firestorm of hate and killing on some unknown DOD server... :lol:

jeesh! what carnage! naturally i had to join the sluggy side... with a bunch of allied infantrymen that wanted to slink around inside buildings and snipe at the enemy instead of pushing forward for the flags. snort! roll eyes! :cry:

the germans mopped the floor with us everytime because of that. guess the guys on my squad never knew that snipers CAN'T win a war! argh!

their actions left me and one other guy to do the pushing... and considering that it was basically me and that guy against an entire squad (about thirteen) germans (and they were GOOD fighters too) we did okay...or as okay as could be expected. during one level, i had killed 24 enemy soldiers, died 30 times, and captured 22 flags. on that same level, the other trooper had killed 14 enemy, died about 50 times, took 10 flags... of course, no matter me and the other guys' flag taking... just the two of us couldn't hold them against an assault of the entire german squad... while our companions were safe crawling around in the rubble waiting for perfect shots.

the other guy got disgusted eventually and left... after that, it was useless for me to even try, so i got out too.


still, a nice round of combat for a Tuesday night!


Posted: Wed Apr 05, 2006 9:06 pm
by :FI:Noter
Well, I'm up and running with OFF, my frame rates are sucking. I'm down to 600x800 and thousands of colors and all the graphic settings at 0 or 1/4 up on the bar. A bit afraid to go online for fear of the rates really falling off. It is fun though, a very nice feel and the ground (for what I'm seeing looks very nice).


Posted: Wed Apr 05, 2006 10:56 pm
by Beowolff
okay buddy! :D

glad to hear you're in the air!

now, let's figure out those frame rates...

first off, what are you running the game, sort of machine? sort of memory? vid card? etc?

next, what's your slider settings on in OFF?

i don't mean the "in-game" settings, but rather the sliders inside the CFS3 Config box "outside" the game inside the MSN Game/OFF main folder. are they set for settings 1? 2? 3? 4? 5?

the graphic load for OFF is double CFS3's graphic load, so if you're running on slider number 4 in CFS3, that would be like an 8 (if there was one) in OFF. now with my new Dell, i can run on maxed out settings in OFF....slider number 5... but from what i can tell, MOST people have to run at about 2 or 3 at the most. it REALLY makes a diff.

cfs3 config slider number 2 in OFF is still VERY graphic intensive...and way beyond the similiar slider setting in CFS3 itself. i tried 2 myself, just to see the diff...and there wasn't a whole lot.

also, the CFS3 config in OFF needs to be set up EXACTLY like the superpatch's last READ ME file indicates.

get back to me and we'll figure out what's wrong. unless you're flying on a relic (P-2) you should be able to enjoy OFF at a good frame rate with good, customized settings that you can enjoy and live with, no matter your computer's horsepower. besides, OFF, even as intensive as it is, is NOT as power hungry as if you fly IL2 well, you certainly should be able to handle OFF.

let me know.



Posted: Thu Apr 06, 2006 2:55 pm
by :FI:Noter
next, what's your slider settings on in OFF?

i don't mean the "in-game" settings, but rather the sliders inside the CFS3 Config box "outside" the game inside the MSN Game/OFF main folder. are they set for settings 1? 2? 3? 4? 5?
I am running a Pentium4 2.4
1 gig ram
256 9550 ATI Video(4 AGP)
SB Audigy

The only sliders I have messed with are the ones in the OFF game, the option/settings bar on the right, the screen shows the pilot standing next to his plane. I open the option/settings tab and select the viewing options. I have not messed with the settings outside of the game. I will have a go at them and see if that makes a difference. I will bump everything down to 2 and have a go.

Thanks Beo,

Posted: Mon Apr 17, 2006 5:53 pm
by :FI:IceFrog
Well I finally got around to setting this thing up correctly. Now OFF is not Il2 for sure, it’s a little primitive, rough around the edges…… but exactly what WW1 was, I think they did a great job, and it was fun to fly, I think it’s going to be like Il2 is for me, where I’m learning something new every time I fly it (I’m just scratching the surface of it now)
It was worth it, thanks Beowolf

Posted: Tue Apr 18, 2006 5:33 am
by Beowolff
no problem, Ice... glad ya like it. yeah, its NOT as slick visually as IL2...agreed, yet in some ways is not that far off either. but the hot WW1 action more than makes up for its faults. also...this is an EARLY version of it. phase 2, due out sometime this year, is supposed to be WAY WAY WAY better than phase 1... more planes, more equipment, more EVERYTHING... and they are working on some kick ass new planes even as i type this message... hopefully, they'll do some sort of plane addition addon soon.

by the way, have you added the semi-officially sanctioned Bristol Brisfit two seat addon fighter? way cool! if you're a member of Sim Outhouse (and if you're not, only takes a second to sign up) you can download the new Bristol here: ... tegory=BRI" onclick=";return false;

most of us regular OFF flyers already have and use the Bristol on a regular basis (its that good) so it shouldn't mess you up if trying to join an OFF multiplayer game.

again, glad you like it.


PS.... i've got a homemade mission ready for OFF if you want to try it out... email me or quick message and i'll send it to you.