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Posted: Mon Aug 29, 2005 11:26 am
by Kitty
Most likely the gaps are so high to keep things going for a longer period of time. Once people have unlocked everything and reached the cap with ranks as well, it's then when they start to look for something else. If they can't keep them selves entertained after that boredom might follow soon. Reaching for all the weapons and the highest rank is a good incentive to keep playing.

If the devs are smart they make sure they publish something new once a large part of the participents have reached their cap.

I'm getting a tad bit nervous now tho, knowing that BF2 won't run on my system I'm also worried that CoD will do the same to me :( And currently I don't see a gap in my cap to buy a better gfx card.

oh well. i can always play day of defeat, or try out for Joint Operations, or ... reinstall blackhawk down and team sabre and blow stuff up for shit and giggles.

Posted: Mon Aug 29, 2005 11:41 am
by :FI:Spitsfire
CoD will :)
If your still on the ti4200 BF2 wont as it needs a different shader thingy

Posted: Mon Aug 29, 2005 12:59 pm
by :FI:TacticalS!
Haven't cheated - yet. ;) Actually, what's the real point. This game really encourages teamwork/squad tactics - this is where the real fun is!

Been mostly offline or online in unranked servers (I guess with fellow newbies). Had a blast last night playing mostly a medic, following the same guy in my squad (the other guy seemed to mostly keep further away from us). Anyway, kept him and a bunch of other guys alive. Due to my team work, and some kills, managed to stay in 1st place until the end where I dropped to 3rd on our side. Up the teamwork!

One thing I notice is that you can stay in the game a whole lot longer if you have a medic. Run out of ammo - call in a ammo drop at your location.

Later I tried the sniper, and after being shot down a couple of times (where were they?), I was on top of a very high oil tank. Awesome view!


Posted: Mon Aug 29, 2005 2:00 pm
by Kitty
:FI:Spitsfire wrote:CoD will :)
If your still on the ti4200 BF2 wont as it needs a different shader thingy
sorry I meant CoD2, I have CoD. But anything requiring the 77.x drivers will be a no go, so most likely all new games that will be released soon I most likelywon't be able to play.

oh well, I guess I can always buy doom 3 instead. just out of spite I go and buy Joint Operations instead, same type of game as BF2 but at least it runs on my system :evil:

Posted: Tue Aug 30, 2005 5:04 am
by Menace
Joint ops is pretty much the same thing, only the helicopters cannot withstand 120mm rounds. (I'm not making that up.) The graphics engine is not as fancy, but it does have some really neat treats in it. (Lie prone and roll, that blew my mind the first time I did it) I would recomend it for anybody who wants to play battlefield 2 and doesn't have the horsepower to run it. Besides, Joint Ops is an excellent game by itself outright.

Anybody ever try Soldner? Just out of curiosity, downloaded the demo, but it really chugged, and was buggier than heck. That was joint ops/counterstrike with destructable trees, terrain and buildings. Only problem was, the netcode really stank, they had commanders, a gesture system, and gobs of vehicles in it. I wonder if anybody has played the full version, fully patched up? I see it on the shelves for about ten dollars, would it be worth it now?

BTW- I am currently trying to get Spook to buy Pacific Fighters, he may be flying soon, but he is now on BF2. We mostly play on the Zboard servers, mainly because there is no admins that can kick you if you swipe a blackhawk for a joyride.

Posted: Tue Aug 30, 2005 10:13 am
by :FI:Macca
Hi TactS!

Been away for a while - glad to hear that old good TacticalS got the game for his son :) and likes it.

Maybe we could do some Battlefielding as a bigger Fightin' Irish group soon?

I still haven't been promoted nor have unlocked any weapon.

But I will:)

Got two badges...can't remmeber which ones.

Posted: Tue Aug 30, 2005 1:07 pm
by :FI:TacticalS!
Yes Macca I would really like that too. It would be such a blast to have a bunch of :FI: form up a squad on a server (say 16-32 person). With TeamSpeak, and an assortment of solider types, we should be able to do some real damage. :badgrin:

Did some flying last night, but afterwards found myself back in BF2. Maybe just because it is new to me, but really find it more tactical than previous titles in this genre, though as Menace said there are no doubt other games out there as good if not better.

It was a 16-player, unranked server with only around 10-12 folks. I know that the lads were really newbies because, well, I came in 1st all three missions. :lol: Tried out my medic, sniper, and anti-tank soldiers. Didn't realize you can use externals when climbing ladders. Oh, great, now I can see the guy who shoots me when climbing high oil tanks. :? Had some success in a tank, but still can't fly the helicopter, unless crashing head first into the ground is the object. :(

Elected myself as Commander and enjoyed calling in artillery strikes. Question - Could only call in one strike. I take it there is a period of time before another can be called, or is it based on something else? Does anyone know how long until the next strike is permitted?

I also realized that when calling in a supply drop I need to be looking at the ground where I want the drop to land. Last night I looked helplessly as my cargo crate landed on top of a building I couldn't get to. Yes I was looking in that direction when I gave the order. #-o

I see there is a poll regarding the inclusion of a COOP mode. If they do have a COOP mode though, hopefully one can host and play on the same machine. That would be really cool!

This series (BF2) has a bright future, especially when that awesome WW2 mod is released.


Great to hear about SpookyRuben Menace. Would love to fly with him again.

Maybe we will meet up sometime on BF2. Post a possible time this week or next, and maybe we can jump onto TeamSpeak together. If I am finding strangers working with me in a squad, how much more could some :FI: on TeamSpeak really work as a team?


Posted: Tue Aug 30, 2005 3:23 pm
by Finbar1
Wasnt endorsing cheating,it's more a way to test out your unlocks before plumping for one on the multi servrs.Once you have chosen you have an awful long wait for another,and opinions are varied as to which is best guess it depends on your style etc.
BTW I have gone back to mouse and keyboard for the blackhawk,I find its easier to get it to fly at least in a semi correct direction.Like you I think an FI session would be a blast.

Posted: Tue Aug 30, 2005 3:54 pm
by :FI:TacticalS!
I know you were not endorsing cheating mate. ;)

Actually, I see hosts can have global unlocks - doesn't this allow for all weapons to be available? Maybe it is something else.


Yes, one of these weekends I will be online to fly/shoot something. Maybe we could plan a specific time in early September, and meet on TeamSpeak before heading to a server?

I believe the following mates have the game: Dutchman, Macca, Mefisto, Stovies, Menace, SpookyRuben, Sapper-FIN, L.F, Spitsfire, and myself. Any others?

What day should we have the session - Saturday or Sunday? When?

The long-weekend is coming up, so I kinda think it may be good for either day, but maybe some will be busy travelling or getting ready for school. Post your interest and availability folks!


Posted: Tue Aug 30, 2005 7:29 pm
by :FI:Noter
If BF2 will be a squad game you can count me. I will go by the game yesterday. I have the demo and love it. Big words for my ONE successful online session, but I would love to play this with the squad.


Posted: Tue Aug 30, 2005 7:52 pm
by :FI:TacticalS!
While I think the BF series (BF1942 and now BF2 - especially with WW2 Mod) would have offered deeper gameplay, I respect that the Platoon has choosen the Call of Duty series (which I also have and enjoy).

So I wouldn't purchase BF2 noter strictly on it being the Squad's FPS. We are presently waiting for CoD2 as a group. Hopefully, the system demands for this upcoming game will still allow everyone to play it this fall.


Posted: Tue Aug 30, 2005 8:25 pm
by Sapper-FIN
I see hosts can have global unlocks - doesn't this allow for all weapons to be available?
Yes it does...

What? An FI bf2-session?? I´m In!! ^:) If you need a sniper or a medic, i´m your man :D

If there´s anyone else, who loves beeing a sniper, it would be cool to practise some sniperteam tactics...

How about it, Menace? :D

Posted: Tue Aug 30, 2005 8:30 pm
by Kitty
I very much prefer tactical shooters, honestly. Games like Ghost Recon, the old Delta Force series, Swat 3 and now Swat 4 are games I enjoy the most.

Though due to my interest in wwii games I also enjoy shooters with a wwii theme, but I play them in a lesser degree (and I think i've tried only twice now to get online and both times I was unsuccessful lol). Then again I have played Return to castle wolfenstein for ages online, always opting for the medic.

Hmm, maybe I should just focus on being a medic, and nevermind where the game takes me - as long as I can stick a needle in someone's ass I'm happy!

Posted: Tue Aug 30, 2005 8:46 pm
by Sapper-FIN
Hmm, maybe I should just focus on being a medic, and nevermind where the game takes me
I think that beeing a medic, is somewhat more challenging (and rewarding), than beeing just a regular grunt or a sniper...

a) you gotta shoot at the bad guys
b) you gotta find the patients
c) you gotta reach them in time, so you can revive them

d) and all this, under fire :lol:

Posted: Tue Aug 30, 2005 9:00 pm
by Kitty
well Ijust noticed that in online games (and in mmorpgs) I enjoy playing a support class/role, so I often end up being a healer, or have healing/protection abilities.

As for it being more challenging, well ... no matter what class I pick, the other side always loves to fill me with lead or shrapnel!

Also being a healer type or medic in this case has it's draw backs as well, you can get yelled at on both sides lol