1) Do the Blue pilots ever encounter AAA guns that seem "unbreakable?"
I noticed that once in spring. But basically we try to avoid attacking AAA, as it is almost never worth what is paid for it when attacking. However I know about that bug, cant say what causes that ,as no mod objects are used on the map.
2) I want to learn more about front
Take a look into the missions we played, you should be able to follow which tanks were comin in and which got lost du human or AI planes or simple ground forces. The easiest way to learn how DCG is changing the front is to generate a DCG stock campaign and generating 10 missions in a row. Of course no AI planes will take influence but
at least u will be able to see how and when a location changes colour.
Basically,a location changes a colour as it is loosing the
virtual troop count. Tanks of course decrease enemies troop count, by shooting static objects at a location and increasing own troop count.If the troop count gets 0, the location turns contested, >0 a location changes its colour.
3) At start of today's 2nd mission, we were no longer able to take off from both airfields at Medyn as well as the Q7 airfield
You noticed you were not able to record tracks and AI planes didnt flew the first mission.
I told Frank, when he joined our TS I will load an old squadron setting from mission 4.4.1942, which then fixed the problem but changed some squadron positions and numbers. We had the same problem,as we were not able to start from several airfields.Of course that affected the plane count and their locations.
I dint want to reedit the plane situation before the second mission, as it would have been taken 40 mins to compare and test it on my local machine. I alreay missed 70 mins of the first mission to find the problem.
The troop measurement (troop count) is listed in the territory file. If you r interested in it, I will upload it in future to the log files.
here a short extract form up2date territory.dcg
Mozhaysk 2 allied=0 axis=40
Dorokhovo 1 allied=0 axis=0
Ostashevo 2 allied=0 axis=10
Ruza 1 allied=0 axis=0
Klementievo 0 allied=0 axis=19
Ruza_Airfield 1 allied=50 axis=0
Ostashevo 2 allied=0 axis=10
Borovsk 0 allied=0 axis=0->P7 = contested, not blue already,blue flag is just on top of red flag here. Check Bessarabia Thread, I posted there today the same thing to frank to location 4b.
A location can also be coloured although its troop count =0, but it is just weak in defense, when enemy tanks advance. I limited the max troop count to 50 in february, to keep the ball rolling.
Lowengrins forum has become indeed very silent after the database crash all really worthy info created in the threads got lost.I had around 1000 posts just related to question and answers...
But maybe
this is what you are looking for.
4) Blue forces control the I3 transport point, but not the one in Yukhnov (I2). From the route map, I cannot tell: must Blue forces also capture I2 before they can continue up the route toward L4, or are they able to go directly there, bypassing the I2 transport point?
The Yukhnov is actually a T-Crossing. One route moves from Yukhnov north to Iznsoski Airstrip, the other east to Medyn.
This sketch is a bit easier to follow the route at yukhnov I guess.
By default a waypoint to create route runs from 0 - 1- 2- 3 ....Blue follows that chronologic. Red instead follows the opposite only 3-2-1.
So Red can take Yukhnov only via Iznsoski atm.
But I can add a route that runs from Yukhnov Airfield to Medyn Airfield for blue and vice versa for red.
to be continued, back to work ....