Hi folks,
maybe you want make some thoughts about following topics
Bridges are a powerfull way to block adcancing vehicles.
But for not braking a complete campaign development the bridge repair time
should be discussed.
A downgrade kicks in as soon as a certain number of minimum planes is deceeded.
A downgrade plane is basically a technical weaker plane than its level 1 plane (e.g. Bf109F4 - Bf109E4), but the plane is determined by human decision.
The downgrade offers a certain degree of variabilty and sustainability, on the other hand
it happens to not work perfect each time in connection of DCG and MDS and needs manual adjustments.
2.1 Squadrons are filled to its maximums at 24. AI and humans use the same squadrons,
as soon as the minimum is reached the downgrade kicks. After a determined period of time the max numbers are filled again (resupplied).
2.2 Using different squadrons for AI and humans, as we did the past weeks on Moscow.
AI crashes and AI kills dont count into human plane numbers. Like Bf109F4 (human) and Bf109F4b (AI).
However at least one AI plane will have to fly in each human squadron /mission for being countable by DCG.If it crashes it will get substracted off human plane numbers.
This seems to be an issue of DCG as it is no born MDS Tool.
2.3 Using fixed plane numbers each mission, and no downgrades at all.
3.Industrie assets
DCG uses static oil trucks and transport trucks as indicator for an armys supply health.
Static Oil trucks influence the moving rate of an armys vehicles
Static Transport trucks influence the spawn rate of an armys vehicles.
Destroyed statics can be repaired by moving truck columns, passing the location with statics.
Il2 1946 maps offer several industrial buildings. If a static truck inside a building is destroyed, the building itself is "repaired" in next mission awhile the static inside gets only by passing columns
A pilot cant check in flight for sure if a static inside a building is destroyed or not.
3.1 placing static vehicles in front of industrial buildings
3.2 placing static vehicles at airfields
3.3 no use of static vehicles, using fixed rates
4.Game Version
Atm we use Il2 4.11.1 @ HSFX 6.0.17.
Since a few weeks/days stock Il2-1946 4.12.1 was released.
An updated HSFX Version is in the pipe but will probably last another few months.
4.1 playing with HSFX 6.017 @ 4.11.1 - switching to HSFX 7 @ 4.12.1 as soon as it got released.
plus: larger pool to use abalanced planeset ; minus: missing features of 4.12.1
4.2 playing with Il2 4.12.1
Please create a list for an =FI= balanced planeset (red & blue) for late 1943 and early 1944 (fighter,fighter bomber,bomber).
We do the same, that way we will have a base to discuss in TS.
Airfield Artillery
What numbers and kinds of anti air weapons would you like to see at airfields?
Categorizing airfields into 3 size levels (airbase,airfield,airstrip)
airbase: 2x 88mm/85mm ; 2x37mm/40mm; 2x20mm ; 2xMG
airfield: 2x37mm/40mm; 2x20mm ; 2xMG
airstrip: 2x20mm ; 2xMG
Static Airplanes
Shall destroyed static aircrafts at airfields be substracted from the total numbers?
Depending to decision from
Mission target
We got several ways to end a campaign.
8.1 each team has to conquer a single location to win
8.2 each team has to conquer one location out of two or three possible location to win
8.3 each team begins with the same initial numbers of locations. After a pre-definded time (e.g.20 missions)
the team with most conquered locations win.
8.4 one team has to break though a location, awhile the other team has to hold the location for a certain time (e.g.20 missions)
The questions above and probably follwing are a way to implement your meanings
to several key points.
You are invited to leave your comments to help forming the campaign from the beginning.
We will start with next Moscow mission next sunday 25th august.
first sketch, which represents the roads, location to conquer, depots and airfields implemented.
Not all airfields will be connected to the roads system, to keep the map small. That also means, nothing can get repaired at none connected airfields.
Location to conquer will have same distances to depots.
By the chance of 1/3 vehicles will spawn at the small depots, all remaining will get spawned at the main depot.