Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion

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Post by Skipper » Wed Mar 22, 2006 6:17 pm

I don't think he's got the game Matt...just forgotten his medication again ;)


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Post by :FI:Macca » Wed Mar 22, 2006 8:33 pm

It should be here tomorrow or on Friday. I hope to get my copy of Collector's Edition on Fri....cross your fingers, lads. There is a very limited number of copies said to be avaliable in Poland on 24th.

Glad i don't have PC in Warsaw, I don't have to worry thati will skip classes:) I can always sit in the back of the room and read the Pocket guideto the Empire....:)


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Post by :FI:TacticalS! » Fri Mar 24, 2006 9:16 pm

Picked up the GE for the Xbox 360 last evening. Watched the DVD video and my son playing it for about an hour.

Very nice game! Never played an RPG but looking forward (I think?) to it. The hype is true, though I'm sure there will be some wrinkles along the way.

Once I read the manual (I always do that - sick I know), then I intend to start my quest later this weekend.


Hey Macca - Just finished yet another R:TW campaign after playing Barbarian Invasion for quite some time. I enjoyed it more since the last patch. Still think this is a great game, though the AI certainly needs improvement (I play on H/H - VH just doesn't stay realistic enough for me).

Did you see the new Gallery and promo page for Medieval 2 over at the official website mate? It is looking really nice. Should be a lot of fun for us this fall. \:D/
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Post by :FI:Macca » Sat Mar 25, 2006 8:44 am

Hi there.

I pickeed up my copy of TES Oblivion, Collector's Ed.testerday. As I am at the university right now, just after an exam:), sitting in the computer room I can't play the game until toorrow night. But......I can always read the manual during the lectures:) or even the Pocket Guide to The Empire.

The game looks fantastiiiiiic from what I've seen, I hope it will be at least as good as Morrowind was and still is.

Concerning Rome TW. I haven't played it for quite a long time, but I'm really looking forward Medieval 2...looks amazing, I wnat the new Dell Quatro with 4x GF onboard....

Graphics in Medieval 2 are going to be absolutely astonishing...........


Ok, I'm gong back to my studies, I do really love them

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Post by :FI:Falcon » Sat Mar 25, 2006 4:01 pm

The game is frackin' fantastic.


This is "Sully" the very tall Leprechaun.

There are some shaky points but too few to mention now.

The character creator is tons of fun. Don't knock it at first, it takes a wee bit of practice.

The game is beautiful. The quest design is uber varried. Combat is wicked!

I will try to get a screenshot of some action later, but understand that fighting is so fast and furious that it's difficult to catch.

The emersion is the best yet. While I was stalking a shadowy figure a few nights ago, Eileen came into the room and said, "Hey." and I jumped about a foot into the air and screamed.

Uh, it was a manly scream ... really.


"He who warned, uh, the British that they weren't gonna be takin' away our arms, uh, by ringing those bells, and um, makin' sure as he's riding his horse through town to send those warning shots and bells that we were going to be sure and we were going to be free, and we were going to be armed."
- The history of Paul Revere's midnight ride, by Sarah Palin.
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It Begins for Me!

Post by :FI:TacticalS! » Sat Mar 25, 2006 10:20 pm

Great stuff Falcon!


Finally had the chance to start my quest into the world of Oblivion. Out of the sewers, finished my first leg of the quest, and now off to find the illegitimate son of the dead King.

Took a bunch of pics but my ability to grab them off the TV is, well, rather poor guys. :( I did manage to get a decent one at the opening scene of the campaign.

Beautiful graphics; great surround sound ambiance. Easy interface. Seems like a winner!

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Post by Skipper » Sat Mar 25, 2006 10:35 pm

I wish I could go out an buy this but my PC is just way too old :(

Trying to hold out til the end of the year in time for BOB...

but with agmes like this coming out all the time....its going to be mighty hard to resist! ;)

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Post by Menace » Sun Mar 26, 2006 12:08 am

I can't even leave the fricing town! There's WAYY too much to do!!
Although I belive the fantastic indoor areas are the stars of the show.

sneaky...sneaky.....SMASH- run away!

Damn lockpick.....

Oh yeah, there's a utility out there that lets you put anybody's face into the game. I'll post when I find it.
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After the move...

Post by :FI:Heloego » Sun Mar 26, 2006 2:34 am

...I have permission to upgrade my PC!

(drum roll)

Next up: ESIII - Oblivion; BF2, and one or two more! :D

Those screenshots are fantastic!
...and wear your feckin' mask!!!!! :x
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Post by :FI:TacticalS! » Sun Mar 26, 2006 3:29 am

Bet you will also be tempted to get GRAW (Ghost Recon Advanced Warfighter) Helo. Save your money and buy an Xbox 360 mate, we know how you love Billy. :D Plus I don't have anyone on my Friends List. :(

Good to hear about the upgrade!

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Post by :FI:Moog » Sun Mar 26, 2006 7:17 pm

So far I've spent more time just enjoying the scenery and physics than actually doing the quests. Throwing an apple farther than you can throw a ribcage? Playing with those skulls-on-ropes in the first cavern? Awesome stuff. And good news for you old-riggers... My machine is a P4 2.6GHz, 1Gb DDR-RAM, Radeon 9800 Pro 128Mb with Cat 6.3s and it runs the game sweetly with medium/high settings in 1024x768. Granted there's none of that fancy HDR lighting and pixel shader 3.0 stuff but it still looks incredible and the draw distance is BEAUTIFUL! I stole a horse and rode into the west country last night to watch the hills behind me cast their long shadows over Imperial City as the sun came down. Drool...
"Can that thing fire?"

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Post by :FI:TacticalS! » Mon Mar 27, 2006 2:58 am

You Oblivion addicts! [-X

Well, after playing only hardcore sims and strategy titles I was worried that this role playing stuff was too much like the Sims 2 my daughter enjoys. 8-[ Well it's NOT so there! :-$


According to their recommended specs my aging rig should also be able to play this game well. Of course for the price of a high-end video card one can just purchase a console that plays it well at max settings. ;)


I haven't played a whole lot. Crazy folks kept me busy shooting down poor German bombers Friday night. :roll: I have, however, closed the first gate and have some decent steel weapons/armour.

The graphics continue to really impress me so much. Such an immersive environment. When I have played the time just goes by so fast - 2-3 hours feels like 1/2-hour. Only Rome:Total War captivated me like this cursed thing. :D

Will no doubt be playing it here and there this week. Of course there's my GRAW campaign I have yet to finish. This employment stuff sure is cramping my gaming style. :lol:

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Tactical WHined...

Post by :FI:Heloego » Mon Mar 27, 2006 3:25 am

Plus I don't have anyone on my Friends List. Sad
Uh, don't you have to have friends first? ;)
...and wear your feckin' mask!!!!! :x
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Post by :FI:Falcon » Mon Mar 27, 2006 4:25 am

:FI:TacticalS! wrote:... Of course for the price of a high-end video card one can just purchase a console that plays it well at max settings. ;) ...
That is absotively possolutely true Tac.

But already there are almost one hundred mods available to change, improve, refresh and add to Oblivion that only PC dudes can enjoy.

Anything from new eye color to new armor, new buildings to new quests and playable races; and apps that will tweak anything from time expansion to changing that giant eye ball that stares at you while in sneak mode.

Most of the wee errors and quirks that shipped with the game have been fixed or given new options through the mod thingie.

So ...


... and I have a few new pics that show some cool stuff on either format for those folk who are considering to make the TES:O plunge.

Here's that big eyeball and a big cross hair too ...oh yeah, and a really big critter.



An action shot ... still too hard to get a really good pic of a fight. I'm barely surviving out there without putting down the sword and picking up the Canon.



Yeah, I'm bad, I'm bad ... ain't nothin' gonna get the super stealth ninja elf ...



There is a mod that improves the torch radiation/lighting effect. This is an unmodded shot.


Fal "PC only" con

Last edited by :FI:Falcon on Mon Mar 27, 2006 4:50 pm, edited 1 time in total.

"He who warned, uh, the British that they weren't gonna be takin' away our arms, uh, by ringing those bells, and um, makin' sure as he's riding his horse through town to send those warning shots and bells that we were going to be sure and we were going to be free, and we were going to be armed."
- The history of Paul Revere's midnight ride, by Sarah Palin.
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Post by :FI:TacticalS! » Mon Mar 27, 2006 2:49 pm

But, but you're playing a girl aren't you mate? :shock: :D

Thanks for the pics. Every time I play it I want to take pictures of everything. Like Menace mentioned, every building inside has been given a lot of attention to detail. Of course the lush, beautiful forests and panoramic vistas are near mind blowing. Just hard to fathom the quality work that has gone into this title. But I'm completely new to The Elder Scrolls so I suppose none of this stuff is new to the veterans of the series.

With regards to the modding mate I have to of course concede that point entirely. I just wanted some people (not necessary Friends Helo ;)) on my Friends List. :( :lol: While I do appreciate such work, I'm one of those old farts who generally only play the vanilla version of a game anyway. Besides the vanilla game will last far too long for me as it is. Plus there will be added content and patches via Xbox Live in any event.

I'll try to post some more pics as my adventure continues. I'm a Blade now with full Blade uniform/weapons, and have advanced to Level 2. I know nothing much but it's a lot of fun just taking your time, no? Love the ability to travel via the map. The quest said to go to the Imperial City and find a boarding house. Ok click Imperial City, ask for directions, walk in the general direction, look up and there's a lovely English-style projecting sign over the awning with the name I was looking for. Cool. 8)

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