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Posted: Fri Aug 19, 2005 4:49 pm
by Menace
Hombekian, and I'm usually the guy firing the unlocked support machine gun. Which is pretty good once you get used to the slow movement rate of the rounds, and it shreds blackhawks and jeeps. Wish I unlocked the G3 though. But I don't like running out of ammo. As far as severs go, I'm usually on the Zboard ones, but they seem horribly laggy right now. I'd use teamspeak, I'm usually on the" onclick=";return false; TS server with spook, and the voice quality is much higher than with the in-game VOIP.

Posted: Fri Aug 19, 2005 5:50 pm
by Sapper-FIN
Look familiar to me :lol:


Posted: Fri Aug 19, 2005 6:02 pm
by Menace
Yeah, There was ONE control point left, I wondered where the heck everybody was. There they were...Sniping....Not hitting anything......... Menace almost went to his dark unhappy place, where kittens have spikes on them, that day.........

Snipers don't cap points. As far as I'm concerned they don't do much of anything. Far too easy to find cover, jump in a truck and drive off. Can't tell you how many times I've been hit; rapidly figured out where the shot came from, and delivered a medicinal point blank shotgunning. They really are a support class, just like the AT guy. And if I see one more flying around in a Blackhawk I'll make sure I unlock the barret and make some TK's.

Posted: Fri Aug 19, 2005 6:12 pm
by L.F
how do you unlock weapons? :)

I`d really like a G3

Posted: Fri Aug 19, 2005 6:41 pm
by Sapper-FIN
how do you unlock weapons?
When you have enough points, you can unlock those weapons... one weapon after each promotion.

Rank 0: 0 points (Private) (No new weapons)

Rank 1: 500 points (Private First Class) (No new weapons)

Rank 2: 1000 points (Lance Corporal) (New weapon)

Rank 3: 10,500 points (Corporal) (New weapon)

Rank 4: 25,000 points (Sergeant) (New weapon)

Rank 5: 50,000 points (Staff Sergeant) (New weapon)

Rank 6: 75,000 points (Gunnery Sergeant) (New weapon)

Rank 7: 150,000 points (Master Sergeant) (New weapon)

Rank 8: 150,000 points (First Sergeant) (No new weapons)

Points are counted only at ranked servers...

Posted: Fri Aug 19, 2005 6:52 pm
by Sapper-FIN
Snipers don't cap points. As far as I'm concerned they don't do much of anything
Well, i´ve made over of 300 of my 521 kills, with a sniper rifle... It´s not the size, it´s how you use it :lol:

Posted: Fri Aug 19, 2005 8:50 pm
by L.F
Thanks sapper :)

Posted: Fri Aug 19, 2005 9:29 pm
by :FI:Spitsfire
Rank 7: 150,000 points (Master Sergeant) (New weapon)

Rank 8: 150,000 points (First Sergeant) (No new weapons)
... the same so instant promo?
or you have to get that much each time!? :shock:

Posted: Fri Aug 19, 2005 10:20 pm
by Guest
Sinipers are good if they are in the front, spotting guys, acting as squad leader, and providing cover. They are pretty much tailored for that. Hainging back and whacking guys trying to flank. Taking points?...Not so much unsupported.
Spawn camping? (which is what 90 percent of lone wolf snipers do, hate to say it, but they do). A necessary job, someone has to take down the guy heading for the jet, but COME ON!! 5 Guys shooting at 2 guys? You could go and capture that point in like 5 seconds nd move on!! Nope, not for the l33t snip0XRS.
Maybe shooting the guy out of the HMG turret on vehicles.
Other snipers.
Harrying fire.

Remember, that I really hate snipers in this game (possibly all games), any opinions expressed within my posts are horribly prejudiced.

Get 1 spec ops, 1 medic, 1 support and 1 sniper and you have a great raiding party. Snipers are good for squad leaders, they can shoot at long range and usually stay hidden so you don't have to run all the way back to the front. Ask yourself, do most snipers act like this?

I hate them, I've killed at least a good half dozen of them, with a knife of all things, and more with other weapons. Gotta like an opponent who looks through a tube, and has mines that gaurantee a punish for a teamkill. I have had to surpress myself a couple of times for screaming at a squadmate sniper running around in close quarters with his rifle out (Not a pistol or knife), it's pretty useless not zoomed in.
I've played them. I've shot people 5 times in the chest, and because of lag, I'm the one who gets killed by a pistol packing medic (MEC or PLA anyone?).
I find them boring: Whoopee, I'm playing a game that lets me drive tanks, Jeeps, Helicopters, Jets, and armoured personell carriers, but nope, that's not for me! I want to lie down on top of this building and look through a tube! What fun!

But I'm bitter, and old, and just went though a stand of alder bushes with my motorcycle at 40 Kph, so forgive me. :P


Posted: Fri Aug 19, 2005 10:22 pm
by Menace
Sorry that was me. Blame it on the Meds. :P

Posted: Sat Aug 20, 2005 1:25 am
by :FI:TacticalS!
Hate snipers - rgr! :D

Anyway welcome back Menace my Nova Scotian mate! Trust things are going well. I understand you might be going to school in the fall. Great stuff! How's my old buddy SpookyRuben? Why doesn't he fly anymore? Kepp suggested his PC needs upgrading.


Posted: Sun Aug 21, 2005 12:43 am
by Stovies_
What I dont understand is....

how the heck have the guys or ladies at the top of the stats chart got so many points already?

they must have no jobs and take shifts :)

BF2 Demo

Posted: Mon Aug 22, 2005 1:12 pm
by :FI:TacticalS!
Downloaded the BF2 demo last night for TacticalMatt. Got lucky and pulled it off from the nVIDIA site @18 minutes (much better than the 2-hour wait at EA Games).

Impressed. Of course the graphics are very detailed. Just love the shadowing and lighting effects. Walking by/in buildings and seeing shadows falling on you from objects above is neat. Of course everything is detailed and very real looking. And birds in the sky! Everytime I saw them I thought a bunch of grenades were coming my way! :shock: BTW can you shot them there birdies down? :badgrin:

Setup went smoothly. Playing the demo map (16-player) using shaders and 4xAA. Framerate was good (need to test with fraps). No planes in the demo. :? Tanks are very nice. Sounds are good. Tougher to get kills, but ok to prolong one's life. Really like the importance of the medic, especially to revive fellow squad mates. And speaking of squads, I did notice much improved squad play.

Question - I like the new sprint feature, which I mapped to my rolling button (press down) on my mouse. However, I couldn't find how to have it so that I could roll up/down for standing up/going prone (standing, crouch, prone) like in CoD. Is that possible?


Posted: Mon Aug 22, 2005 1:19 pm
by :FI:Mefisto
use online multiplayer to find bigger map to get possibility to fly mig, su or some other stuff like e.g. blackhawk, drive apc and boats, dont forget to use "9" when you jump from buildings, planes, etc
use some c4 on bridges...
use the shock-paddles on enemy :)

watch out for $%^& team-killers

i had some lovely time with BF2 demo :)

using roll to stand up - lie down?!

Posted: Mon Aug 22, 2005 3:07 pm
by :FI:Spitsfire
9? parachute?